Greek yogurt free protein cake recipe?


Pro Virili Parte
Ping TheSolution & Driven2lift ??

A lot of the recipes I see with whey follow the same format of pancake mix, egg and greek yogurt. Is there a way I can make a cake without the yogurt part?
Should be a few just using whole eggs for moistness

Will check when jome
Is this for a full cake or a microwave cake?
Either. I just was craving a cake type snack and was out of yogurt couldnt do the standard pancake mix, egg, yogurt, whey recipe
Either. I just was craving a cake type snack and was out of yogurt couldnt do the standard pancake mix, egg, yogurt, whey recipe

Sub in pumpkin puree until batter consistency

Or apple sauce

Trying to find my damn mug cake lol i will be so happy when everything is uploaded and in one place.
Have pumpkin and spinach microwave cakes
I ended up doing

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Didn't bake. Just mixed together and pressed into bars.
Greek Yogurt is a fat replacement, without it it will come out very dense and dry and taste like rubber. thats why it is used
Applesauce, pumpkin could be two replacements as well as banana's to help combat the dry/wet ratio.