Got a little Problem


Well-known member
Ok about three weeks ago i posted on another board that i had three bottles of LipoK left that i was willing to trade for some PH's. And after some e-mail tag and other things I finally decided on this guy who was going to offer me one Super One + and a btl of 1-t ethergels. i thought "great this is what i wanted" so i sent him one bottle (to prove that i was not trying to rip him off) and he would send the ethergels to me. Then when I got the egels i would send him the other two bottles and then he would send the Super One+. Well mine got to him on Monday and he said he was sending it out Wed and would e-mail me. Wed comes and no e-mail. So I e-amil him and he writes that he had a lunch meeting and could not get to the post office. He writes me back and says he will send it on friday and will e-mail me when he sends it out. It's now Sunday night and no e-mail. I just e-mailed him and i 'll see what he has to say. If not what would you all suggest i do? I was thinking about trashing him on everyboard i can think of. What do you all think?

Plus if he did pull a fast one on me does anyone want to trade two bottles (maybe a third later) for some PH's Avant labs or BDC?
Originally posted by YellowJacket
And can you shrink that avatar a bit? Its huge.

Here you go, a little smaller and cropped some.


  • oliva10.jpg
    8.4 KB · Views: 272
here you go with another resized AV

You could trash him on every board.. just wondering did he have a "normal" email account not like hotmail or something along those lines.. if he did you could do a little work and see if you could find the ass.. just a thought



  • oliva12gmv.jpg
    12.5 KB · Views: 256
Is my Av a problem?

And I have his name and address he lives in the state right above mine, so.... And do you think that trashing him on other boards would be acceptable? Or do you think i should let it go?
Is my Av a problem?

And I have his name and address he lives in the state right above mine, so.... And do you think that trashing him on other boards would be acceptable? Or do you think i should let it go?
Certainly dont let it go.... if it happened here PM me and let me know who it was.....
sorry to hear bout your situation lcsulla. I would vote to wait it out few more days, emailing him everday for the next few and if no progress is made, go out and call this cat out on the boards man. I would. Hopefully, you wil hear from this cat soon. I went through the same deal on ebay couple years back....i was had. (paid by cash...ha) Sage
I have done a lot of buisness with people on this and (when I used to be there) and have never been burned once. Let this be a lesson to all who are thinking of doing buisness in the internet barter way, its great and I support it but if you dont know the person well you may get screwed. You have to do buisness with guys who have to much to lose by being a scammer.
bro, do you have any lipo-k left?  I know someone who wants a bottle bad and will pay a premium if need be...

The guy sent me both today. I do have an opened bottle (118 caps left) and expires in march. I just posted this for 1fast400 on another board, is this your friend?