Me too dude.Plus idk about everyone else but I got monster goals in 2023
Make 10k more then last year
Bench 405
Extend my side business from 10 clients to 20
And don't die lol
Me too dude.Plus idk about everyone else but I got monster goals in 2023
Not dying is also on my listMe too dude.
Make 10k more then last year
Bench 405
Extend my side business from 10 clients to 20
And don't die lol
Dustin I would try the zyn but I truly believe it will just get me back to dipping. I have to do this gradually and slowly to I make sure it sticks. I’m okay with dragging this out in order to lessen any withdraw symptoms and also “relapsing” I truly wish you luck with quitting again as well!
I've always felt that when you have a addiction, weaning off doesn't help the cravings, but if you put your foot down and just stop, deal with the torture for 7-10 days and then it kinda passes. Obviously this is my experience and everyone will have different ways to quit or cope. But I do think if you put it into perspective. 2 weeks of misery is worth years of not having to deal witj it any more. Also, just like logging your cycle or diet, you could start a quit smoking log or something like that. I feel like when your under the spotlight you make yourself more accountable for your actions. It might help. Ultimately the choice is yours. If you do decide to make a log then tag me. Or go to my thread and put the link in. It's basically just a chat room witj random bullshit and a few oddball updates on cycles and training.Dustin I would try the zyn but I truly believe it will just get me back to dipping. I have to do this gradually and slowly to I make sure it sticks. I’m okay with dragging this out in order to lessen any withdraw symptoms and also “relapsing” I truly wish you luck with quitting again as well!
Totally random but I haven't had any in two days now lol and I have some in my truck so it's not like I ran out.
I agree cold turkey is better
That’s a step in the right direction!I took the first step a few days ago. I started mixing 75% 20mg with 25% 6mg.
I will do this for a week or two then start adding more 6mg and less 20mg..
I have quit many things. Cocaine, alcohol, opiates, and nicotine. The worst “coming off” feeling was from opiates. Felt like you hadn’t worked out in 5 yrs and did a full body workout and tried to set PR’s for 1 rep max on all lifts w nausea and a fever. But the opiates don’t “call me”. Alcohol I miss but it led to coke. If I don’t drink, I keep my nose clean so I can def live w that.
I ripped 2 packs of butts a day and quit cold turkey. I also dipped on long drives to not smoke as many butts. My wife still smokes. So the temptation is always there. I have to do something “all in” when I do it.
Just quit man. It is the best thing you can ever do for yourself.
Brother from another mother???You must my my long lost brother... Thats me to a T.
I either do something "all in" or I don't do it at all...
Even the music/band thing. I did it for 35 years seriously, when I stopped, I dont even touch a guitar these days.
And I got 6 or 7 of 'em here in my office staring at me...
Brother from another mother???
At least now, my “all in” is w family, working out, and work.
Were you in C.S.D.O.? I use to see a lot of local bands play at bars vfw’s, legions, am vets, etc
needless to say the game lasted 3 minutes before i was vomiting from swallowing my saliva
I smoked about a pack a day for two years, and I quit cold turkey. I tried twice by weening off of it, little by little, but it always ended up in me going back to my old habits, in fact I'd just relapse and hit it harder. It was hard for the first 2 or so weeks, but I just worked my ass off and made sure to have something distracting me, always. When my mind gets bored it wanders.title is self explanatory but I used to dip for about 5 years. used vaping/e cigs to help quit the chew. (I know it’s not any better but..) Now I have been vaping for about 8 years and would like to now stop that as well.
Besides the obvious patches/gums is there any advice anyone can give me or quitting stories. Maybe even tell me how you feel you have bettered your life since quitting?