How much 4AD

Matthew D

Well-known member
Okay what is the minimum amount of 4 AD that can be added to homebrew to reduce the lethargy problem? I was thinking about doing one that is similar to the T1 Pro but using 8 grams of 1-Test and a small amount of 4AD but I just don't know how much.. anyone got any suggetions. I am trying to keep the gain kinda lean if I can.
I find that a general ratio of 2:1 (1-test:4-AD) gives lean gains and has just enough 4-AD to combat lethargy.

The other way around [2:1, 4-AD:1-test] gives EXCELLENT gains and has more aromatization.

Thanks Chemo I will start figuring using that ratio... umm.. starting to think I might need to do something like 6 grams of 1-test and 12 grams of 4AD. What do you think, sound good?
Matthew D said:
Thanks Chemo I will start figuring using that ratio... umm.. starting to think I might need to do something like 6 grams of 1-test and 12 grams of 4AD. What do you think, sound good?

That ratio should give you good gains, however alot of it will be from held water. Overall it really depends on what you goals are. If your already lean and want to gain mass and dont mind holding a few extra pounds of water then you can use the 2:1 ratio of 4-ad to 1-test, it will give you good gains. If your looking for leaner gains then go with something like 10 grams of 1-test to 5 grams of 4-ad. 15 grams of total androgen is really the max you want to put in.
4-ad gains are easier to keep, too - keep that in mind. All that extra water from 4-ad keeps you anabolic, too.
I am really starting to see the benefits of adding 4 AD to a cycle. I wish I had done that on my first one that I finished last week. I don't think I got the gains I could have if I had added the 4 AD to it.
With that much 4 ad, I'm sure you'll only keep a fraction of your gains. Say 70% or so. Most of the loss will come from the water weight.


Not so sure about that............I've kept all but 1 pound so far off a 1test only cycle. Gained 13 pounds in 4 weeks and kept 12 :D


Based upon a posting by Wardog on board about using 4AD and viratase on a cutting cycle that worked very well since the viratase took care of the water retention.

I was thinking about trying either a large dose of 4AD (1,200mg daily) with femara (Rx) to keep off the water for a 3 week cycle to finish off my 6 week cutting cycle. My first 3 weeks were tren/TNP @ 225mg each daily. I am out of tren is one of the reasons why I am changing substances also that the fact the tren is so hard on teste shutdown. I still have TNP though and could possible use it instead of 4AD.

I was also thinking about using 1 to 1 ratio of 1-test to 4AD but I am bit worried about my own test recovery after the 6 week cycle. Much like tren, 1-test is hard on the teste shutdown. I have 18 days to recover before going to Jamaica. I have nolva to aid recovery.

Any thoughts ???
The novla won't realy help in recovery it will just combat the estrogen. If you want ot recover in 18 days or at least somewhat you need to get clomid... That will do the trick... Talk to ya.
curt2go said:
The novla won't realy help in recovery it will just combat the estrogen. If you want ot recover in 18 days or at least somewhat you need to get clomid... That will do the trick... Talk to ya.


You may want to take a look at this article "Clomid, Nolvadex and Testosterone Stimulation" by William Llewellyn issue #6
Link Removed

An excerpt: "Nolvadex, used for 10 days at a dosage of 20mg daily, increased serum testosterone levels to 142% of baseline, which was on par with the effect of 150mg of Clomid daily for the same duration ...."

It is very interesting.

TNP = Test No Prop???

I don't see any reason why it would be difficult to retain gains from strong androgens (fina and 1-test), except for possibly the strong repression of the HPTA. Still, I would expect more weight to be retained from a 1-test cycle than a 4ad cycle, as the retained water from the 4ad will hastily make it's exit.

The 4ad combined with the femera should help you to cut without extreme catabolisim. The 4ad combined with the femera anti-e should also be less surpressive when compared to 1-test. The TNP might be overkill for cutting.

I would recommend coming off with the nolva (which will help bring the HPTA back into balance) and possibly add some FUZU in there for added libido. If your main concern of recovery before your trip is to have your libido in order, take some FUZU or even 4ad with you.
skazzel said:

TNP = Test No Prop???

I don't see any reason why it would be difficult to retain gains from strong androgens (fina and 1-test), except for possibly the strong repression of the HPTA. Still, I would expect more weight to be retained from a 1-test cycle than a 4ad cycle, as the retained water from the 4ad will hastily make it's exit.

The 4ad combined with the femera should help you to cut without extreme catabolisim. The 4ad combined with the femera anti-e should also be less surpressive when compared to 1-test. The TNP might be overkill for cutting.

I would recommend coming off with the nolva (which will help bring the HPTA back into balance) and possibly add some FUZU in there for added libido. If your main concern of recovery before your trip is to have your libido in order, take some FUZU or even 4ad with you.


What if I just insert 1-test for the tren and use a 1-test/TNP combo? And yes, on TNP=Test No Prop.

My main goal is to preserve muscle while dieting over the next 6 weeks on (21 days left)/18 days off


I tried to edit my above posting (FUZU) and add this one to it but I was unable to since 5 minutes had past.

Since the name of this is thread is How much 4ad, I thought I'd just slip a question in...

If going a transdermal Fina/4ad, what ratio would you guys suggest using? Same as 1-t/4ad, of 2:1 for lean, or is there a better option?
BrKonman said:

If going a transdermal Fina/4ad, what ratio would you guys suggest using? Same as 1-t/4ad, of 2:1 for lean, or is there a better option?

I would mix them in two seperate homebrew solutions. That way you can start your 4AD at about 200mg daily to see if that keeps your libido up. If not, add another 50-100mg daily, etc.....