I heard about arnold


that he had calf implants.I don't believe it,they look as real as can be.I have heard that all muscle implants look a little off,just like breast implants compared to the real thing.Thats what i heard today,so obvisouly they would of been further behind in his younger days.Anyone else hear this before?
:banned: Read rules. You cannot hate on Arnold here.

I don't think they even had breast implants in the 70's so they wouldn't have calf implants without his legs looking butchered.
I'm not harting whatsoever,i defended him.Theirs a big guy at my gym that just started working his legs.I asked if he has started hitting his calves.....long story short i said well arnold had horrible calves,but made them great by hitting them 6 times a week.He said"well arnold had implants"I said i never heard that,and here we are.Like i said.they look as real as can be.
I was kidding. A "no Arnold hating" rule would be pretty ridiculous. The dudes full of sh!t, and if he's a big dude that's never trained legs before that should tell you something.
I was kidding. A "no Arnold hating" rule would be pretty ridiculous. The dudes full of sh!t, and if he's a big dude that's never trained legs before that should tell you something.
I know you were kidding man.I know what you mean,but it tells me the fvcker is atleast a little gifted.He said he's been traing and eating right consistently for about a year.I don't know where he was at when he started being consistent,but he's pretty big now.I think he's around 27 or so,so theirs no telling when he started messing around with weights.I'm hoping to pass him with my upcoming m-drol cycle though.
Cool. Sometimes it's hard to tell online.

I started a thread a few years ago asking if Dorian could have had calf implants based on a certain picture. The pic looked crazy, but people pretty much thought I was on crack. :lol:

I don't really like the type that uses steroids before they have plateau'ed and come close to their genetic potential. People also underestimate their potential as well IMO. So to me the dude sounds like a d-bag, but some of them are gifted as well.
I've heard this rumor too. It stemmed from his large increase in calf size over a period of a year. It was a weaker body part and he worked them until them came in line. If he had calf implants, they would have been incredibly visible when he cut down his bodyfat, and you wouldn't have seen the incredible vascularity on his calves. So tell the big boy at the gym that calf implants don't have vascularity, that should settle it.
I've heard this rumor too. It stemmed from his large increase in calf size over a period of a year. It was a weaker body part and he worked them until them came in line. If he had calf implants, they would have been incredibly visible when he cut down his bodyfat, and you wouldn't have seen the incredible vascularity on his calves. So tell the big boy at the gym that calf implants don't have vascularity, that should settle it.

I did not belive him,and found a picture to study before posting.After he said that,i thought,i think i remember seeing a pic where they looked rounded at the bottom.I was just thinking,but when i looked at another pic,they were def real.The other could of been the angle,or me not remembering correctly.This is what i was looking for though.To see if it was an actual rumor.I will defend Arnold and his greatness,next time i see him.
The thing about his calves is true to the best of my knowledge. He turned all his sweat pants into shorts, so he couldnt ignore them anymore.
I heard he started putting crazy amounts of weight on his calf raises, like 500 pounds, to bring them up to par.
I started wearing shorts for the first time in about 8 years to give me more motivation.I read about Arnold doing this afterwards,I thought that was cool.I was already working my calves regularly before,but thought it was pointless to have big calves when you never see them.Atleast quads can be seen through jeans.It def gives me more motivation now that i and others can see them.It feels great to see them pumped too.
The thing about his calves is true to the best of my knowledge. He turned all his sweat pants into shorts, so he couldnt ignore them anymore.
I heard he started putting crazy amounts of weight on his calf raises, like 500 pounds, to bring them up to par.
I read that in Flex just yesterday!! he went crazy on his calves. Working them 6 days a week until they were up to par with the rest of his body. I don't beleive for a second that he had implants. Peole are simply jealous. Like calling Lance Armstrong a roid muncher when not one single test came back positive.
To think that arnold developed his massively awesome body naturally yet had to resort to implants on his calves is silly. If he could get his arms and chest that big, he could develop his calves as well.

cool fact about him rolling his pant legs up
No he probably did not get calf implants. Arnold's legs kinda sucked guys. His upper body was well-developed, but his lower body was not too special.
To me he looked perfect. I would take his physique over any other pro of any time including the current ones.

