Help me bring de "boys" back ! ZMA?

My CC is outa commision right now, so I cant order 6 oxo. Im wondering if ZMA and flax will work along with th rest of my trib? I want too bring the boysback as quick aspossible so I can start my next cycle soon. Thanks... :p
I've always used Nolvadex.

I would pick up some Vitex, take 4 tblsspoons of flax a day, the ZMA and trib is also good to boost test. I really even need to say what to use???

Hint: it begins with an "F" and ends with "uzu"

hit that up about 6 caps/day for the duration of the bottle and the boys should be bouncin' like never before ;)


LG. :cool:
If you are going for ZMA, just buy some Zinc and Magnesium Asparate separately. It is loads cheaper than buying ZMA.

I got 100mg Zinc(100qty) and 300mg Magnesium(180qty) for around $10 US at WalMart. If you don't have a WalMart nearby then any local drug store should carry it pretty cheap.

I was taking ZMA HP from EAS and this is 1 less pill and a lot cheaper than ZMA HP and has all the Zinc and Magnesium Asparate you need.
Tamoxifen citrate is much cheaper than 6-oxo, and much more effective. Prescription, although you should be able to get it from some online sources.
Buck said:
If you are going for ZMA, just buy some Zinc and Magnesium Asparate separately. It is loads cheaper than buying ZMA.

I got 100mg Zinc(100qty) and 300mg Magnesium(180qty) for around $10 US at WalMart. If you don't have a WalMart nearby then any local drug store should carry it pretty cheap.

Don't forget to add your B-6 :D
Originally posted by Buck
If you are going for ZMA, just buy some Zinc and Magnesium Asparate separately. It is loads cheaper than buying ZMA.

I got 100mg Zinc(100qty) and 300mg Magnesium(180qty) for around $10 US at WalMart. If you don't have a WalMart nearby then any local drug store should carry it pretty cheap.

I was taking ZMA HP from EAS and this is 1 less pill and a lot cheaper than ZMA HP and has all the Zinc and Magnesium Asparate you need.

Excellent thread by K over at in regards to this:

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