EvoMuse Presents: Myosynergy Elite (2025 version)


NutraPlanet Fanatic
The complexity of this subject matter is extremely high. To do it justice, the writeup should have been 20 pages - but alas we live in the real world where something has to be explained just enough so you will understand the important things. With that in mind, I apologize ahead of time if it seems to be a chaotic shotgun blast to the face, rather than a casual read.

Let's do a quick overview of what angles we will be covering with MyoSynergy.
IGF1--->AKT--->mTORc1 (arrow means a subsequent pathway is activated) - IGF-1 is an anabolic hormone released in response to workouts (notably mechanical stress). When it attaches to its receptor (IGF-1r) it triggers AKT (aka Protein Kinase B) which, in turn, activates mTORc1. Ultimately mTORc1 is the signal that causes a rapid increase in muscle protein synthesis and hypertrophy.

At the same time IGF-1--->AKT---|GSK3b (vertical line means that the pathway is blocked) causes inhibition of Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3b which prevents atrophic pathway from activating, thus preventing muscle breakdown.

Myostatin is the bad guy here. Myo meaning Muscle, statin meaning to stop or cause to be inactive, myostatin is a protein that prevents muscular adaptation to exercise (e.g. muscle growth). Myostatin activates members of the TGFb1 family, and eventually triggers activation of SMAD2/3 which then not only prevents muscle growth, but triggers muscle breakdown (atrophy).

BMP/SMAD1/5/8 Bone Morphogenetic Proteins are incredibly potent signal proteins that cause stem/satellite cell differentiation. By drawing on this pool of undifferentiated cells, they can be pushed to form new bone, connective, and muscle tissue resulting in rapid hypertrophy.

SMAD4 is an escort molecule. Both SMAD2/3 (atrophic) and SMAD 1/5/8 (hypertrophic) compete to join with SMAD4 to move to the nucleus and exert their effects. Inhibition of SMAD2/3 means that SMAD1/5/8 has unrestricted access to SMAD4 and the hypertrophic effects are greatly amplified.

Myosynergy stands as a new generation of products that will prevent muscle atrophy and amplify hypertrophy.

Here we go.


It’s a dream as old as man (and woman) itself. To have a body that is also a work of art. Lean, strong, capable, and aesthetically perfect. Even with all the nutritional and technological advantages that we have, for most that dream remains out of reach. Stress, time restraints, temptations, and an uncooperative body “designed” to keep our physique restrained by mediocrity all contribute to place our dreams out of reach. No more.

MyoSynergy Elite is a brand new formula expanding on the success of the original MyoSynergy formula, with some extremely exciting developments. Like the original formula, MyoSynergy Elite has been designed to potently trigger multiple pathways of muscle building at the cellular level and maximize training results.

Muscle. One step forward, one step back. No matter how hard we train, or how many chicken breasts we choke down, it seems that progress is slow – even stagnant at time. Muscle is expensive. From the perspective of nature, muscle is expensive. It is expensive to grow, expensive to maintain, and is kept tightly controlled by multiple metabolic pathways.

To better understand what’s going on here, it is important to have a little bit of background on the ways the body upregulates (increases) muscle growth (muscle protein synthesis). We don't just grow or shrink unless we have the proper signals to do so. It is also important to understand the way the body also downregulates (decreases) muscle mass.

As hybrid hunter-gatherers, humans have relied on the hunting of meat since time began. Lacking huge fangs or claws or overwhelming mass, humans have developed their intellect and teamwork/cooperation to outsmart our prey. We still, however, require a degree of strength and swiftness to finish the hunt. Our bodies are, hypothetically speaking, blind. We perceive the world through electrochemical means (e.g. sounds stimulate electical waves). So how does our body know that we have been successful in a hunt, and that it needs to not only repair itself, but build additional muscle in order to become more efficient for next time?

Humans, and other animals, sense the intake of nutrients as the main indicator that our hunt has been successful. The body “recognizes” certain components of protein, called Amino Acids, that represent meat intake and activates mTOR (mammalian Target of Rapamycin). Considered the master trigger of protein synthesis in muscle, mTOR is the key player in this cascade. MTOR can ba activated via several ways – primarily dietary intake. Notably the branched-chain amino acid Leucine, but also other amino acids. As well, after a successful hunt, the subsequent gorging also involves a significant intake of fat which surrounds the meat. The body uses something called Bile to help digest the ingested fat. Interestingly, bile receptors (TGR5) also activate mTOR and trigger muscle healing and growth. Now think about that. Successful hunt, which is insanely demanding on the body requiring 100% effort, results in prey being killed. Hunger signals then motivate the hunter to devour the kill. Meat, blood, fatty tissue – all consumed in an orgy as old as life itself. That rush of nutrients is a reward, but also the investment into the next hunt, by telling the body to make itself stronger, faster, and more efficient at hunting. (see mTOR section below.)

