

New member
I didnt know which forum to put this in but as long as i am not ingesting it as a whole food source i am going to put it in here instead of the nutrition forum.

Does anyone use fibercon, metamucil,..... to get in their recommended fiber amounts? Or even enough to keep ya flowin with a high protein diet? I drink a ton of water but the faucet slows down when i get into a high protein diet so i was just wondering?

LOL allusions allusions.


syko said:
[BDoes anyone use fibercon, metamucil,..... to get in their recommended fiber amounts? Or even enough to keep ya flowin with a high protein diet? I drink a ton of water but the faucet slows down when i get into a high protein diet so i was just wondering?

no I. i would say its save to say a good amount of dudes on this board take enough dietary fiber from whole food source. I get mine, mostly from oatmeal, brown rice, and some greens. I remember like 5 years ago i took some metamucil for "regularity" and i was on the can shidding liquid all day (i apologize for that visual) Sage
syko said:

Does anyone use fibercon, metamucil,..... to get in their recommended fiber amounts? Or even enough to keep ya flowin with a high protein diet? I drink a ton of water but the faucet slows down when i get into a high protein diet so i was just wondering?

I would only consider it on a keto or very low carb diet.
Get most of your carbs from oatmeal and veggies - dieting or bulking.

These would provide you with ample amounts of fibre.

If you still feel like you're not getting enough, buy some pure psyllium husks fibre and add a tspn in your shakes (except post-WO), or drink it with lots of water.

Another interesting supp. to get would be pro-biotics (acidophilus/bifidus) for gut health and intestinal flora.

I use metamucil or the cheaper version of it. It really helps keep me flowin. As Ripped stated above....fiber slows protein absorbtion so for bedtime shakes and when making my own MRP's I use fiber in the mix. I also use it when I'm having problems using the can.....or even when I eat something greasy for example, that will give me problems. I know i'm not supposed to eat greasy food, ( a sucker for fried chicken & cheese burgers)sometimes i think I have the worst diet in the world. LOL!
I get in alot of fiber in my diet, just like I manage to get enough vitamins and minerals. I still supplement with fiber anyway. I use Sugar-Free Metamucil.