
This video is great man, super interesting. It really shows how corrupt the supplement industry as a whole is and how most supplements are placebo pills. I always knew this but never to what extent. I still put my faith in some select supplement companies though.
Watched that earlier today.

Actually intrigued by the app now... especially if actually free.

Didn't see who's behind it though.

Loved the shots at AG-1 lol
If their genuine intentions are to call out BS supplement companies then this will absolutely be a game changer.

For some odd reason it feels like it's going to be some marketing ploy to push a brand or brands that may be behind the app.

Either way I'll follow along to see
Oh ya definitely nothing suspect or ulterior motives when a YouTuber posts a video with 90% of the information stuff most informed people know, sprinkles in some fear mongering (extra bonus for the extra scary scientific words), only for “surprise” I actually found the perfect thing to solve the problem to be revealed soon!

I’m definitely on the more pessimistic side, not that we definitely couldn’t use some help with these issues, more just that trying to wedge oneself into a savior position of an obvious issue is a pretty common grift.

Hey maybe some random service will fill this gap, but I’m just not convinced such a large industry will be cleaned up until larger actions can actually be taken. Considering the amount of personal responsibility that calls for and the types of things that would have to be done and the type of consumer that tends to be in this space (often actively partaking in the very schemes and systems they give lip service to disliking) I don’t see those things happening anytime soon.

I’m always happy when my cynicism is proven wrong tho. 😉

Has anyone else seen this?
Oh man!!! I’ve been a follower of Ryan for a few years. It does put us back into the “make real good” era again. Bums me out a bit because I want to trust the protein powders I have. I never go cheap, always get them from the nutrition shop that the local bodybuilders use. But maybe that stuff is not what it says it is either?