That’s great...but HOW does it know?

As we discussed, the body is “blind”. Each and every step must be individually activated, and each nutrient sensor does its part resulting in a chemical cascade, one step activating the next and the next.

So let’s break down some of the key concepts that are important to understand
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Muscle Protein Synthesis

Muscle Protein Synthesis can be thought of as kind of a physical high-five by nature. If you have engaged in a successful “hunt” (even if that hunt consists of picking out the perfectly marbled ribeye from the store display) then nature finds you to be a desirable individual of your species. Therefore, it wants you even more “fit” to survive.

“There is no such thing as “too strong”.
Strength can be tempered with gentleness and guided by restraint.
There is only “too weak”.

Strength lies in reserve and can be called upon when needed.
Weakness will fail you every time.”


Muscle Protein Synthesis is the actual process of muscle building. The body takes individual amino acids, and “assembles” them into the proteins essential for life. Muscle tissue is one of the most demanding tissues that require protein.

Enzymes – enzymes are chemicals in the body that accelerate biological processes. Dynamic in nature, enzymes are activated, then quickly deactivated, with a bit of a latency period until they can be activated again. Enzymes seem to be the coin of the realm when it comes to getting business done. In the case of muscle mass, the body uses enzymes to balance protein synthesis (the manufacture of muscle proteins) and protein degradation (the scavenging of amino acids from muscles for other purposes, resulting in muscle breakdown). Enzymes are, luckily, something we can manipulate.

PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway

The primary Anabolic (growth) pathway. Contrary to Catabolic, which is destructive in nature, Anabolic is our most desired state. It occurs when the body is well-fed, nutrient pathways activated, and the proper stimulus – usually a demanding hunt or workout – provided. Remember, if the body isn’t challenged harder and harder, then there is no reason for it to grow stronger. Rather than going through the absolutely minutiae of this pathway, it is important to know that several feeder signals can activate it. Signals are transmitted to receptors, generally in the cell membrane, which when activated, travel into the inner cell and cause the body to accelerate protein synthesis.

One of the major feeder signals we will be dealing with is called IGF-1, or Insulin-like Growth Factor 1.

Anabolic/Catabolic Signaling
To trigger anabolism using IGF-1 as the primary signal, the body engages in the following sequence of events:

Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) activates Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase (PI3K), which activates Protein Kinase B (Akt), which then activates the Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin (MTORc1, also known as the mammalian Target of Rapamycin). MTORc1 communicates with the Ribosomes, among other organelles, much like orders coming in to a factory. The orders are simple – MAKE MUSCLE PROTEINS. As long as these orders come in, the body will do just that. The proteins are then transported to where they are needed, whether to repair damage or to increase muscle fiber size, stength, density, number, etc.


When the IGF-1 signal happens, we see the following take place :

Protein Synthesis (muscle growth)
Anti-catabolism (prevention of muscle breakdown)
Myostatin inhibition (major governor on muscle growth)
MuRF1 reduction (more on that below)
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Although it was previously thought that Myostatin generated a cellular signal to kickstart muscle breakdown, it has now been shown to primarily block the above anabolic pathway, while playing a lesser role in catabolic signaling.

Why, you might ask? Why would nature want us to be small? Well, believe it or not it IS possible to be too big. Look at the dinosaurs. Slow, lumbering, with the endurance of an asthmatic sumo, size can be a hindrance to survival as it takes an enormous amount of resources to maintain. As well, skeletal muscle it not the only type of muscle that reacts to growth signals. Myostatin, Atrogin1, MuRF1 are all important to limit growth of the heart muscle. Cardiac hypertrophy (acclerated growth) can be deadly. So MyoStatin exists, and the struggle begins to strategically and dynamically disable it. Bring on the gains.

Basically, inhibition of myostatin allows for accelerated anabolism.
Several animals you might have seen have had their Myostatin genes “silenced”, resulting in almost excessive amounts of muscle mass.

