Re: my own Pharamone test
WEll, the soft voice thing works ONLY if you end up being the quiet type. Otherwisae, it can be seen as a sign of insecurity in general.
Christians can get laied too man! Just thought I'd mention. Um,.. lets see here,.. a particular scripture comes to mind: Something like Entering heaven based on deeds wont work, least he boast,.. Something like that. Basicly, being good isnt enough, as everyone has sinned.
ANYWAYS- There are some things that you can do to improve your image. I suggest you do them. This would include keeping up with yourself, down to the smallest detail. Wemen notice much more detail then men do. So, the smaller details you leave out, are the ones she'll notice. This also works FOR You, as a small, seeming insignifficiant guesture or comment, will be picked up by a female, while a guy wont even notice it.
The gym (if your not going, start going!), having conversations online with other hot females, (this is for pratice) are both things that will help build confidence.
Females find confidence attractive.
Watch Comoedy Central, learn how to be ****y, but FUNNY!! This is key. NOT one, then the other, but both these things at the same time.
Get yourself a cat. Borrow one, grab one off the street, .. whatever. Pay attention to its behavior twards you. The way animals act are driven on instinct. Act like you dont need it all the time, and it will always be at your feet begging for attention. If you constantly pick it up, hold it,.. it will know it doesnt have to make any advances twards you.
Anyways- If you think that these suggestions are a little off, or you couldnt apply them, essentually there 2 things:
Stepping up your appearence can build confidence, that will help YOU with wemen, and make wemen notice you. BE DIFFERENT then EVERY OTHER GUY!!!
- LEarn a thing or two about wemen. What I mean about this is that, you do your "homework" about working out, if your tring something new (like these pheremones),... LEarn what makes wemen tick. DONT go buying a "How to get wemen" book, there mostly crap.
Things about wemen just dont make sence. IF you can except this, then the behavior you WANT to do, will most of the time conflict with what you SHOULD do.
The point is this though,.. I realize your looking for a girlfriend. I am too. Why not!? The more wemen you meet, and talk to , the better the chance you'll find someone thats a good match.
IF you just looking to get this one girl, then thats a differnt story (and a differnt set of things you may need to do- again, do your homework. Take a few days to learn how a woman thinks. - then apply it the best you can to HER)
Im sorry if I make this all seem so complicated. In essence though, ALL THESE THINGS are things guys that are sucessfull with wemen do WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING IT.
Some of us (and yes, even me) just need to apply these "tactics" because we have not yet mastered that particular social skill.
You wernt born knowing how to talk, let alone communicate with people. You LEARNED it.
Talking with females is a SKILL, you can LEARN.
Getting email addresses (better then #'s) is a SKILL you ca nlearn.
MAkeing a female FEEL attreaction twards you, in MANY ways, is a SKILL you can learn. Unless your rich, famous, powerfull or very unique, the best thing you have going for you is personallity.
Luckaly for us, Wemen are also attracted to personally!!
This will work against you also-
Ask yourself this- How many times have you become "The friend".
You know,.. you get to know a female, only to end up in the friend catagory????
This CAN happen ONLY WHEN YOU WANT it to if you can figure out what makes a female look at some males as a friend, and others as a BOYFRIEND.
Well, sorry to go on and on and on,..
Even if you dont think you need any of this advice, at least look into it some. Im sure theres a perl of wisdom hidden somewhere. Im not impoling that love is a game either. But, you study for tests, why not dating!?!
Anyways- I should stop. Good luck with Everything!!