Unanswered NPP with test prop and var?


Hey guys,

I'm going to be placing an order soon for a short 8-week test prop and var cycle while cutting that I want to run, and was thinking about adding in a low dose of NPP as well. The reason I want to add it in is mainly for the supposed joint benefits and the fact that I've never taken nandrolone and want to try it out. I'm going to be dosing the prop at 60mg eod or 210/week and var 40mg per day.

My question is would it be beneficial for me to add in NPP at around 105mg/week (30 eod) or is this too low and not going to provide any benefit? From everything that I've read NPP is much dryer than deca but I'm cutting and would still like to dose it fairly low. I will most likely be taking 6.25mg Aromasin on pin days, but I don't want to have to worry about trying to add in caber/prami. Any recommendations?

Also, in case it helps I do 30min of cardio 5 days a week and I will be eating in a 300-500 calorie deficit. 201lbs and 15.8% BF this morning.

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100mg of npp per week is waste of money and gear. If you want some results with npp minimum dose IMO is 300-350 mg per week. For joint support 200-250mg per week is solid.
100mg of npp per week is waste of money and gear. If you want some results with npp minimum dose IMO is 300-350 mg per week. For joint support 200-250mg per week is solid.
Alright, so you think 60 eod would be worth it for me to add in? 210/week?
400. It’s just one of those drugs that you won’t see much of anything at super low doses. 350 I pretty much noticed about as much as my TRT dose. 500 and it’s wonderful
I would compare 300 NPP to like 200 deca. So It would be in the medical / health dosage range for joint and such benefits. You could perhaps expect a little bit of something out of 300mg npp a week but it would be quite disappointing compared to what I’m sure you’re expecting out of it. I wouldn’t go below 450 for npp. Personally I think the real power of the compound will start showing around 500-600 though.
I would compare 300 NPP to like 200 deca. So It would be in the medical / health dosage range for joint and such benefits. You could perhaps expect a little bit of something out of 300mg npp a week but it would be quite disappointing compared to what I’m sure you’re expecting out of it. I wouldn’t go below 450 for npp. Personally I think the real power of the compound will start showing around 500-600 though.

Disco. The Matt’s use this drug a lot. My first go with it 5 years ago was hideously disappointing. It’s low af on the sides, and too many hesitate to get to it’s sweet spot.
Plus there’s the whole burning though a vial every 12 days that many shy away from.
Alright, so you think 60 eod would be worth it for me to add in? 210/week?

I m always on low dosages side, but with some steroids like NPP, EQ, masteron, primo low dosing is a waste of time and money. NPP has a half life around 4.5 days, so you can pin it e3d, but the minimum I would run NPP, for some muscle-building benefits, is around 350mg per week. For short cutting cycle masteron with var and test is a much better choice than NPP.
I would compare 300 NPP to like 200 deca. So It would be in the medical / health dosage range for joint and such benefits. You could perhaps expect a little bit of something out of 300mg npp a week but it would be quite disappointing compared to what I’m sure you’re expecting out of it. I wouldn’t go below 450 for npp. Personally I think the real power of the compound will start showing around 500-600 though.
Disco. The Matt’s use this drug a lot. My first go with it 5 years ago was hideously disappointing. It’s low af on the sides, and too many hesitate to get to it’s sweet spot.
Plus there’s the whole burning though a vial every 12 days that many shy away from.

I was hoping the Matt's would chime in lol. So with my diet and cardio regimen do you guys think I would still be able to stay pretty dry up at 400-450? Also I should be able to manage that dose with just aromasin right? I have plenty of adex as well, but don't want to have to add in a domapine agonist.
I m always on low dosages side, but with some steroids like NPP, EQ, masteron, primo low dosing is a waste of time and money. NPP has a half life around 4.5 days, so you can pin it e3d, but the minimum I would run NPP, for some muscle-building benefits, is around 350mg per week. For short cutting cycle masteron with var and test is a much better choice than NPP.
Thanks brotha. I've done masteron between 300-600 and definitely love what it did to my body, but I personally got a lot of daily anxiety with the occasional panic attack while on it and would rather try something new. I seem to be fine with oral DHT's at moderate doses though. Think I'm gonna try the NPP around 400 to start
I was hoping the Matt's would chime in lol. So with my diet and cardio regimen do you guys think I would still be able to stay pretty dry up at 400-450? Also I should be able to manage that dose with just aromasin right? I have plenty of adex as well, but don't want to have to add in a domapine agonist.