Catabolic Signaling is multifaceted and complex, but a couple of key players in the triggering of muscle protein degradation are Atrogin/1MuRF1 and MAFbx (3–5). These can be activated by inflammatory cytokines like TGF-a and NF-kappaB, but are also susceptible to other mechanisms of activation including nutrient deficiencies (macro and micro), overtraining, elevated cortisol, alcohol intake, and dysfunctional sleep cycles.

Myostatin is a signal protein. As such, there exists a “myostatin receptor”, which then causes a signal cascade as we discussed above. Being a protein, Myostatin has to be “manufactured” by orders sent to the factory. These orders usually come from genes in response to the above environmental factors. So how do we “deal with” Myostatin and remove that roadblock to our savage physique? Well, we can rely on HDAC inhibitors to suppress the gene signals, but that gets insanely complicated. We can activate or deactivate micro-RNA signals, but that also gets complicated.

Expanding on Newtonian Laws of Physics, generally every signal in the body has an equal and opposite signal. For Myostatin, that signal is called Follistatin. Increased Follistatin levels overwhelm and suppress Myostatin signals, allowing for muscle growth.

Another angle is to disrupt the “instructions” sent to the ribosomes, thereby reducing the amount of MyoStatin.

We can also target the MyoStatin receptor. A sort of lock and key model, ligand-receptor interactions are necessary for the desired (or undesired) effects. Myostatin requires a receptor in order to exert effects. By blocking the MyoStatin from docking into the receptor, we drastically reduce the signals and indirectly increase muscle mass.

Finally, we can hit the downstream targets of the Myostatin signal. It gets confusing but one signal triggers the next signal, which triggers the next signal, which finally concludes with our result. The MyoStatin signal is complex enough that interrupting other steps in the chain has the same result of increased anabolism and decreased Myostatin signaling.


The TGR5 receptor is activated by bile acids, which are in turn released when your body detects the ingestions of fats. Going back to our hunting example, fat is definitely rapidly consumed after a kill. The Bile Acid secretion is another signal to the body of a successful hunt, and feast, and triggers activation of mTORc1 for muscle growth. TGR5 is turning into a highly complex signaling network which goes far beyond this meager work, but for our purposes it is important.


Atrogin-1, MuRF1, and several other pathways are called Ubiquitin Proteasome signals. Activation of these pathways results in an active catabolism (the opposite of anabolism) resulting in tissue breakdown, muscle weakness, aging-related sacropenia, and a sort of “sunset” effect on youthful life. They are related to a family of signal molecules called Transforming Growth Factor-b1 (TGFb1). Contained within this family are some of the most ancient growth limiting and growth promoting pathways, including the BMPs (Bone Morphogenetic Protein) and SMADs. These extremely potent pathways can also be manipulated to encourage or destroy our precious muscle ( as well as bone, cartilage, etc.) By blocking these catabolic pathways, we can tilt the balance of our bodies towards anabolism.

Satellite Cells

Satellite Cells are the name of a reservoir of undifferentiated stem cells that can be tapped to form new cells. Often considered the Fountain of Youth, stem/satellite cells can be “nudged” in the right way to jump the line and form into new cells, fibers, motor units, and all of our active tissues that we desire.

The primary signals in this pathway is PRMT7/p38-MAPK/MyoD. This supporting pathway is crucial for our long term goals, much like an R&D program keeps fresh ideas pumped in the pipeline. A steady supply of new muscle cells is an obvious asset.

Pregnane X Receptor

A surprising, and indirect, player in this symphony, the Pregnane X Receptor (PXR) is a system that generally controls gene transcription and assists in protection against xenobiotic toxins. Hopwever, it has been found, especially by studying some of its natural ligands like sex hormones, epicatechin and the TGR5 agonistic primary and secondary bile acids, to increase expression of Myogenic and mitochondrial biogenic factors. Coactivation of the PXR with several other key receptors including androgen receptors and estrogen receptors, as well as CYP3a11 (an ezyme increased by PXR activation), triggers myoblast differentiation and satelite cell activation.

To lead into the section below, activation of the PXR dramatically reduces expression of SMAD3, which is necessary for atrophic signaling triggered by myostatin and suppression of the anabolic SMAD 1/5/8 described below.

