Kai green 2008


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He looks like a mix of Predator and Busta Rhymes. He has a pretty amazing physique minus his gh gut. His posing routine is pretty wild as well
Those wheels are ridiculas, he was in last months issue of MD. Funny you wrote he looked like the predator cause that's what they called him in the mag LMFAO.....Still those legs are SIICCCKKK!!!!
Kai def packed on some more muscle it seems. He def has a sic physique.

And i agree, is legs may not to as massive as some, but way more shredded than most.

Future olympia maybe.

He almost always wins for best posing/routine.
Kai Greene has an amazing physique and his routines are certainly unique, but I find it entertaining. I just hope his past doesn't keep him from advancing as far as he might possibly could otherwise.

Haha. I love the Busta Rhymes and Predator comparison. I can definitely see the similarity.
Go to the MD page and you can find some videos of him and his everyday life. "Interesting," that word doesn't even start to describe him.

I don't have sound on my computer........I can tell he's a very unique guy by his columns in MD though.He seems like an artist or musician.Just very pasionate and see's things a little differently than most.Seems like a very nice,down to earth,caring guy from his column though.
Omg.. I Just A Clip From A 07 Show, He Has Gained Massive Weight With In A Yr... Look At The Shaw Ray Pro 2007 Show
kai is a good guy, i talked to him for a bit at the arnold. it was funny he was eating pizza before the show at night, not something i would ever do but hey i gues he was really hungry. how old is he tho? he seemd well into his thirties.
These guys get so dry and tight it starts to stop looking organic...
