my own Pheromone test

it seems the only way to prove to some people that pharamones work is to try it. So as confident as I am in a scientific breakthroughs, I decided to buy the big bottle of spray and not the sample. So I bought a bottle of Edge seeing as how many of you with similar circumstances without the pharamones have had a positive result.

I bought the unscented so that when I'm around the guys they don't know and have no clue and neither do the women (unless I want to tell them).

I have done a lil reasearch on the best way to use a pharamone product based on both positive and negative testimonies and plan to use that reasearch to use the product properly with the best possible results.

Stay tuned as I find out for my self if it really is The Edge :)
Re: my own Pharamone test

Cool. Keep us posted with your results. I'm sure a lot of people would like to know how it works (or not) :)
Re: my own Pharamone test

yeah I'm slightly fat (used to work out but now I'm walking for exorcise to get body fat down),I'm smart, and I'm a t-shirt and jeans type of guy so this should be very interesting. :)
Re: my own Pharamone test

Sorry for the double post, but I thought I'd like to give an update. I sprayed one spray on today and dressed casual but didn't shave (note I don't have a full beard and I am not close to it either). I did notice some things. I hang out with 2 fine ladies, and for awhile they hovered around in a general area I was in. Shari came up with a few excuses not to go to study (I'm in college) and walked back and forth coming back each time to where I was.

I noticed with my soft voice i commanded alot more attention than her boyfriend (I hang with him too). Also both girls were very open with communication (bummer I couldn't get them one on one).

before women would leave some space when they were tryin to get around me, now with plenty of space they're almost right up on me.

[Edit:McGF37] I forgot to add that Shari stole my seat twice and the other girl did once :)

I'm wondering that since I didn't get any real "date me" body language if i should go to 2 sprays. But when Maymester starts I'll shave and use one and see what happens.
Re: my own Pharamone test

Dont know about 2 sprays-
It would appear that the females already noticed you 1 spray.

IF these work, they'll still only get you so far. It will be a great day when my colone can go talk to females, and get numbers, and flirt. For now, It seems you just have to work with the Favorally stacked deck your working with.:twisted:

In other words, 2 squirst wont get you laid by itself.
IT seemed to work at one- Now its time to do your side of the deal...

Good Luck!
Re: my own Pharamone test

yes indeed, it's kinna my thoughts too. i didn't shave on purpose so that I could see it if guys where I bought the mones was honest about the product. They were very honest.

Plus I'm a christian so I'm not lookin for laid, just a girlfriend.

However I did get digits from a friend from high school that i haven't seen in a while. She and I have always had similar intrests.

And I found the soft voice Idea in the bible (I found that very intresting) "A soft voice turnith away a scornful wrath."
Re: my own Pharamone test

WEll, the soft voice thing works ONLY if you end up being the quiet type. Otherwisae, it can be seen as a sign of insecurity in general.
Christians can get laied too man! Just thought I'd mention. Um,.. lets see here,.. a particular scripture comes to mind: Something like Entering heaven based on deeds wont work, least he boast,.. Something like that. Basicly, being good isnt enough, as everyone has sinned.
ANYWAYS- There are some things that you can do to improve your image. I suggest you do them. This would include keeping up with yourself, down to the smallest detail. Wemen notice much more detail then men do. So, the smaller details you leave out, are the ones she'll notice. This also works FOR You, as a small, seeming insignifficiant guesture or comment, will be picked up by a female, while a guy wont even notice it.
The gym (if your not going, start going!), having conversations online with other hot females, (this is for pratice) are both things that will help build confidence.
Females find confidence attractive.
Watch Comoedy Central, learn how to be ****y, but FUNNY!! This is key. NOT one, then the other, but both these things at the same time.
Get yourself a cat. Borrow one, grab one off the street, .. whatever. Pay attention to its behavior twards you. The way animals act are driven on instinct. Act like you dont need it all the time, and it will always be at your feet begging for attention. If you constantly pick it up, hold it,.. it will know it doesnt have to make any advances twards you.

Anyways- If you think that these suggestions are a little off, or you couldnt apply them, essentually there 2 things:
Stepping up your appearence can build confidence, that will help YOU with wemen, and make wemen notice you. BE DIFFERENT then EVERY OTHER GUY!!!
- LEarn a thing or two about wemen. What I mean about this is that, you do your "homework" about working out, if your tring something new (like these pheremones),... LEarn what makes wemen tick. DONT go buying a "How to get wemen" book, there mostly crap.
Things about wemen just dont make sence. IF you can except this, then the behavior you WANT to do, will most of the time conflict with what you SHOULD do.

The point is this though,.. I realize your looking for a girlfriend. I am too. Why not!? The more wemen you meet, and talk to , the better the chance you'll find someone thats a good match.
IF you just looking to get this one girl, then thats a differnt story (and a differnt set of things you may need to do- again, do your homework. Take a few days to learn how a woman thinks. - then apply it the best you can to HER)

Im sorry if I make this all seem so complicated. In essence though, ALL THESE THINGS are things guys that are sucessfull with wemen do WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING IT.