David Henry, Dennis Wolf, Dexter Jackson, Frank Zane, Serge Nubret, Toney Freeman.

Arnold's main deficiencies were his abs and legs. His delts were so-so.

His abs were close to non-existant and his legs were subpar. His extremely large upper body overwhellemed his lower body. Arnold's chest and bicep peaks were his strongest point.
David Henry, Dennis Wolf, Dexter Jackson, Frank Zane, Serge Nubret, Toney Freeman.

Arnold's main deficiencies were his abs and legs. His delts were so-so.

His abs were close to non-existant and his legs were subpar. His extremely large upper body overwhellemed his lower body. Arnold's chest and bicep peaks were his strongest point.
I like all the guys you picked out. Frank Zane looked very athletic, i like that. But i still stick with Arnie, he didnt get as shredded/grainy as the current guys but non existant abs is a bit overboard. Each to their own. There is no perfect body. I just think Arnie was huge but not grosely large like today's guys, he could still look good in everyday clothes unlike Cutler, Ronnie etc.
I have heard the calf implant rumur before but I don't think he did because he couldn't have trained legs at all for maybe two months after surgery, and that definitely would have showed(There's pictures of almost every day of his life after he won his first olympia)
Most people don't know about Brian Buchanan. He was from England. Probably the best shoulder to waist ratio known to bodybuilding. Even better than Will Harris.

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To think that arnold developed his massively awesome body naturally yet had to resort to implants on his calves is silly. If he could get his arms and chest that big, he could develop his calves as well.

cool fact about him rolling his pant legs up

Well he wasn't natural,he has said so many times,even today he will say it.He even admits that the joint was real and he inhaled,at the end of pumping iron.Which is where he also says one time,he and pretty much everyone used roids,but they were legal,and people would talk openly about them because of this.So it was different is what he's getting at.

I like the pant thing too.He actually cut all the bottoms off so he couldn't hide them.He said many people made fun of him and he hated it,which is why he wore pants and took pics in water.He said this is what turned them from his worst to best bodypart.Then everyone was complimenting and asking questions.

I like Arnold's physique too.His quads and hams could be bigger for my taste,but i bet you anything if he were in his prime today,he would have crazy legs.Prob bigger calves too.
Most people don't know about Brian Buchanan. He was from England. Probably the best shoulder to waist ratio known to bodybuilding. Even better than Will Harris.

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If I had that kind of shape, I'd show up to work like that.
If I had that kind of shape, I'd show up to work like that.

Just guessing,but thats like Ronnie coleman genetics before too many drugs and too much food.....if that makes sence.I guess i'm saying he could of been alot bigger if he said fvck it,i'm playing the size game.Bring on twice as much food and high doses of gh,slin,and test!
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Theirs something about that physique that is just awe inspiring.I will be the first to point out that his legs are taken out,and his abs are hidden by arm.But an amazing physique either way.I would kill for his upper body with Tom Platz legs.
Australian made; said:
Looks like he's carved out of stone in that pick. Simply the greatest.
To each his own :D
pantera101; said:
Yes.Do you like the look of bb's and are you striving for the look of a bb?If you are,i don't see how you can't love Arnolds physique is all.To each his own,whaever floats your boat,whatever tickles your pickle i guess.

Arnold definitely had an impressive physique in his prime. No question. I simply do not consider his physique the "ideal" as one or two earlier posters tended to suggest. ReaperX mentioned some chaps with outstanding body sculptures as well. One could expand that list a little. During Arnold's time, the list was not as broad as it is today. The pack was thin. In one of his Mr. Olympia victories, for instance, there were just one or two other contestant on stage! Simply not imaginable today. The pack is dense these days and the selection is tough. So, perfection had a different meaning and a different measure during Arnold's prime. Yet, none of this is to belittle his achievements in any way. He just was/is not the best of the best in my eyes. But, as has been said several times in this thread, to each his own. :cheers:

