Im going to stop right after this I promise but I need your help I am coming clean...

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Hey its me again and I know what I am about to say will get me flamed big time and I know I have it coming but I feel its worth it to protect myself...

Let me come clean in hopes of saving my health....

I started lifting in October 2005... I began on a cycle of superdrol (10, 20, 20)... I pct with 6oxo and testrol for 2 weeks....

I am now in day 12 of Haladrol 50 with orasten-e.... I am 20 y/o and I am taking 3 liver protectant pills a day.

I am really afraid I am going to mess up my health and/or lose my gains bc I have no idea what I am doing and this has just been pointed out to me....

All I have for Pct is Novadex, a Gaspari product. I have been told i NEED nolva for pct and I should contact IBE for this... The problem is I have no idea why I am doing this, or how much to take, when to start, or for how long. I also dont know if I should take the novadex too, I really want to keep my gains/stay alive. In return for some advice I promise to stay off this stuff for awhile... Sorry
Umpire10589 said:
Hey its me again and I know what I am about to say will get me flamed big time and I know I have it coming but I feel its worth it to protect myself...

Let me come clean in hopes of saving my health....

I started lifting in October 2005... I began on a cycle of superdrol (10, 20, 20)... I post cycle therapy with 6oxo and testrol for 2 weeks....

I am now in day 12 of Haladrol 50 with orasten-e.... I am 20 y/o and I am taking 3 liver protectant pills a day.

I am really afraid I am going to mess up my health and/or lose my gains bc I have no idea what I am doing and this has just been pointed out to me....

All I have for Pct is Novadex, a Gaspari product. I have been told i NEED nolva for post cycle therapy and I should contact IBE for this... The problem is I have no idea why I am doing this, or how much to take, when to start, or for how long. I also dont know if I should take the novadex too, I really want to keep my gains/stay alive. In return for some advice I promise to stay off this stuff for awhile... Sorry
You should read the board rules, 20 is too young to be posting in this section. And I do not believe stupidity is a valid reason for doing so. Do some reading, maybe you will learn something.
Umpire10589 said:
Please I know and I promise im done I just want to get out of this situation healthy.... Im really scared

Stop taking the Halodrol. Start taking the Novadex per bottle instructions. Then put that stuff in a drawer and forget about it until you're older and have researched enough/worked naturally enough to consider using it again.

Best of luck to you.
That's it brother. take YR's advice. You're too young and you should drop it now and use the nolva per directions and move on by learning proper training and diet.

Everyone makes mistakes but the fool is the one who will not learn from them.
heres the best tip youll here. go to the forum at people there will actually help you even if u are young instead of flaming you. ill probably be flamed for saying this but its true.

anyone, if u order the nolva, which is a good idea, buy some empty caps and poor the liquid in there cause the stuff tastes like ****. start at 40mg for 3 days and go down to 20mg for 2 weeks. and chill, ur body will recover. give it 2 months
No I am a fair person (I have to be im an umpire lol)... If I deserve flames I will take them like a man.. I really want to develop a relationship and comradarity with the guys here and I think the only way to do this is to be honest with you, and myself. I want to finish the Haladrol and Orasten-e Im halfway done as is... After which ill forget they exist, (i have other issues with body image but I want to live.)

Can someone please tell me wat I should do pct, I am scared for my safety I wouldnt bs you guys.
Yeah, help you how by telling you how to kill yourself by a bunch of teens that think popping pills will make you big and **** vs. actually using common sense and give honest helpful responses to recover from your mistakes.

The guy is taking **** that he has no idea of what it can do to the body in both short and long term effects. He doesn't know proper nutrition and i'll bet his training is ****ed too. Follow Yanke10's advice. He's a guy that sounds like he has your best interests at heart.
Also I am on day 13 now, not quite midway.... I can start the Nova now and dump the Haladrol if you guys think its best, but please whatever you think will help me tell me even if it hurts
Umpire10589 said:
Also I am on day 13 now, not quite midway.... I can start the Nova now and dump the Haladrol if you guys think its best, but please whatever you think will help me tell me even if it hurts

im pretty sure novadex is crap. get nolvadex.
Yes - test subjets can get tamoxifen for their labratory animals here. Invalid Link Removed

If I were you, I'd start administering a SERM along with supplements to reduce cortisol and improve cholesterol profile.
Umpire10589 said:
No I am a fair person (I have to be im an umpire lol)... If I deserve flames I will take them like a man.. I really want to develop a relationship and comradarity with the guys here and I think the only way to do this is to be honest with you, and myself. I want to finish the Haladrol and Orasten-e Im halfway done as is... After which ill forget they exist, (i have other issues with body image but I want to live.)

Can someone please tell me wat I should do post cycle therapy, I am scared for my safety I wouldnt bs you guys.

No worries man, you're not going to die. If you end the cycle now, novadex will be sufficient for PCT, and any liver and lipid damage should be minimal(or moderate) at day 13. I would end the cycle to stop any further damage. Do a good 3-week PCT of novadex, and get nolva aswell incase gyno ever pops up. It's really important to have your cycle planned out entirely 'cause you have to be prepared for any bloodpressure or gyno issues that occur.

Stay off AAS for a while, if you still want to use them then do a hell of alot of research and get your cycle reviewed before jumping in. Good luck.

No one is here to advise you on these matters. You are underage and need to stop posting...PERIOD. If you post again regarding this matter you will be banned permanently.

This is not the place to be handing out this sort of advice. Please refrain from doing so in the future. This is the only warning.
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