max von
New member
Hi Guys. This is the first review of a supplement that I have done on this board. I have done
several post on here and the last supplement that I did a test an posted on here was Activia for Matt at designer supplements.
I was asked by Joey( J-Rod) from MAN if I would test his new product OROTINE. I decided that I would like to do a post on here
in ref: to this product. I hope that you will find this information helpful. If you have any feed back either good or bad feel free to
let me know.
First I must gave out a big thank you out to Joey Rodrigues the CEO/President of MAN Sport Products Inc for allowing me to do this test for him. I sent Joey (J-Rod) and email on thursday of last week asking him if I could do a test. He sent me an email back that day telling me that he would send it out on monday. So I got the product on friday and here we are.
OROTINE™ contains the patented CreaTate™ Tricreatine Orotate (creatine + orotic acid) complex; an exclusive Creatine and Orotic Acid infusion. Remember Orotic Acid!
One of the reasons that I wanted to try this product is as you know I have in the past talked about the fact that I have considered myself a creatine non-responded per say. I have tried mono and CEE with little sucess. But from what I have read and the talks that I had with Joey I am very excited to start this product as I think this one is going to be different. So you ask why this one over the others ones max? well here are some of the highlight that I took of of the MAN website
Contains 2 scientifically proven performance enhancing ingredients in one compound; Creatine and Orotic Acid!
Higher energy complex providing greater endurance and contractile force.
Contains Patented CreaTate™ (Tricreatine Orotate ) US Patent No. 6,838,562 B
Boosts muscle phosphocreatine more effectively by providing creatine as well as Orotic Acid which increases muscle Uridine levels. Elevation of intramuscular Uridine levels increase muscle phosphocreatine and creatine levels 38% and 3%, respectively.
The only form of creatine that can boost muscle carnosine concentrations.
Great for sprinting.
Stacks well with BODYOCTANE™
I hope to finally hit that 190 mark, this ia a weight that I have struggled to get to. The closest that I have gotten to this is 187 when I did my first cycle of superdrol.
I hope to increase my stength and stamina also, I am also looking to recharge my workouts as they have kinda gone a little stale lately.
As you all know I am a police officer so when I say mon-fri workouts that is based off of my monday- fridays that change every week because I work a 5-2 5-3 work scheduale. I will be working out on work days and take off on my days off.
I will do
MON - Bi's Tri's
TUES - Off
WED - Chest
THUR - Off
FRI - Back Shoulders
Know I now what you are saying what about legs. Well I will add that in cause as you know or dont I have tore both of my acl's so I dont go heavy at all on legs.
On my workout days I will post my results as far as how I feel and if weights went up and how strength felt. I wont post the weights that I lift as I have never been one to do that but I will give you plenty info to know how things are going.
I will be taking 1 tsp in the morning and the second in the pm. I will do this both on workout days and off.
I will also be taking no-xplode on workout day.
And last will be protien and a multi-vitamin.
5'08 180
ARMS 16 1/4 inches
CHEST 46 inches
WAIST 32 inches
BODYFAT 9% (done on Friday)
thanks for listen
several post on here and the last supplement that I did a test an posted on here was Activia for Matt at designer supplements.
I was asked by Joey( J-Rod) from MAN if I would test his new product OROTINE. I decided that I would like to do a post on here
in ref: to this product. I hope that you will find this information helpful. If you have any feed back either good or bad feel free to
let me know.
First I must gave out a big thank you out to Joey Rodrigues the CEO/President of MAN Sport Products Inc for allowing me to do this test for him. I sent Joey (J-Rod) and email on thursday of last week asking him if I could do a test. He sent me an email back that day telling me that he would send it out on monday. So I got the product on friday and here we are.
OROTINE™ contains the patented CreaTate™ Tricreatine Orotate (creatine + orotic acid) complex; an exclusive Creatine and Orotic Acid infusion. Remember Orotic Acid!
One of the reasons that I wanted to try this product is as you know I have in the past talked about the fact that I have considered myself a creatine non-responded per say. I have tried mono and CEE with little sucess. But from what I have read and the talks that I had with Joey I am very excited to start this product as I think this one is going to be different. So you ask why this one over the others ones max? well here are some of the highlight that I took of of the MAN website
Contains 2 scientifically proven performance enhancing ingredients in one compound; Creatine and Orotic Acid!
Higher energy complex providing greater endurance and contractile force.
Contains Patented CreaTate™ (Tricreatine Orotate ) US Patent No. 6,838,562 B
Boosts muscle phosphocreatine more effectively by providing creatine as well as Orotic Acid which increases muscle Uridine levels. Elevation of intramuscular Uridine levels increase muscle phosphocreatine and creatine levels 38% and 3%, respectively.
The only form of creatine that can boost muscle carnosine concentrations.
Great for sprinting.
Stacks well with BODYOCTANE™
I hope to finally hit that 190 mark, this ia a weight that I have struggled to get to. The closest that I have gotten to this is 187 when I did my first cycle of superdrol.
I hope to increase my stength and stamina also, I am also looking to recharge my workouts as they have kinda gone a little stale lately.
As you all know I am a police officer so when I say mon-fri workouts that is based off of my monday- fridays that change every week because I work a 5-2 5-3 work scheduale. I will be working out on work days and take off on my days off.
I will do
MON - Bi's Tri's
TUES - Off
WED - Chest
THUR - Off
FRI - Back Shoulders
Know I now what you are saying what about legs. Well I will add that in cause as you know or dont I have tore both of my acl's so I dont go heavy at all on legs.
On my workout days I will post my results as far as how I feel and if weights went up and how strength felt. I wont post the weights that I lift as I have never been one to do that but I will give you plenty info to know how things are going.
I will be taking 1 tsp in the morning and the second in the pm. I will do this both on workout days and off.
I will also be taking no-xplode on workout day.
And last will be protien and a multi-vitamin.
5'08 180
ARMS 16 1/4 inches
CHEST 46 inches
WAIST 32 inches
BODYFAT 9% (done on Friday)
thanks for listen