Personally, I prefer the build of ancient Greek Olympian athletes :D
Arnold definitely had an impressive physique in his prime. No question. I simply do not consider his physique the "ideal" as one or two earlier posters tended to suggest. ReaperX mentioned some chaps with outstanding body sculptures as well. One could expand that list a little. During Arnold's time, the list was not as broad as it is today. The pack was thin. In one of his Mr. Olympia victories, for instance, there were just one or two other contestant on stage! Simply not imaginable today. The pack is dense these days and the selection is tough. So, perfection had a different meaning and a different measure during Arnold's prime. Yet, none of this is to belittle his achievements in any way. He just was/is not the best of the best in my eyes. But, as has been said several times in this thread, to each his own. :cheers:

Personally, I prefer the build of ancient Greek Olympian athletes :D

Like Franky Zane. Ehhh Franky!!
Arnold definitely had an impressive physique in his prime. No question. I simply do not consider his physique the "ideal" as one or two earlier posters tended to suggest. ReaperX mentioned some chaps with outstanding body sculptures as well. One could expand that list a little. During Arnold's time, the list was not as broad as it is today. The pack was thin. In one of his Mr. Olympia victories, for instance, there were just one or two other contestant on stage! Simply not imaginable today. The pack is dense these days and the selection is tough. So, perfection had a different meaning and a different measure during Arnold's prime. Yet, none of this is to belittle his achievements in any way. He just was/is not the best of the best in my eyes. But, as has been said several times in this thread, to each his own. :cheers:

Personally, I prefer the build of ancient Greek Olympian athletes :D

I got ya.I don't consider him the best either,but i don't consider any the best.If i had to choose though,it would be Lee Priest as my favorite.He's huge,but not nasty ron huge.He's got calves and forearms to go with the rest.His abs are perfect.His six pack is others four packs,and their perfectly aligned.I like alot of the older bb's,but only their upper bodies.I'm in the older guys legs were underdeveloped group,as opposed to todays are overdeveloped.
I got ya.I don't consider him the best either,but i don't consider any the best.If i had to choose though,it would be Lee Priest as my favorite.He's huge,but not nasty ron huge.He's got calves and forearms to go with the rest.His abs are perfect.His six pack is others four packs,and their perfectly aligned.I like alot of the older bb's,but only their upper bodies.I'm in the older guys legs were underdeveloped group,as opposed to todays are overdeveloped.

Lee Priest is sick. I met him at the L.A. Fit Expo, he's the only one that I got kind of star struck over. Good pick :thumbsup:

Priest wouldn't be my personal number one BB, but he's definitely a top pick.
Franky Zane, not too much, not too little. Definitely wouldn't mind walking around like this

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Who's your favorite then?

My personal favrote it Victor Martinez, HOWEVER, the person I was most impressed by when I saw him in person was amateur Brandon Curry. He was thick as all get out and wide as hell. He stuck out the most to me amidst all the pro's walking around. I saw Dexter, Melvin Anthony, Priest, Lou Ferrigno, hehe, Chris Cormier, James Wheeler (tumor calves) and some large people who weren't conditioned, just huge and Brandon Curry still stuck out the most to me.

Look at the contour of this guys delts!

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You can find better pictures of more impressive bodybuilders, but you'd have to see this guy in person, pictures don't do him justice.
VolcomX311; said:
My personal favrote it Victor Martinez, HOWEVER, the person I was most impressed by when I saw him in person was amateur Brandon Curry. He was thick as all get out and wide as hell. He stuck out the most to me amidst all the pro's walking around. I saw Dexter, Melvin Anthony, Priest, Lou Ferrigno, hehe, Chris Cormier, James Wheeler (tumor calves) and some large people who weren't conditioned, just huge and Brandon Curry still stuck out the most to me.

Look at the contour of this guys delts!

Well-sculptured, aesthetically appealing, dense physique...
First calf implants ever done were in 1972, on an equestrian.

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Don't know if that helps.
Cool Amateur Vid, when they still look massive, but not freakish

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IjBKwy6_vE"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]