Well-known member
Ok about three weeks ago i posted on another board that i had three bottles of LipoK left that i was willing to trade for some PH's. And after some e-mail tag and other things I finally decided on this guy who was going to offer me one Super One + and a btl of 1-t ethergels. i thought "great this is what i wanted" so i sent him one bottle (to prove that i was not trying to rip him off) and he would send the ethergels to me. Then when I got the egels i would send him the other two bottles and then he would send the Super One+. Well mine got to him on Monday and he said he was sending it out Wed and would e-mail me. Wed comes and no e-mail. So I e-amil him and he writes that he had a lunch meeting and could not get to the post office. He writes me back and says he will send it on friday and will e-mail me when he sends it out. It's now Sunday night and no e-mail. I just e-mailed him and i 'll see what he has to say. If not what would you all suggest i do? I was thinking about trashing him on everyboard i can think of. What do you all think?
Plus if he did pull a fast one on me does anyone want to trade two bottles (maybe a third later) for some PH's Avant labs or BDC?
Plus if he did pull a fast one on me does anyone want to trade two bottles (maybe a third later) for some PH's Avant labs or BDC?