Arnold definitely had an impressive physique in his prime. No question. I simply do not consider his physique the "ideal" as one or two earlier posters tended to suggest. ReaperX mentioned some chaps with outstanding body sculptures as well. One could expand that list a little. During Arnold's time, the list was not as broad as it is today. The pack was thin. In one of his Mr. Olympia victories, for instance, there were just one or two other contestant on stage! Simply not imaginable today. The pack is dense these days and the selection is tough. So, perfection had a different meaning and a different measure during Arnold's prime. Yet, none of this is to belittle his achievements in any way. He just was/is not the best of the best in my eyes. But, as has been said several times in this thread, to each his own. :cheers:
Personally, I prefer the build of ancient Greek Olympian athletes