GL X-Mass and Methoxy TST


Well-known member
Any value to either of these? I never heard much about either. I have two unopened bottles and was thinking about just tossing them. Any update as far as results go with either one? I know M-TST was greatly debated as to what it actually was, but I don't believe anyone ever got really any results from it. X-mass I think was an ergomax clone?

the x mass has some good feedback, it was the same as max lmg though, not ergomax. the tst ifeedback s still kinda limited, but tripdog said he likes it for pre workout

but i would never throw anything away, but then again i am probably a cheap ass
i used TST in a cycle a little while back... it bloated the hell out out of me... i would think x-mass and TST would be one big wet mess
i did 2 cycles of x mass and it bloated me like none other, my friend as well did it and it bloated him too. I got amazing gains but way too many side effects. Not worth the time if you want a bowling ball face. Oh and it broke my buddies face out as well.
X-mass seems to be one of the better all out mass gainers. I've seen a few guys talk about doing X-mass with an epithio, which seems like it would be an awesome combo for size and strength.

The TST...well, it depends on who you talk to and how many bottles you seems to be worthless at anything under 6mg a dose.
Max LMG was a massive libido killer and testicle shrinker for me compared to ErgoMax.

Gains were awesome but progestins are not nice things to my boys.