Bone Morphogenetic Proteins

A relatively new area of study, BMPs are incredibly ancient pathways that initially control prenatal and neonatal development of every tissue in the body, but continue to be potent signaling molecules well into adulthood. BMPs are a family of proteins that work like tumblers in a lock. The strategic increase or decrease of multiple BMPs, combined with tissue specificity and supporting signals, turns out the be master controls of everything from bone density, growth plates, tooth development, cartilage health including intravertebral disc height, muscle mass, joint function, and even cancers. BMP’s are members of that tricky TGF-b1 family, and they contain pro-anabolic as well as pro-catabolic members. The BMPs, when joined with their receptors, then activate other signal molecules called SMADs. These SMADs are critical for final signal tranduction to the nucleus, where everything important takes place. In particular, BMP2 and BMP7, activating SMAD 1/5/8, communicate anabolic signals for bone, cartilage, and skeletal muscle.

Other BMPs and several feeder molecules, trigger SMAD2/3. Why does this matter? Because eventually in the Myostatin world, the signals converge onto SMAD2/3, which then translocate to the nucleus where catabolic signals for muscle breakdown occur.

As an important side note, SMAD4 works as an escort molecule. Both SMADs 1/5/8 and SMAD 2/3 compete for SMAD4. Whichever dominates is the one that “wins” - whether anabolic or catabolic.

By blocking SMAD2/3 from being activated by MyoStatin and/or assisting SMAD 1/5/8 signals, a VERY potent anabolic effect occurs. Don’t worry...we gotcha covered.


Decorin is a protein of the proteoglycan type. Normally concentrated in the connective tissues, it is also widely expressed in the extracellular matrix – luckily for us. In addition to being considered as a strong candidate to fight cancers, Decorin (for our main purpose) has a unique property of binding myostatin and preventing it from interacting with its receptor and triggering the downstream negative effects on muscle growth. By increasing expression of Decorin, we have another potent angle at short-circuiting Myostatin.

Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3b (GSK-3b)

This bodywide enzyme functions as a brake on many growth systems, being a key regulator, Induction of GSK-3b triggers the main atrophic signals that cause muscle catabolism. Inhibition of GSK-3b short circuits atrophic signals, and allows for accelerated muscle growth.



Working together with everything we have covered so far, let’s get into the ingredient functioning of MyoSynergy Elite.
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Broccoli Sprout

Broccoli Sprout is a source of sulforaphane, which has numerous beneficial effects on general health, such as acting as a histone deacetylase inhibitor . It also acts as an antioxidant, and more specifically, modulates the redox environment in muscle cells to control exercise induced muscle damage .

The main reason for inclusion of Broccoli Sprout, however, is the interaction with Myostatin. Referring back to above, the first strategy is suppressing the initial MyoStatin synthesis at the epigenetic level. A recent study in the journal Epigenetics showed that sulforaphane significantly suppresses Myostatin expression at the epigenetic level, while also suppressing the negative feedback inhibitors of the Myostatin pathway.

In addition, Sulforaphane intake positvely affected lipid biomarkers, and activates mTORc1

Myrosinase/Brown Mustard

Broccoli Sprout Extract, which contains Sulphoraphane (above) also contains major amounts of its immediate precursor, glucoraphanin . By combining Broccoli Sprout with Brown Mustard, extracted specifically for the enzyme Myrosinase, we boost the glucoraphanin conversion to Sulphoraphane and wind up with quite a potent dose. In addition, this process itself is dynamic, and results in a 4x increase in bioavailability of sulforaphane.

-(-) Epicatechin

A few years ago, MyoSynergy became the first commerial product to include Epicatechin in the formula for the sole purpose of suppressing MyoStatin signals. Epicatechin works mainly by increasing the expression (synthesis) of Follistatin, which works in opposition to MyoStatin. Epicatechin can reduce MyoStatin levels by as much as 21%.



Epicatechin has also been demonstrated to increase satellite cell differentiation (myogenesis)



Epicatechin also turns out to be a potent ligand for the PXR which also contributes to an increase in muscle mass.


Astragalus Membranaceous 50:1

Astragalus extract shows potent effects in repairing signs of exercise-induced muscle damage, as well a potently enhancing the IGF-1 signals, as well as enhancing BMP2 signals. As well, studies suggest that Astragalus can enhance the release of Human Growth Hormone.




Astragalus also has potent inhibiting effects on SMAD3 (the final MyoStatin target).



