methyls and lipids/ any easier on them than others?


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Title says it all lol..............I guess more specificaly though between SD, M4OHN and MDIEN are any of those eaiser on liver and lipids than the other and if so why?

While I am at it is the M4OHN or the MDIEN the better cutter support and why?
jcam222 said:
Title says it all lol..............I guess more specificaly though between SD, M4OHN and MDIEN are any of those eaiser on liver and lipids than the other and if so why?

While I am at it is the M4OHN or the MDIEN the better cutter support and why?
m4ohn should be very mild. I didnt run bloodwork after a 5,5 weeker of it. And now I'm curious if anyone ever did...
SD is hard, we KNOW this.
M-dien... no idea, but in general oral methyls mess with lipids, the more, the longer u run your cycle.
I ran a lipid profile following M4OHN, and everything was A-okay.

PCT was Nolva (which improves lipid profiles).
If you run Orals, run Nolva afterward.
sure, I think I keep revisiting this topic but: after nearly every little PH or Methyl cycle (2-4weeks) I've done - I used Nolvadex. That alone may have balanced the lipid profile.
Redeemer said:
SD is hard on lipids but how is it on enzymes?

Somewhere between M1T (terrible) and M1,4add (not as bad, but hardly mild)
jcam222 said:
Title says it all lol..............I guess more specificaly though between SD, M4OHN and MDIEN are any of those eaiser on liver and lipids than the other and if so why?

While I am at it is the M4OHN or the MDIEN the better cutter support and why?
I should have my result tomorrow.
Been running M4OHN for about 5.5 weeks.
Started at 16mg ED and ended up at 44mg ED.

Drew blood today.

I have to add that I had no result from the 5 weeks. Did not really have any change, I did not even notice I was taking it.

I think that I need to be at 44+mg ED and should have started much higher but now im out of it so...

If bloodwork is coming back tomorrow and everything is fine then I will run 2-3 weeks of SD.
I wouldn't run more than 3 wks of SD... I'm 2.5 through and I had planned on a 4 week run, but I'm dropping it back to 3, then taking a month off.
If Tamoxifen improves the lipid profile, why not just run a low dosage throughout the cycle (like 10mg)? Perhaps this would keep the lipids "mo betta" or balanced. I won't be the test product though.
Grassroots082 said:
If Tamoxifen improves the lipid profile, why not just run a low dosage throughout the cycle (like 10mg)? Perhaps this would keep the lipids "mo betta" or balanced. I won't be the test product though.

Because tamoxifen is not an innocuous drug. It can produce occular and liver problems among other things. So its use should be restricted to pct.
MarcusG said:
Because tamoxifen is not an innocuous drug. It can produce occular and liver problems among other things. So its use should be restricted to pct.
There are many substances better suited to improve cholesterol than tamox and which are harmless.
Syr said:
There are many substances better suited to improve cholesterol than tamox and which are harmless.

hmm, so is it not recommended to run nolva at all during SD?

cause that's what I'm planning on, to prevent gyno, at 20mgs a day.
Viper21 said:
hmm, so is it not recommended to run nolva at all during SD?

cause that's what I'm planning on, to prevent gyno, at 20mgs a day.
No, its pointless. Since SD doesnt cause gyno either.
If you read those threads carefully SD was not the cause.

If you are gonna run SD with a very wet compound like 4AD or test, then running nolva or an AI on cycle make sense.
chuckymiller said:
MorganKane - I was just curious about how your bloodwork with your MOHn cycle turned out...
Just got it today.
Its fine.
BUN was a little low.
My HDL a little low but its been a little low .
Total cholesterol was 131.
HDL 35
LDL calc 73
VLDL calc 23
LDL/HDL Ratio 2.10
Chol/HDL Ratio 3.7
Triglycerides 113
BUN 24

I am going to do 2-3 weeks of SD now.
Started today, then I will probably run blood work again.
MorganKane said:
Just got it today.
Its fine.
BUN was a little low.
My HDL a little low but its been a little low .
Total cholesterol was 131.
HDL 35
LDL calc 73
VLDL calc 23
LDL/HDL Ratio 2.10
Chol/HDL Ratio 3.7
Triglycerides 113
BUN 24

I am going to do 2-3 weeks of SD now.
Started today, then I will probably run blood work again.
Thanks for the information. I don't think I have seen anybody turn up bad lipids or enzymes yet on MOHN monotherapy. Unfortunately, its anabolic effects do not seem to be so great either.