Help, I lost my appetite!


New member
Currently doing a Test Prop/Tren Cycle and trying to shovel down 4500 clean calories a day! But lately I've just had a loss of appetite that I can't explain. The Tren has me so jacked up all the time, I just don't feel like eating. Any comments or suggestions, please???
possibly injectable B-12 maybe @ 1000mcg's EOD...that should jumpstart your appetite rather quickly...

i'm not an expert though...cause i'm sure there are other things besides B-12 that would do the same...hopefully OTC so you dont have to deal with ordering...waiting for shipping etc.

I also find if you make sure you drink a shake immediately upon rising then take your shower and immediately eat breakfast (15-20 minutes after the shake) your metabolism will keep you pretty hungry all day...hope this helps bro, good luck.

badbart, how do you combat the drowsiness associated with them though?

I know I for one can only get away with taking anti-histmines right before bed otherwise I'll be lethargic and just want to sleep all day at work etc...not eat, lol.

Any advice?

Clairitan is non-drowsy. They don't work for everyone but they seem to work for me. I can only take Benedrill right before bed.
goldenchild777 said:
Invalid Link Removed

Are you tired at all? I think I'm going to order some so I can cycle my ant-histamine, Calrritan seems to work less effective after a week or so. Calaritan still works after one week but not as good as the first week. Any other side effects? Whats your dosage? I assume its oral administration?
Here's what cutting edge says about it!

6 pumps=1ml about an hour before bed!

It does make me drowsy,which is great because I've had a hard time sleeping because I'm so jacked up.

When I wake up I can eat, eat, eat!!!

Ketotifen Fumarate is here!
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]Invalid Link Removed Fumarate is here!
Invalid Link Removed is perhaps best known for its ability to inhibit the down regulation of beta receptors caused by drugs like Invalid Link Removedbuterol and Invalid Link Removed. Invalid Link Removedbuterol and its sister drug Invalid Link Removed are typically cycled on and off because they desensitize the very receptors they act on to produce their fat mobilizing effect. Invalid Link Removed used in conjunction with either would allow the use of these fat burning drugs for much longer periods. This is convenient if, for example, a person is wishes to do a Invalid Link Removed cycle for a month or six weeks and use Invalid Link Removed to ehnance Invalid Link Removed's fat burning. Adding Invalid Link Removed would allow that person to use the Invalid Link Removed throughout the entire Invalid Link Removed cycle.

Invalid Link Removed is also recognized for its ability to lower levels of the catabolic cytokine Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). It is used by people suffering from AIDS or cancer to prevent muscle wasting caused to a large extent by TNF-alpha. In one study involving AIDS patients, combining Invalid Link Removed and oxymetholone showed that 18 out of 22 patients gained an average of 11.4 pounds after treatment of an average of 3.9 weeks (1).

There is a large body of research showing TNF-alpha lowers both testosterone and IGF-1 levels quite significantly (2,3). What's relevant to bodybuilders and other athletes is that strenuous exercise elevates TNF-alpha levels (4).

TNF-alpha has also been implicated in insulin resistance, the condition in which muscle uptake of glucose is hindered. Invalid Link Removed then could potentially improve insulin sensitivity in muscle. (R-ALA is so popular because it too improves insulin sensitivity.)

Besides blocking TNF-alpha, Invalid Link Removed is a potent appetite stimulant. This is an aded bonus for someone with a wasting condition, or someone on a bulking cycle. This almost certainly contributed in part to the weight gain cited in the study above. When cutting using Invalid Link Removedbuterol or Invalid Link Removed, this is obviously going to force one to exercise more will power when it comes to dieting.

Recent research has shown that hypogonadism (low testosterone) is also associated with elevated TNF-alpha (5). Testosterone replacement reduces these high levels of TNF-alpha. After a cycle of anabolic steroids, a person is essentially in a hypogonadal state, with elevated TNF-alpha. This could be a possible factor in the loss of muscle mass that is normally seen after a cycle. Adding Invalid Link Removed to a typical post cycle therapy (PCT) regimen would likely help stave off this loss of muscle until testosterone levels return to normal, or until beginning the next cycle.

So whether cutting or bulking, or as part of PCT Invalid Link Removed has a valuable place in bodybuilding and exercise recovery.

(1) Smart T. GMHC Treat Issues. 1995 May;9(5):7-8, 12.

(2) Mauduit C, Endocrinology 1998 Jun;139(6):2863-8

(3) Lang CH Growth Horm IGF Res 2001 Aug;11(4):250-60

(4) Pedersen BK et. al. Exerc Immunol Rev 2001;7:18-31

(5) Malkin CJ J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Jul;89(7):3313-
[/font][font=verdana, arial, helvetica]

badbart said:
Are you tired at all? I think I'm going to order some so I can cycle my ant-histamine, Calrritan seems to work less effective after a week or so. Calaritan still works after one week but not as good as the first week. Any other side effects? Whats your dosage? I assume its oral administration?
Awesome info, thank you I ordered Ketotifen. If I take a full dose of Benedrill I'm groggy the next day. Does Ketotifen leave you feeling groggy? Do you stay hungry all day?
No grogginess in the morning, and my appetite is good all day!

badbart said:
Awesome info, thank you I ordered Ketotifen. If I take a full dose of Benedrill I'm groggy the next day. Does Ketotifen leave you feeling groggy? Do you stay hungry all day?