I need a good/convenient food supp. to take to work/gym/road etc.


New member
I'm looking for a high quality protein item without all the crappy sugar substitutes and with low saturated fat. Is there such a thing that is convenient?
Originally posted by gettin'old
I'm looking for a high quality protein item without all the crappy sugar substitutes and with low saturated fat. Is there such a thing that is convenient?

Prolab make a new MRP called Lean Mass Matrix I believe....its good


Original Met-Rx MRP's...my favorite is Extreme chocolate...mmmm...tastes like chocolate puding (although not as sweet)


LG. :cool: 
IMO...wardog's bars, man they are kick ass, and you exactly what is going into them. They may be a little high on carbs for some, but it's honey and oatmeal, can't beat that! I usually take 2 to work for snacks, and usually 1 before bed too.
LG, I just read up on the Lean Mass Matrix MRP and they look pretty damn good. This might be what I'm looking for. How do they mix up and taste?

I am also going to whip up some of Wardog's bars. Nothing from any of the supp companies is going to beat that!
Originally posted by gettin'old
Thanks LG. How is the post cycle going?

Post cycle goes well...I've lost water weight but no strength...so I'm down to 161...its all good :D


LG. :cool:
I make my own MRP........1/3 cup skim milk....1scoop whey....1tbs instant banana pudding....1 tbs fiber. I use the small ziplok snack packs....make a few and keep'em at work.....some water and a shaker bottle and I'm set.
Lean Mass Matrx mix really well in about 10-12 oz of water....slightly thick...but its all good...

I've only had the chocolate one and it was pretty good..


LG. :cool:
I use the small ziplok snack packs....make a few and keep'em at work.....some water and a shaker bottle and I'm set.
Bump on that... make your own 'meal-in-a-bag' type of thing with cheapo ziplocks, and take a shaker. Good to go, wherever whenever, and completely customizable depending on your diet that day, where you're going, etc.