now or later?


Well-known member
eager to get my first cycle started (4 weeks on, 4 off, 4 on)...but i know about 2.5-3 weeks into it, i, traveling for a little over a week (basically the last week and a half of my planned use. I know that i wont be able work out at a gym that will allow me to use adequate weights and variety. im heavily considering holding off starting until i get back from the trip. whatchu guys think?
Wait.. IMO..
or if you don't you could do some volume training that way the weight would stay low but you could get some really good workouts... just another option...
Two options that I see... 1) Wait. This will let ya get in your 4 on 4 off cycle, and you'll definitely benefit more than if you just go half-assed for the last 1-1.5 weeks.

2) (and this would be my preference) Turn it into a 2 on 2 off 4 on 4 off cycle. If you have enough supplies, this would mean 2 on, then travel and push for the hardest workouts ya can with the limited equipment. For myself using 1-t/4ad I rarely losing anything after a 2 week off cycle, if I push reasonably hard for 2 weeks and then drop right back into another good cycle. JMHO of course :)
BrKonman said:
Two options that I see... 1) Wait. This will let ya get in your 4 on 4 off cycle, and you'll definitely benefit more than if you just go half-assed for the last 1-1.5 weeks.

2) (and this would be my preference) Turn it into a 2 on 2 off 4 on 4 off cycle. If you have enough supplies, this would mean 2 on, then travel and push for the hardest workouts ya can with the limited equipment. For myself using 1-t/4ad I rarely losing anything after a 2 week off cycle, if I push reasonably hard for 2 weeks and then drop right back into another good cycle. JMHO of course :)

i was thinking about optinon2. i would definetely prefer this if the 2 weeks on is enough for the benefits, and if like you mentioned, it the 2 week off afterwords gonna basically wipe out the initial first two weeks....(by that, lose any strength/weight/size i would gain) any others??
sage said:

i was thinking about optinon2. i would definetely prefer this if the 2 weeks on is enough for the benefits, and if like you mentioned, it the 2 week off afterwords gonna basically wipe out the initial first two weeks....(by that, lose any strength/weight/size i would gain) any others??

I follow a 2 week "on" regime normally. You will keep the majority of your gains as long as you increase the AMOUNT of weight you lift post cycle but reduce the number of exercises and/or sets.
sage said:

i was thinking about optinon2. i would definetely prefer this if the 2 weeks on is enough for the benefits, and if like you mentioned, it the 2 week off afterwords gonna basically wipe out the initial first two weeks....(by that, lose any strength/weight/size i would gain) any others??

2 weeks on should be enough for benefits. I regularly go 2 on 2 off for several rounds in a row. And between, I've found that ZMA and decent volume training tapering back to less, with equal-ish weight, is more than enough to keep the gains. I very rarely lose any significant amount of weight or strength(if any.)
Do you guys with experience think two wks on/off cycle will help you maintain your gains better than four wks on/off?  Is that what I'm hearing?  Later.
BrKonman said:

2 weeks on should be enough for benefits. I regularly go 2 on 2 off for several rounds in a row. And between, I've found that ZMA and decent volume training tapering back to less, with equal-ish weight, is more than enough to keep the gains. I very rarely lose any significant amount of weight or strength(if any.)

thats good to hear man. esp b/c i wanted to avoided spending excess $ on post cycle needs (of course, if its vital....i would cough up the cash) but with the zma's already in possession and on the 2 week on/off you said, should be enough to keep the gains of weight and strength.
Originally posted by deaconbill
Do you guys with experience think two wks on/off cycle will help you maintain your gains better than four wks on/off?  Is that what I'm hearing?  Later.

Possibly, but no promises. I've found in my case however, that the third week is always very low in gains(if any), and while the fourth week can be decent, I'd rather finish a 2 weeker, and only have to deal with 2 weeks off. Post-cycle is the hardest part for me, and with 2 week cycles I have things to look forward to. I also find gains from 2 weekers barely leave at all, while a 4 weeker generally has a few pounds drop off. It's just easier on the body, overall, doing 2 weekers.... JMO