Nanodrol / M-sten + Test prop cycle review and Pointy Nipple issue question


New member
Hello guys, quick few questions and advices are needed. All opinios and information are welcome

So I just done the Nanodrol cycle with Test Prop 0.5 - E second day as a test base.
The cycled went really well and I didn’t even had any bad side effects and actually was feeling great whole cycle apart one thing
Around at the end of the Second week or beginning of the Third week I noticed that my nipples look really pointy (like erected) on kind of every t-shirt I was putting it on. I didn’t really felt any discomfort like very itchy nipples or any noticeable bumps but they did felt them to be more sensitive at some points and that started me to get paranoid with time. So I added AI (Aromasin) 12.5g few or three times a week and increased frequirancy of my test injections but didn’t really noticed much difference apart that the situation was not getting worse but was staying about the same so at my 4th week I started taking Aromasin ED 12.5g Morning and 12.5g Evening as was thinking in case my AI is under doosed that should definitely do the trick to the nipples as the next option was just to end a cycle

So my 4th week my AI was added ED and I actually finished the week really well and strong, was feeling great and was at the most effective and visible time of my cycle definitely and was good at the same time however the nipple thing felt like a bit better was not really getting much of extra sensitivity to my nipples, the whole issue didn’t seem to get worse but they still stayed and are more pointy then before my cycle.,
I wanted to go for 5 weeks at least as I was starting to get the best results from it, was feeling really great just apart strange pointy nipples trough my t-shirt but then I got really unlucky with my back as I got my back problem from before (lumbar lateral shift) it came back again which was very painful and depressing at the same time so I had to go on a very strong Anti Inflammatory medication obviously I was not able to train that next week and it happened exactly at the end 4th week so by adding everything I didn’t really had a good choice anymore and ended my cycle exactly at 4weeks and stopped AI and cycle support end of 4th week as well and started my PCT with 25g Nolva ED and now I will be about a week on it. My nipples def got better but still more pointy then it was before cycle. Will that go away or should I add anything extra? Like for example Raloxifen? I can get that one if just there is a need

Also guys I saw some people talking that the better option for PCT would be to run Nolva and Clomid together? And in general that Clomid is best test recovery option during PCT. So should I add one maybe? As if thats the case it looks like I should. Before I was thinking that’s an overkill for such little cycle but now getting confused. Currently I am on only 25g of Nolva. And other things like Tudca, Priobiotics, Curcumin but that does matter much. Also I realizing now that I shouldn’t stopped taking my AI at the end of the cycle but lower it instead no?
Thank you in advance
Pointy hard nipples is not a sign of gyno. Gyno is a gland that grows breast tissue. Your nipples actually look soft and fluffy when you have a gyno flare up so I'd say your likely smashing AI's for no reason
Pointy hard nipples is not a sign of gyno. Gyno is a gland that grows breast tissue. Your nipples actually look soft and fluffy when you have a gyno flare up so I'd say your likely smashing AI's for no reason
I view it like when a lady’s nip isn’t perked up. So if your nips look like Oreo’s it’s a problem. Pointed I’d see no issue
Yeah but guys I mean they really looked pointy - erected. And when my chest is kind off sticking out first not a belly it is really visible and I can see people are noticing too so it’s kind of not the attention I want to have in general and I cannot ignore it myself every time I see that in the mirror. And also they DO become hard and sensitive sometimes but not itchy. So if I was popping AI's for no reason for a week… How can this be avoided next cycle for example? Is there is any way to avoid it or reduce it? As that was the most noticeable thing I was on cycle in general, you cannot not noticed that.. was distracting me a lot

Other than that Nanodrol is trully amazing compound
Yeah but guys I mean they really looked pointy - erected. And when my chest is kind off sticking out first not a belly it is really visible and I can see people are noticing too so it’s kind of not the attention I want to have in general and I cannot ignore it myself every time I see that in the mirror. And also they DO become hard and sensitive sometimes but not itchy. So if I was popping AI's for no reason for a week… How can this be avoided next cycle for example? Is there is any way to avoid it or reduce it? As that was the most noticeable thing I was on cycle in general, you cannot not noticed that.. was distracting me a lot

Other than that Nanodrol is trully amazing compound
If you go get some bloodwork you can find out what the issue may be and treat that issue. Otherwise your guessing and there could be 20 possible reasons this is happening. It could also be completely unrelated to your cycle. I cant count on both hands how many Time someone told me that they're getting gyno and then they ended up just having irritated nipples from their clothing Because they put on a few pounds during the cycle and their shirt is tighter and their nipples are rubbing.
I'm not saying that's your issue but what I'm saying is we can't tell you what your issue is it's just a gasoline game unless you go get some bloodwork done. My guess is that it's not estrogen related and a ai will play no part in this equation
If you go get some bloodwork you can find out what the issue may be and treat that issue. Otherwise your guessing and there could be 20 possible reasons this is happening. It could also be completely unrelated to your cycle. I cant count on both hands how many Time someone told me that they're getting gyno and then they ended up just having irritated nipples from their clothing Because they put on a few pounds during the cycle and their shirt is tighter and their nipples are rubbing.
I'm not saying that's your issue but what I'm saying is we can't tell you what your issue is it's just a gasoline game unless you go get some bloodwork done. My guess is that it's not estrogen related and a ai will play no part in this equation

