Hey everyone,
I’ve been following a powerlifting-focused program for a while now, and I’m looking to optimize my squat progression. My current max squat is 405 lbs, but I’ve hit a plateau over the past couple of months.
There are so many different things to potentially take into account, so I am going to try and just stick directly to what you've mentioned to not get too far away from your main concerns.
How long have you been following programs like this?
You honestly can approach this in a ton of ways and there won't necessarily be any direct wrong answers, but you may just find scenarios that are best for how you personally respond.
I’m training squats twice a week: one heavy day (4-5 reps) and one lighter day (6-8 reps).
Depending on how you are doing this you can always play around with these (which might depend on below anyways). Varying the intensity (relative and absolute) over a training plan to keep progress moving.
Nothing wrong with them inherently though.
I’ve seen programs with variations like pause squats, tempo squats, and pin squats, but I’m unsure how to incorporate these without overtraining. Should I rotate variations weekly or stick with one for a block?
No real major concerns with worrying about issues of overtraining with rotating any of these in versus just the same squat twice per week.
Personally I'll stick with one more "main" movement that is usually the competition (however you do that, low bar, high bar, sleeves, etc.) and then the second per week is a variation (or both being variations if I don't plan to test "main" squat for awhile).
If you don't have any experience with any you honestly can just choose what sounds interesting or just choose one based on whatever "weaknesses" in the movement you think you may have.
Depending on training cycle length I either keep them the same for a "block" or if I am in a more open ended or longer training plan I may alternate the squat variation weekly (so main squat day 1, then alternate front squat and pause squat weekly for day 2).
Also, how do you balance intensity and volume to push past a plateau without risking injury?
Generally more volume further away from testing at lower intensity (percentage max) and then lowering the volume and raising the intensity (percentage max) as I get closer to testing.
The amount of volume, relative and absolute intensity, and other variables are probably going to be more dependent on your specific abilities, recovery, training status, etc.
Any advice on progression strategies or accessory work (quads, glutes, core) that you’ve found effective would be greatly appreciated!
Again, can be highly specific/different depending on squat style, strengths/weaknesses, and needs. Generally more accessory and higher rep further out from testing. I like to do more single leg work further out or as a break from specific work then move to movements closer to what I'd like to test (but still probably higher in the rep ranges) and then maybe move to more highly specific when I am closer to planning on testing.
Which movements are chosen can probably vary greatly depending on need.
And with that I already wrote way more than I intended, so will stop there unless/until you have more specifics you may need.