Hyde’s Strength Odyssey

I'm the same way. but gym mirrors are evil sirens. I can't tell you how many times I was impressed by what I saw in the mirror so I tried like hell to take an update picture and the picture just didn't compare so I deleted it 😅😅😅😅

This guy impressed me (quietly) with a very large deadlift, I was really admiring his strength. we didn't talk then randomly he comes over and asks how I built those guns. I was like wtf are you talking about. I thought maybe it's dysmorphia and I'm better off than I thought? I went home, measured and said nope, he's blind. still shooting .22's lol
What do you measure flexed right now? I think you have at least a good 9mm guns over .22's my man.

McKenzie Push-ups
Tspine Stretch
Cat Camels
Nerve Flossing
10 min walk
Bird Dogs
Side Planks
Ab Wheel

Reverse Hypers

Hatfield Squat to 16” Box
BW, 65,155x5
+1-ply Gateway briefs

Beltsquat to 14” Box
220 4x20

Today was satisfying, but more importantly felt extremely productive - getting the body used to some heavier weights again, but knees and back feeling great still. Next time I try these I think I’d like to go down to 15” and use my neoprene shorts while still beating this number. Definitely could have gone over 600, but I want to give the spine and connective tissue time to adjust.

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Pretty epic time you had at Elite! So cool and so stoked for ya man! That’s some next level there.
See all these weights starting to progress upward smoothly again. I’d say it looks like life is more than good
Box squat is insane!!!

It’s a lot easier when you get to use your hands and squat high! But it did make for some great, fairly safe overload. I could really keep my torso in a great position, sit further back, but still flex the crap out of my quads.

Everything feels great today, besides my arches & calves! Mashed out my calves and they’re fine, but right arch feels blasted from yesterday. I am flat footed and it’s just a ton of pressure; I think I might try them in my lifters next time for more support.

6 min walk
Tspine Stretch
Cat Camels
Bird Dogs
Side Planks
Ab Wheel
Glute Bridges
Cable Tri Extensions

Low Incline Smith
222 2x10

Cable Chest Press
Various warmups
180x10 RPE10

Chest Dips

ss w/ Knee Pushups on Knuckles

Low Incline DB Flyes
65 2x10

EZBar Tri Extensions

One-arm Cable Pressdown
16,11 2x25 each, per arm

Lat Pulldown
209 2x8

Ran the hypertrophy protocol for chest & tris that Swede taught me again today, and boy it is a spicy one! Tried to add some extensions in afterwards, but when you’ve already completed 5 RPE9-10 sets of compound movements & hit failure twice on mechanical dropsets…there’s not much left needing done! I mean after failing on girl pushups, no amount of rest was going to make even a 100lb EZBar feel as light as it should

Flushed my elbow tendons out, hit a couple sets of extra pulldowns, and went home swoll & worked - a great morning in the gym.

6 min walk
Tspine Stretch
Cat Camels
Bird Dogs
Side Planks
Ab Wheel
Glute Bridges
Cable Tri Extensions

Low Incline Smith
222 2x10

Cable Chest Press
Various warmups
180x10 RPE10

Chest Dips

ss w/ Knee Pushups on Knuckles

Low Incline DB Flyes
65 2x10

EZBar Tri Extensions

One-arm Cable Pressdown
16,11 2x25 each, per arm

Lat Pulldown
209 2x8

Ran the hypertrophy protocol for chest & tris that Swede taught me again today, and boy it is a spicy one! Tried to add some extensions in afterwards, but when you’ve already completed 5 RPE9-10 sets of compound movements & hit failure twice on mechanical dropsets…there’s not much left needing done! I mean after failing on girl pushups, no amount of rest was going to make even a 100lb EZBar feel as light as it should

Flushed my elbow tendons out, hit a couple sets of extra pulldowns, and went home swoll & worked - a great morning in the gym.
Pump Town population you Bro!!!
Man, I knew your strength would be there waiting for you or come back fast, but those are some BIG boy numbers you're running already!