Angelica Sinensis 50:1

Angelica extract works synergistically with Astragalus to inhibit the SMAD 2/3 pathway to short circuit Myostatin signals.


AS also demonstrates a potent positive effect on muscle stem cell differentiation and induces myotube hypertrophy (myotubes are bundles of developing muscle fibers that eventually become working units)

Angelica also shows ergogenic benefits, exhibiting anti-fatigue properties.


Angelica Polysaccharides, through enhancement of the extracellular matrix, potently increases expression of Decorin, and protein that antagonizes Myostatin (see above)

Finally, AS shows extremely potent effects on our IGF-1 pathway, increasing both IGF-1 levels and increasing IGF-1 receptors


Apigenin-Proline Complex

Apigenin is a potent flavone active in muscle tissue. Apigenin activates that PRMT7 pathway, which enhances positive BMP signaling which dramatically increases stem cell differentiation as well as accelerating muscular hypertrophy, Apigenin can help correct mitochondrial dysfuntion to remove one of the bottlenecks on muscle growth and energy sensing/producing.


Apigenin also has a potent anti-catabolic effect by blocked the atrophic pathways, especially MuRF1, especially by inhibition of GSK-3b


At 30% absorption, it is not terrible but is enhanced by a simple crystallization reaction with Proline.


Puerarin-Ascorbic Acid Complex

Puerarin is the main compounds extract from something called Kudzu, an invasive vine. It is also, lucky for us, a valuable compound. As an isoflavone, it has very slight estrogenic activation – but not in the scary way. Puerarin’s estrogenic action is much weaker than estrogen, and enhances IGF-1 release and receptor sensitivity.

Puerarin is a wonderful compound for MyoSynergy., not only activating the Akt/MTORc1 pathway, but inhibiting our other catabolic pathways including Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 thus triggering protein synthesis while blocking atrophy.


Puerarin has a very potent effect on SMAD2/3, inhibiting the signals and, again, short circuiting the Myostatin signals.


Puerarin has also been shown to inhibit aromatase in certain cell line.

Puerarin has a pretty low absorption rate, owing to its poor solubility, but the complex with Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) vastly improves.
Quercetin-Nicotinamide Complex

Quercetin is an extremely common component of most plants. It functions as a potent anti-oxidant, and a significant “helper” molecule, especially with zinc.

Quercetin shows potent effects in both muscle and brain, helping the neuromuscular junction recover from over-exertion, which enables you to train harder and more frequently without overtraining. Quercetin also shows enhancement of contractile force and the ability to prolong sustained activation, possibly contributing to strength increases.


Quercetin is also a potent myostatin inhibitor, as well as blunting the ultimate target of Myostatin, our SMAD2/3 molecule. Quercetin also increases expression of muscle stem cell differentiation pathways and blunts the atrophic pathways.

Quercetin has also been demonstrated to have a dramatic increasing effect on IGF-1 levels, as well as increasing phosphorylation of the IGF-1 receptor and inhibiting GSK-3b


Quercetin has poor oral solubility and absorption, but the complex with Nicotinamide shows a dramatic increase in oral activity.

Genistein-Nicotinamide Complex

Genistein falls into the Isoflavone category, and is a selective Estrogen Receptor Beta agonist. ERb activation not only balances Estrogen activation, it also tends to counteract the negative effects of Estrogen Receptor Alpha activation (classical estrogen side effects). ERb is highly common in muscle cells and, indeed, one of the central anabolic signals.

ERb activation also works in a synergistic manner with IGF-1 to stimulate muscle repair, growth, and recruitment of satellite cells to differentiate into new muscle

Lithocholic Acid

A secondary bile acid LCA is a potent activator of both the TGR5 receptor and downstream activator of mTORc1 to trigger an anabolic reaction. TGR5 is a very potent pathway that causes muscle protein synthesis, satellite cell activation, differentiation of new muscle cells, increases strength, and hypertrophy.


Lithocholic acid has been shown to be the most potent natural TGR5 ligand, and enhances IGF-1/Akt/MTORc1 activation.


Though the compound exhibits some acute toxicity at high dosage, the effective dose range for our purpose is in the nanomolar dosage. As well, the effect is species specific (affecting mostly mice, which lack the mechanistic pathways to detoxify), which humans evolving mechanisms to quickly detoxify – including PXR interactions (see PXR section).