Thanks for your answerimg bro. I do get you and I aggree with you, could be many things. What I do know from blood tests is that I was having higher Prolactine levels even before cycle as actualy it is staying on the higher side over 3 years probaly now I went even to doctors before about that they even done MRI scan to check if there is any tumor but everyting seemed ok for them... and the whole solution just was to sleep more and stress less to. I tried to drop it my self with some herbs and vitamins and it may done things better but didnt droped it fully still. Do you think it this can be something about having higher then usual prolactine levels?
Thanks for your answerimg bro. I do get you and I aggree with you, could be many things. What I do know from blood tests is that I was having higher Prolactine levels even before cycle as actualy it is staying on the higher side over 3 years probaly now I went even to doctors before about that they even done MRI scan to check if there is any tumor but everyting seemed ok for them... and the whole solution just was to sleep more and stress less to. I tried to drop it my self with some herbs and vitamins and it may done things better but didnt droped it fully still. Do you think it this can be something about having higher then usual prolactine levels?
Do you use cannabis? I have heard of some studies where the use of cannabis can affect estrogen and prolactin. Just a thought. No judgement
Do you use cannabis? I have heard of some studies where the use of cannabis can affect estrogen and prolactin. Just a thought. No judgement

Honestly bro yes 😬 that's the only thing i use. I don’t drink, vape or do anything else, not even eating sugar even if I smoke but yes there is lots of cannabis in my system and actually I did heard something what you saying my self long time ago but wasn't connecting that, thank you for pointing that out and reminding me. It probably does have something to do with that definitely
Honestly bro yes 😬 that's the only thing i use. I don’t drink, vape or do anything else, not even eating sugar even if I smoke but yes there is lots of cannabis in my system and actually I did heard something what you saying my self long time ago but wasn't connecting that, thank you for pointing that out and reminding me. It probably does have something to do with that definitely
I also use cannabis, quit drinking, butts, etc. I find it to be the only thing that keeps me sane.
I also use cannabis, quit drinking, butts, etc. I find it to be the only thing that keeps me sane.

Exactly the same! But even that comes with the cost and also probably effecting things mentioned by me above. So need to switch it off or pause at least that last bit aswell which is left but it's the only thing that keeps me sane aswell.. I was thinking hard about it and I think daily Meditation practices is the Key to solve this issue. If you have better ideas let me know
Exactly the same! But even that comes with the cost and also probably effecting things mentioned by me above. So need to switch it off or pause at least that last bit aswell which is left but it's the only thing that keeps me sane aswell.. I was thinking hard about it and I think daily Meditation practices is the Key to solve this issue. If you have better ideas let me know
Sabroxy XT or KannaEase might be something to try
You made some serious gains…that’s what people are noticing
Right, I doubt anyone is saying “look at that man’s erect nipples”. More like “wow I wonder what he does for chest?” Or “does he take aminos before or after his workout”. Or any question any of us get from non-gym goers
You made some serious gains…that’s what people are noticing

Hehe, honestly speaking and by taking off all the noise out yeah you right 😄 but that made me worry that it is something more serious and I shouldn't ignore that until it gets to the point where its too late to act appropriately... Even now still I would really like to avoid that my next cycle. And I really liked this little cycle apart that and will def want to have another go in the future.
Right, I doubt anyone is saying “look at that man’s erect nipples”. More like “wow I wonder what he does for chest?” Or “does he take aminos before or after his workout”. Or any question any of us get from non-gym goers

Yeah you probably right as you (yourself) are worst critiserer of your self. But that was just for the looks, that was like a signal to me that there is something not right here and that they dont look usua and like before cycle, which made me getting paranoid obviously about another next thing which is gyno.. If I knew its just a flare up like you guys say and its normal and it will go away with PCT I wouldn't even start worrying so much to the point to create a thread online and ask more experienced users. Just dont want to fck it up with these things, its enough having constant high Prolactin issue...
Yeah you probably right as you (yourself) are worst critiserer of your self. But that was just for the looks, that was like a signal to me that there is something not right here and that they dont look usua and like before cycle, which made me getting paranoid obviously about another next thing which is gyno.. If I knew its just a flare up like you guys say and its normal and it will go away with PCT I wouldn't even start worrying so much to the point to create a thread online and ask more experienced users. Just dont want to fck it up with these things, its enough having constant high Prolactin issue...
Very true. We are our own biggest critic.
Hehe, honestly speaking and by taking off all the noise out yeah you right but that made me worry that it is something more serious and I shouldn't ignore that until it gets to the point where its too late to act appropriately... Even now still I would really like to avoid that my next cycle. And I really liked this little cycle apart that and will def want to have another go in the future.

The best of us have a ‘gyno scare’ a couple times a year. It’s all good.

My most recent scare….strained the sides and slight front of my chest doing some DB RDL’s …Sounds like it doesn’t make much sense…but it happens. It took a bit to figure out how the fuk that happened and relieved…lol