6 min walk
Tspine Stretch
Cat Camels
Bird Dogs
Side Planks
Ab Wheel
Glute Bridges
Cable Tri Extensions

Low Incline Smith
222 2x10

Cable Chest Press
Various warmups
180x10 RPE10

Chest Dips

ss w/ Knee Pushups on Knuckles

Low Incline DB Flyes
65 2x10

EZBar Tri Extensions

One-arm Cable Pressdown
16,11 2x25 each, per arm

Lat Pulldown
209 2x8

Ran the hypertrophy protocol for chest & tris that Swede taught me again today, and boy it is a spicy one! Tried to add some extensions in afterwards, but when you’ve already completed 5 RPE9-10 sets of compound movements & hit failure twice on mechanical dropsets…there’s not much left needing done! I mean after failing on girl pushups, no amount of rest was going to make even a 100lb EZBar feel as light as it should

Flushed my elbow tendons out, hit a couple sets of extra pulldowns, and went home swoll & worked - a great morning in the gym.

That's my kinda bro sesh. When you hit failure on modified pushups you know you hit it hard 🤘
Man, I knew your strength would be there waiting for you or come back fast, but those are some BIG boy numbers you're running already!

That's my kinda bro sesh. When you hit failure on modified pushups you know you hit it hard

I was warned lol.

It’s pretty low volume, but with the amount of effort I get enough contraction that things seem to pump up anyway.

Plus there’s 6g Cit Mal in the Bucked Up, and I’m no longer training fasted: 500mg L-Carnitine, a serving of Apple Cinnamon fig bars & a banana pre, plus scoop of Karbolyn & serving of MA Labs Pro-Synthesis intra, is ~110 carbs pre/intra. ~800mg sodium as well. A pump is just inevitable. I am taking in about 1,500mg less sodium pre/intra, but the extra 630 calories of carbs & aminos with the l-carn just floods the muscle while sparing more glycogen. I routinely am finding myself hitting time caps now instead of running out of steam.

6 min walk
Tspine Stretch
Cat Camels
Bird Dogs
Side Planks
Ab Wheel
Glute Bridges
Cable Tri Extensions

Low Incline Smith
222 2x10

Cable Chest Press
Various warmups
180x10 RPE10

Chest Dips

ss w/ Knee Pushups on Knuckles

Low Incline DB Flyes
65 2x10

EZBar Tri Extensions

One-arm Cable Pressdown
16,11 2x25 each, per arm

Lat Pulldown
209 2x8

Ran the hypertrophy protocol for chest & tris that Swede taught me again today, and boy it is a spicy one! Tried to add some extensions in afterwards, but when you’ve already completed 5 RPE9-10 sets of compound movements & hit failure twice on mechanical dropsets…there’s not much left needing done! I mean after failing on girl pushups, no amount of rest was going to make even a 100lb EZBar feel as light as it should

Flushed my elbow tendons out, hit a couple sets of extra pulldowns, and went home swoll & worked - a great morning in the gym.

Single arm cable press downs are money. Good to see you rebuilding so quickly

McKenzie Push-ups
Tspine Stretch
Cat Camels
Nerve Flossing
10 min walk
Bird Dogs
Side Planks
Glute Bridges
Ab Wheel
Reverse Hypers

Kabuki Hi Handle Trapbar, beltless
+standing on 2.5” mats
65 2x10

Trapbar Shrugs

Today was big for me. I can tell my spine seems much more tolerant to ROM overall, but this was validation where it really matters.

Another 1/2” of mat/ROM today, another heavy set added, and 40lbs/10% more on the top set than last time! With another heavier set definitely left in the tank - could have jumped to 465/475x5, but I would rather stay safe and save it for next time when I add another mat. Today is 10 weeks post nerve pinch.