Thanks brotha. I've done masteron between 300-600 and definitely love what it did to my body, but I personally got a lot of daily anxiety with the occasional panic attack while on it and would rather try something new. I seem to be fine with oral DHT's at moderate doses though. Think I'm gonna try the NPP around 400 to start

Yes your Aromasin will do fine with it. Alongside Var, you won’t be watery at all on npp. I’m DRY AF right now on just 125mg Proviron with 500npp. It loves DHT. Same with Trest.
I’ve cut my my AI down over 1/2 because npp isn’t nearly as bad with estro once you get some DHT on board.
Great looking cycle right here. Won’t be bonkers gains but you could drop a ton of bodyfat while getting stronger and maintain all of-if not add some good muscle if your diet is really dialed in.
You should enjoy the hell out of this run.
Side effects on 400-500 are as follows:
-Night forehead sweats
-awesomeness and excellence.
There’s like 1/6 of us that get a smidge of insomnia but IME trazadone , which any doc will happily prescribe, knocks you to sleep easily.
Yes your Aromasin will do fine with it. Alongside Var, you won’t be watery at all on npp. I’m DRY AF right now on just 125mg Proviron with 500npp. It loves DHT. Same with Trest.
I’ve cut my my AI down over 1/2 because npp isn’t nearly as bad with estro once you get some DHT on board.
Great looking cycle right here. Won’t be bonkers gains but you could drop a ton of bodyfat while getting stronger and maintain all of-if not add some good muscle if your diet is really dialed in.
You should enjoy the hell out of this run.
**** now you got me all fired up hahaha. Thanks bro I can't wait to start gonna place the order monday as soon as I get paid. 4 NPP 2 prop and 4 packs of var already got all the ancillaries. Also ill have 20mg of cardarine going throughout
**** now you got me all fired up hahaha. Thanks bro I can't wait to start gonna place the order monday as soon as I get paid. 4 NPP 2 prop and 4 packs of var already got all the ancillaries. Also ill have 20mg of cardarine going throughout

Great brother.
One thing I’ve noticed with npp and Trest when using a DHT, I wake up dry but throughout the day I start to gain water. The morning is best to determine weight and your physique changes. Maybe this is true for everyone all the time but I always seem to notice more with these combos.
Great brother.
One thing I’ve noticed with npp and Trest when using a DHT, I wake up dry but throughout the day I start to gain water. The morning is best to determine weight and your physique changes. Maybe this is true for everyone all the time but I always seem to notice more with these combos.
Good to know, I usually weigh myself in the mornings at around the same time every day. Hey I know you're on TRT but how long should I wait for phenylprop to clear before starting PCT?
I've done masteron between 300-600 and definitely love what it did to my body, but I personally got a lot of daily anxiety with the occasional panic attack while on it and would rather try something new
So i am not the only one. I also had a love-hate relationship with masteron at 400mg per week. Strongest that i have ever been, but these out of the blue panic attacks man...and then hardcore anxiety for few hours after that...felt like pure terror.

I am thinking that the reason for this might have been exacerbatrd due to the fact that i pinned 200mg 2x per week. Perhaps spreading out the dosing to, say, eod, would make this disappear?

Also, what comes to my mind are the stories about low test/tren vs high test/tren and people talking how the sides are much worse with high test. Maybe it is similar with mast.
I ran test at 400-500 alongside mast. Maybe dropping the test to say 200 would help ease the mast sides?
I need to experiment my next cycle, but spreading the injections to eod woill be my first go to step.
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So i am not the only one. I also had a love-hate relationship with masteron at 400mg per week. Strongest that i have ever been, but these out of the blue panic attacks man...and then hardcore anxiety for few hours after that...felt like pure terror.

I am thinking that the reason for this might have been exacerbatrd due to the fact that i pinned 200mg 2x per week. Perhaps spreading out the dosing to, say, eod, would make this disappear?

Also, what comes to my mind are the stories about low test/tren vs high test/tren and people talking how the sides are much worse with high test. Maybe it is similar with mast.
I ran test at 400-500 alongside mast. Maybe dropping the test to say 200 would help ease the mast sides?
I need to experiment my next cycle, but spreading the injections to eod woill be my first go to step.

If you run masteron enanthate 2 pins per week is OK, but masteron prop EOD is the best way to use it. With masteron you will have more free test, IMO perfect ratio with test/mast would be 1:2, so test 300-350mg mast 600-700mg per week, that is great cycle :)