Some of us (and yes, even me) just need to apply these "tactics" because we have not yet mastered that particular social skill.
You wernt born knowing how to talk, let alone communicate with people. You LEARNED it.
Talking with females is a SKILL, you can LEARN.
Getting email addresses (better then #'s) is a SKILL you ca nlearn.
MAkeing a female FEEL attreaction twards you, in MANY ways, is a SKILL you can learn. Unless your rich, famous, powerfull or very unique, the best thing you have going for you is personallity.
Luckaly for us, Wemen are also attracted to personally!!
This will work against you also-
Ask yourself this- How many times have you become "The friend".
You know,.. you get to know a female, only to end up in the friend catagory????
This CAN happen ONLY WHEN YOU WANT it to if you can figure out what makes a female look at some males as a friend, and others as a BOYFRIEND.

Well, sorry to go on and on and on,..
Even if you dont think you need any of this advice, at least look into it some. Im sure theres a perl of wisdom hidden somewhere. Im not impoling that love is a game either. But, you study for tests, why not dating!?!

Anyways- I should stop. Good luck with Everything!!
Re: my own Pharamone test

Ok tested again. This time, I shaved. and went around town being generally friendly. But what I have noticed. is a few of you get DITHL and don't really do anything. But I haven't had that happen yet.

Now is there something I'm doing? Or is there any special circumstances, or what?
Re: my own Pharamone test

mcgwirefan37 said:
Ok tested again. This time, I shaved. and went around town being generally friendly. But what I have noticed. is a few of you get DITHL and don't really do anything. But I haven't had that happen yet.

Now is there something I'm doing? Or is there any special circumstances, or what?

What does " A few of you get" mean? Meaning females, guys?... (Im assuming guys). YOu would be right. No amount of Mones whill close your deal (whatever that deal would be). It may make them more willing to approach you, but if your not prepaired mentally for the situation, then your gonna freeze up. And then, you blew your shot.
IF everyone would just realize that hot chicks are just females, like every other girl. And like every other girl, their human, just like you. Some were just born looking more like what we preceive to be attractive. The really hot ones know their attractive and have been exploiting it their whole lives.

Im not so sure I can comment more on your post, as I know you shaved,.. ok,.. good start. But I dont know what else you did. What were your results?
Yes I ment guys. Good Assumption. And yes I do realize they are just women (the hot ones). I've had countless friends that are hot women and really I'm more comfortable around them than some average ones.

But I'll tell you now I think its me cuz I've never really been great at carrying on conversation. I think part of it is maybe I don't think I'm very interesting so I don't have much to say. I Dunno. I really don't have a clue here. I'm really a guys guy, I can talk all day about sports and cars but I can barely talk about anything with some women.
Don't talk about you. Ask a few questions about something about or around her - but don't be a game of 20 questions player. Take your time to answer. Explore her world with her.
Agreed. COnversation can be tricky. You ask a few questions, poke a little fun, get a number and get out.

The best way I keep sharp in those areas is using Instant messengers. You dont need balls to IM someone. Just IM random hot girls and such, pratice small talk. You'll learn what conversations lead to "dead ends" (the point where they just dont seem interested anymore).
Humor,.. is key- remember,.. you must have the mind set that YOUR just giving them the oppertunity to talk to YOU! This keeps you from looking desperate. Pratice giving your good looking friends a little bit of a hard time- poking fun a bit,.. just check the reaction.
Anyways- Cant say it enough.. The best thing for conversations with females (for and after the first part) is USE IM TO "TRAIN" and learn this skill.
Its not just a regular conversation skills, there needs to be an added touch of humore, a little ****yness, and confidence. Its not so much what you say, its the way you say it.
I wonder if the majority of women are looking for the bad boy type. you know, sometimes I see some white chicks with these thugged out black dudes (not like that's wrong or anything. that's being open-minded which is great) and I'm like, hey, do these guys have some different pheramones or what. anyway, mcgwirefan37, have you tried acting kinda thugged out. saying,"yo whassup baby" and seeing if that works??
"Don't put the pussy on the pedestal"- a good quote from the movie 40 year old virgin. I'm no ladies man myself but when it comes to conversating with women, what I find works is that girls like to talk about themselves, as someone already mentioned. But when you're talking about yourself dont be afraid to fib-not lie- a little bit. For instance you seem to be religious so say something like yesterday at my church i volunteered to help feed the elderly. Something to get the point across that you are a genuine guy(which it sounds like you are) and that you care about others.No one gets hurt either so its not a outright bad lie. Also have your female friends help out.when you are already with an attractive female or a group of friends that are females, they(other women) think that they are missing out on something. Like i said im no hugh hefner and i myself could use some pointers but i hope it helps .
just tell em' you saved a bus full of blind kids from a hungry mountian lion and you'll have them eating outta the palm of your hand. :D
No they don't unless it's kinna a sercurity blanket for somebody then I could maybe see it working in some way.

But if a chick on IM can "get you" then you're good ta go. ^_^
Yeah I think that's the way to go in that situation. I always said if that was the case with me I wasn't gonna talk bad about his mother and make sure he understand the his mom and I both love him and that it just would've never worked out as good as if we got hitched.

You just gotta quit b*tchin about your ex when you gotta kid cuz it's more than just you and her. That's just the way I see it.
Those articles on how to pick up or understand women are crap, one thing wich made me waste a lot of time was "body language" most people dont know how to use it, dont bother going by body language.

Also asking questions is a good conversation starter, once you open them up just listen, women dont want advice or opinions if there going on a little rant(for lack of a better word) they just want someone to hold eye contact and nod there head and agree with them.

The best way to learn is through experience. The guys who score the most are the ones who get rejected the most, theres so much to it you just gotta learn for yourself, such as good judgement and other things you cant learn from a book.