Insanely humid here as we’re in a bit of a heat wave through tomorrow, so even with 2 grams of salt & half a gallon intra I was completely soaked and spent by the end. Which means tomorrow night’s extra workout will be back and lower deadlift accessories

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I made the mistake of pressing play before I read the entry so yeah, I basically saw your montage as you lifted while I read it 😅🤘🔥
Man glad to see you coming back so quick….. those box squats last week were impressive.
Yeah, I would say you’re back.💪
BW 234.4

10 min walk
McKenzie Push-ups
Tspine Stretch
Cat Camels
Nerve Flossing
Bird Dogs
Side Planks
Ab Wheel
Glute Bridges
Reverse Hyper on GHR

Lat Pulldown warmups

V-Grip Chin-ups

CS T-Bar Row
135 3x8

1x6 (one hole closer)

Lying Leg Curls

Glute Bridges
2x8 SL

ss w/ Split Squats

Bunch of abs, lats, glutes, & hams. Felt a bit like I was struggling to recover a bit between sets, but then I’d go anyway and volume/strength were consistently good throughout.

Been eating a lot, but mostly quality nutrition most of the time. Sleep, hydration, stress levels all have been quite optimal as well.

Just doing my daily 30mg of test & 10mg GW, plus 500 l-carn preWO, but seems like with everything else on point I feel like I’m growing bigger & stronger by the day. Plus the rebound from the cutting weeks.
After that cut that quality nutrition should go right to those hungry muscles, and add in the muscle memory and you’ll be back to PRs in no time.
ART doc said everything is feeling awesome. Said my hips are more mobile than ever and back feeling good, to continue with my intended progressions.

I mentioned the improved elbow mobility and he said that shoulder felt incredible, less grit than virtually ever, so I’m happy we’re “seeing” the same things from different perspectives.
ART doc said everything is feeling awesome. Said my hips are more mobile than ever and back feeling good, to continue with my intended progressions.

I mentioned the improved elbow mobility and he said that shoulder felt incredible, less grit than virtually ever, so I’m happy we’re “seeing” the same things from different perspectives.
That is great news!

10 min walk
Tspine Mobility
Cat Camels
Bird Dogs
Side Planks
Ab Wheel
Glute Bridges
Band Pullaparts, Tris, Lats

Swissbar Bench
40 2x10

Incline NG DB press
50 2x30

DB Side Raises
30 2x10

ss w/ DB Rear Raises

It was humid as hell again this morning, and Swissbar is my nemesis, but I felt like now is a good time to try to ask more of my elbow & not worry so much about poundages used, so it made sense. Just focused on pushing my elbow ROM on it and the incline DB to work the foundation.

10 min walk
Tspine Mobility
Cat Camels
Bird Dogs
Side Planks
Ab Wheel
Glute Bridges
Band Pullaparts, Tris, Lats

Swissbar Bench
40 2x10

Incline NG DB press
50 2x30

DB Side Raises
30 2x10

ss w/ DB Rear Raises

It was humid as hell again this morning, and Swissbar is my nemesis, but I felt like now is a good time to try to ask more of my elbow & not worry so much about poundages used, so it made sense. Just focused on pushing my elbow ROM on it and the incline DB to work the foundation.
How much do those Swiss bars weigh?
How much do those Swiss bars weigh?

So this EliteFTS one is 38lbs. But I used our old overweight York plates this morning; every one is heavy as hell, like 46lbs plus. So the truth is the bar is 38, a plate a side is 130, 2 plates is 222+, etc - but that makes logging weights more tedious, so as long as I use the heavy plates I just call it 40 and round the rest down.

Its not an exact science 🧪
So this EliteFTS one is 38lbs. But I used our old overweight York plates this morning; every one is heavy as hell, like 46lbs plus. So the truth is the bar is 38, a plate a side is 130, 2 plates is 222+, etc - but that makes logging weights more tedious, so as long as I use the heavy plates I just call it 40 and round the rest down.

Its not an exact science 🧪
That surprises me I always thought they would be like 50-55 they always look massive.
That surprises me I always thought they would be like 50-55 they always look massive.

The frame tubing is hollow, otherwise it would end up like you said, making it unusable empty for weaker/older populations that might want it especially for shoulder positioning.
Ok I had something else in mind lol
Those work too... bend over and do more of a back and up behind your back motion, the dbs go out more like a narrow v and as far back and up as you can bring them without rolling your shoulder forward. Then you slow the db's down on the downswing to really activate the rear delt. Excellent isolation, and huge pumps from these! OI don't raise my rear flies out to the side any more now because this isolates them so well, Got that off of Mike Van Wyck.

