Looking for a coach


New member
Im looking for a coach to help me gain mass while employing research chems. I've researched products before, and while I've had some success, I want to connect with someone I can work with for a few months to really put on some mass. I'll explain my situation in more detail, but if someone is able to do this virtually with me, that would be great. I can pay by CashApp.
Not sure here..still new to AM.
What exactly are you looking for..??
Training, supps, nutrition and/or knowledge of PEDs..??
There's a ton of info at your fingertips..just be careful where you look..
Forums like this have tons of Vets with decades of Experience and Knowledge..most likely to help or point you in the Right Direction..

I've seen some great trainers at gyms and I know of a few that know a great deal about PEDs..
Educating yourself is Quintessential in this Game..Also,learning what Works best for you, is something others really can't tell you...something you have to learn..trail and errors, usually..!!

Other needed info..
Gear History

Many of us Vets, learned the hard way decades ago..Before WWW, Forums,AI's and Bloodwork..
Fortunately, today no one has to learn that way anymore..
Taking advice and tips from Experienced guys, can save not only time and money, but prevent injuries and propel gains..
If not a full time coach, perhaps some that will give you a blueprint for success and guide you through the Hard Stuff..

@Smont does/has done this type of coaching for people regarding training and nutrition (maybe for PED utilization as well, but I'm not sure and don't want to talk about that on his behalf).

I don't think the approach on training and nutrition changes all that much wether you're taking PED's or not. You might recover a little faster so maybe a slight increase in lifting frequency and/or volume. And if the gear increases your strenght rapidly, then having patience to not go too hard too fast and get injured, as your joints and connective tissues may not be ready for the rapid continuous increase in load on lifts.
@Smont does/has done this type of coaching for people regarding training and nutrition (maybe for PED utilization as well, but I'm not sure and don't want to talk about that on his behalf).

I don't think the approach on training and nutrition changes all that much wether you're taking PED's or not. You might recover a little faster so maybe a slight increase in lifting frequency and/or volume. And if the gear increases your strenght rapidly, then having patience to not go too hard too fast and get injured, as your joints and connective tissues may not be ready for the rapid continuous increase in load on lifts.
I try to keep 10 clients mostly for weight loss, some nutrition and training programs/accountability ect. I have a few ppl who use gear and have bigger goals too. I'm maxed out right now on my time tho. I'm actually trying to put things in place to expand on that but I have to walk away from some of my day job (schedule less) and I'm working on my own credentials as well. Hopefully by spring il be ready to rock with 25 ppl and build from there.

Basically, I would never take on ppl if I didn't have the time to give them there money's worth. So I'm trying to open up my schedule for more time/more advertising/more clients and make it a real business instead of a side hustle.

I appreciate the tag!
I train the same on and off cycle. I've always felt like on cycle your strength goes up pretty quickly, so just that alone has you doing a lot more total work per session. Say off cycle I'm doing 225 for 3 sets of 6, 225×6×3=4050 lbs moved on that one exercise. Now 5 weeks into my cycle I'm doing 275 for 3 sets of 6, 275×6×3=4950 lbs. That's a extra 900lbs to recover from that 1 exercise alone. Now add in 6 or 7 more exercises that day and your workload is A LOT More then normal.

Il usually do higher reps on cycle so that the weight increases dont get me injured. But same deal. 225×6 off cycle might turn into 225×15 on cycle. That's a lot more total load.

The only diet changes I make are less fat and more carbs, just because you can kinda stay full and pumped with the extra glycogen and you dont really need much fat for anything other then calories. All just my opinions.