Is there any PH that works well for women?


The True Warrior is one who conquers oneself
I have a female friend whos really into training....we havent spoken for some time (long story), but we are starting to become friends again...we go to the same gym and shes been asking me whats good for her..she actually asked me to make a meal plan..but i said ok nevermind


anyway,  are there any good PH's a women can take?  LIke ones that mimic stanazolol, or ox or any other for that matter.  Id really like to impress this chic and help her accomplish her training goals.  ANy info would be much appreciated .   This girl eats clean and trains well. 

Today she said, she wants to lose fat in her legs and get more solid again.  She was in a contest last summer and won, but shes never taken anything except protien and flax and vitamins.


you could always use anavar.... I know its not a PH but it has little side effects and is a popular choice for women...


yeah, but she has never even really used a supplement, not even ECA.  I doubt she will go from nothing to anavar.  I don't think we have any females at this board yet do we.


thanks though wyd. 


A good PH is 19-nor-4-AD....

It converts into Nandrolone...and Nandrolone is a hormone that women secrete during pregnancy to help increase protein synthesis (i.e. makes the fetus grow).

So of women secrete this naturally during pregnancy...why not supplement with it?


LG. :cool: 
Lifeguard said:
A good PH is 19-nor-4-AD....

It converts into Nandrolone...and Nandrolone is a hormone that women secrete during pregnancy to help increase protein synthesis (i.e. makes the fetus grow).

So of women secrete this naturally during pregnancy...why not supplement with it?


LG. :cool: 


i have a few members at my gym that use 19 nor diol, and they get great results with very minimal side effects.
both women and men will get awesome results wiht the correct dosages
Interesting, my girlfriend wanted to know about ph/ps for herself. Would there be any different (other than the common ones) side effects for her?
I would think the only real option in the PH world would be a 19nor, but I am not an expert on women issues.
19-nor is the best thing for women, I have also heard of women successfully using 1-AD. PA had a thread on this on
My wife went on a 6 week cycle of 4AD transdermal at 25mg a day. It was applied only once a day.

She was dieting at the same time and put on some nice muscle definition for her 5ft, 95lbs frame. She went up to 103 lbs and she is down to 97lbs after all the water left her body.

She did have water gain/bloat but it went away within 2 weeks.

She is bugging me for more now, LOL. She is PH junkie, LOL.

I may have her do some nordiol after the first of the year.

I wanted to add that she gained alot of strength as well. She could rep 95lbs on the flat bench for 8-10 reps for 3 sets on the 4AD.