10 min walk
Tspine Stretch
Cat Camel
Bird Dogs
Side Planks
Ab Wheel
Glute Bridges
Reverse Hyper on GHR
Roll feet bottoms
KB One-leg Deadlifts & Carries

Squat, power bar
45 5x3

Hoist Leg Extension

Hoist Lying Leg Curl

Felt like my pulse was high this morning even after great sleep. Could barely tolerate a bit of coffee and skipped the preWO. We were at a concert outside at a bar last night and my throat was off on the way home & when I woke up - figured it was from some nearby cigarette smoke. Didn’t feel great in training, really kicked my butt a lot harder than it should have (especially skipping a bunch of accessories).

Driving home from taking the fam to a local beach at a nearby lake and it’s hurting to swallow and now I can’t breathe out of one nostril - so looks like I am coming down with something

10 min walk
Tspine Stretch
Cat Camel
Bird Dogs
Side Planks
Ab Wheel
Glute Bridges
Reverse Hyper on GHR
Roll feet bottoms
KB One-leg Deadlifts & Carries

Squat, power bar
45 5x3

Hoist Leg Extension

Hoist Lying Leg Curl

Felt like my pulse was high this morning even after great sleep. Could barely tolerate a bit of coffee and skipped the preWO. We were at a concert outside at a bar last night and my throat was off on the way home & when I woke up - figured it was from some nearby cigarette smoke. Didn’t feel great in training, really kicked my butt a lot harder than it should have (especially skipping a bunch of accessories).

Driving home from taking the fam to a local beach at a nearby lake and it’s hurting to swallow and now I can’t breathe out of one nostril - so looks like I am coming down with something

Crap! Not you too!! Man apparently it’s going around everywhere.
There is some kind of upper respiratory junk going around here this Summer, but people seem to be getting over it pretty quickly. Hopefully it won’t get you down.
Hmmmm, what are your thoughts on the new fed Powerlifting United? Looks like everybody who is anybody is swapping over. Even the OG American WRPF directors. I just wish I knew what happened lol
Hmmmm, what are your thoughts on the new fed Powerlifting United? Looks like everybody who is anybody is swapping over. Even the OG American WRPF directors. I just wish I knew what happened lol

Never heard of it, but I don’t do all the social media stuff so no idea if someone has their panties in a bundle. Bet I’ll hear it before too long though unfortunately. But I am sick of this swap around crap; the lifters just need to stick to a fed. Once upon a time, even with the variety of feds you always knew where to go if you wanted the most competition. You went to the USPA for untested, USAPL for tested, and APF for Multiply.
Hmmmm, what are your thoughts on the new fed Powerlifting United? Looks like everybody who is anybody is swapping over. Even the OG American WRPF directors. I just wish I knew what happened lol
In most sports it’s usually about money somewhere along the way.
BW 235.4 yesterday

10 min walk
Tspine Stretch
Cat Camel
Bird Dogs
Side Planks
Ab Wheel
Glute Bridges

Lat Pulldown warmups

NG Chin-ups

BB Shrugs
260 2x25 w/ straps

KB Side Bend Giantset
53 6x8/side, nonstop


Lowe back/left hip started feeling off Sunday, and squats only seemed to make it worse. I really can’t explain it, but almost like both piriformas were aching. But I was getting pain in the ventroglute and back side of my left hip while trying to sleep last 2 nights - definitely worse Sunday after squats, even moved to the floor middle of the night to try to get a few more hours of sleep. Didn’t have appetite until 6pm yesterday, so I fasted yesterday until 7 last night and got some food in over about 3 hours.

Did upper back this morning so I would have more time to rest & fuel before for my chest workout tomorrow.

My left rear hip did seriously hurt just like this when I had OG COVID strain the first time (it’s never been injured), so I do wonder if I caught another quick round of it that’s aggravating that old viral injury. But feeling good now otherwise.
Never heard of it, but I don’t do all the social media stuff so no idea if someone has their panties in a bundle. Bet I’ll hear it before too long though unfortunately. But I am sick of this swap around crap; the lifters just need to stick to a fed. Once upon a time, even with the variety of feds you always knew where to go if you wanted the most competition. You went to the USPA for untested, USAPL for tested, and APF for Multiply.

Pretty divisive and annoying really. Powerlifting pipe dreams of world peace 🤣
BW 235.4 yesterday

10 min walk
Tspine Stretch
Cat Camel
Bird Dogs
Side Planks
Ab Wheel
Glute Bridges

Lat Pulldown warmups

NG Chin-ups

BB Shrugs
260 2x25 w/ straps

KB Side Bend Giantset
53 6x8/side, nonstop


Lowe back/left hip started feeling off Sunday, and squats only seemed to make it worse. I really can’t explain it, but almost like both piriformas were aching. But I was getting pain in the ventroglute and back side of my left hip while trying to sleep last 2 nights - definitely worse Sunday after squats, even moved to the floor middle of the night to try to get a few more hours of sleep. Didn’t have appetite until 6pm yesterday, so I fasted yesterday until 7 last night and got some food in over about 3 hours.

Did upper back this morning so I would have more time to rest & fuel before for my chest workout tomorrow.

My left rear hip did seriously hurt just like this when I had OG COVID strain the first time (it’s never been injured), so I do wonder if I caught another quick round of it that’s aggravating that old viral injury. But feeling good now otherwise.

Previously, with sciatic nerve pain, my piriformis would overcompensate for the pain in my gait and eventually end up aching. I seriously hate that nerve man and I feel for you
Previously, with sciatic nerve pain, my piriformis would overcompensate for the pain in my gait and eventually end up aching. I seriously hate that nerve man and I feel for you

That’s definitely possible, but it seems weird to me that it would be bilateral, and no obvious trigger event if so. Like I feel no disc/nerve pain, no obvious spinal problems. Idk 🤷‍♂️
That’s definitely possible, but it seems weird to me that it would be bilateral, and no obvious trigger event if so. Like I feel no disc/nerve pain, no obvious spinal problems. Idk 🤷‍♂️
it is good that you are not feeling any nerve pain, hopefully you are right and it is transient with whatever you are experiencing health / sickness-wise.
Counterpoint: no such thing as “too many” Marlboros.
When I was young back before the Jurassic era, we actually bragged about how many packs of cigarettes we smoked a day and if you weren't smoking Marlboro Reds, or Camel, you were considered a little biatch! I got up to 2.5 packs a day and was proud of how much i smoked because that is just the way things were back then. Over 2 packs was bragging rights. Less than 1.5 weak sauce.
BW 234.2

6 min walk
Tspine Stretch
Cat Camels
Bird Dogs
Side Planks
Ab Wheel

Low Incline Smith

Cable Chest Press

Chest Dips

ss w/ Knee Pushups on Knuckles

Low Incline DB Flyes

One-arm Cable Pressdown
16,11 2x25 each, per arm

Glute Bridges

Miniband x35,33,32

If I was sick, it seems gone. Kicked some ass tonight, improving everything.

The hip/low back thing was improved Tuesday evening & I was able to sleep normally, then worse it’s been last night - had to get out of bed, took ibuprofen, iced my low back and then finally went to sleep. But things have been better today for sure after the ibuprofen last night, so we will see if I can sleep tonight.
When I was young back before the Jurassic era, we actually bragged about how many packs of cigarettes we smoked a day and if you weren't smoking Marlboro Reds, or Camel, you were considered a little biatch! I got up to 2.5 packs a day and was proud of how much i smoked because that is just the way things were back then. Over 2 packs was bragging rights. Less than 1.5 weak sauce.
A day?! Sheesh, I mean aside from the cancer stick part - the cost alone of that habit is
When I was young back before the Jurassic era, we actually bragged about how many packs of cigarettes we smoked a day and if you weren't smoking Marlboro Reds, or Camel, you were considered a little biatch! I got up to 2.5 packs a day and was proud of how much i smoked because that is just the way things were back then. Over 2 packs was bragging rights. Less than 1.5 weak sauce.

That’s too rich for my blood. I’m a 5 Camel Reds a day man. That’s already $5/day out here in the Great White North.