Fructus Schizandra 50:1

FS, extracted from the fruits of the Schizandra Chinensis, show potent inhibition of muscle atrophic pathways (Atrogin-1, MuRF1, Myostatin) while enhancing muscle protein synthesis pathways including PI3k/Akt/mTORc1 (downstream of IGF-1)



Shilajit is one of those mythical substances touted for centuries as a wonder, which was largely dismissed initially by modern science. A substance “secreted” at the base of the Himalayan Mountains, Shilajit is complex indeed. Almost serendipically, Shilajit aids in muscle adaptation to demanding exercise as well as providing amazing anti-fatigue properties. Seems handy if you live in the mountains. Shilajit has also been indicated as a compound that assists in the absorption of other compounds. Most exciting, however, is that Shilajit has been shown to be a potent inducer of Decorin expression, deactivating Myostatin and preventing the signal from being propagated.

Indole-3-Propionic Acid

I3PA is a tryptophan metabolite produced by gut bacteria. It has a wide array of effects, demonstrating potent neuroinflammatory reduction properties. It is currently being studied as a potential treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury and Alzheimer’s.

I3PA is extremely active in muscle tissue., leading not only to reduction in inflammatory markers, but reducing fibrotic changes and increasing myogenic differentiation. I3PA also shows a dramatic inhibitory effect on myostatin,

We will directly quote the cited study here:

“Compared with the control group, the mRNA expression of myogenic regulatory factors, myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2D (MEF2D (1.13-fold), paired box 3 (Pax3) (1.70-fold), and Pax7 (1.82-fold) increased significantly. Meanwhile, myostatin (MSTN) (0.72-fold) was dramatically reduced (Figure 1K).”


l-Borneol is a bicyclic monoterpenoid and aromatic found in the essential oils of mamy plants. It is has safely been used as a flavoring for decades. L-Borneol is an extremely potent absorption enhancer, working via both p-GP inhibition as well as an unknown mechanism. Borneol increases absorption of the entire category of flavonoids, including apigenin, quercetin, epicatechin, osthole (not in this formula), puerarin, genistein and multiple other non-flavonoid compounds. The absorption enhancement effects are stunning, and enable ingredients to be used effectively that would normally be too difficult or expensive.

While expensive, the inclusion of l-borneol is well worth it.


As we bring this to a wrap, you can see the immense amount of effort put into MyoSynergy Elite. We have tackled, and conquered, the main limiting factors keeping you from maximizing your muscular development:

Myostatin – which potently chokes out muscle gains (inhibit)
Atrogin-1/MuRF-1 – pathways which trigger muscle atrophy, robbing you of your hard earned gains (inhibit)
PXR – Activation of the Pregnane X Receptor helps to reduce inflammation as well as exert muscle differentiation properties as the epigenetic level
Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3b – a required enzyme for the induction of atrophy, inhibition of GSK3b in muscle tissue allows anabolic signals to dominate (inhibit)
IGF-1 – one of the most potent growth signals that exist in the body, directly stimulating muscle gain as well as triggering downstream gains. We have both increased IGF-1 as well as increasing the number and sensitivity of the IGF-1 receptors (increase)
mTORc1 – the primary muscle protein synthesis signaling (increase)
SMAD – the final activating steps that take either catabolic (SMAD2/3) or anabolic (SMAD1/5/8) signals and brings them to the nucleus to build or tear down muscle. The major final step in Myostatin function, we have managed to deactivate and prevent this final step, as well as augmenting the BMP (SMAD1/5/8) signals that control overall muscle mass. (inhibit 2/3, increase 1/5/8)
Stem Cell, MyoTube, differentiation and hypertrophy – by forcing the body to draw on the stem cell reservoir to increase cell diameter and motor unit size/strength, the body will approach fully realized potential (increase)

MyoSynergy is a comprehensive blend of ingredients that all work together to enhance anabolic pathways via multiple directions as well as inhibiting catabolic, destructive angles.

In martial arts, especially boxing, there is a style called a “swarmer”. This type of fighter overwhelms the defenses of his opponent by volume and ferocity of punches. If you analyze the formula, you’ll see that this is the strategy I used – to overwhelm and disable any chance that (primarily) Myostatin has to act as a detriment to our gains. The product, though complex to understand, stands ready to deliver on promises to help you build the body of your dreams. Every ingredient, and every pathway works in Synergy to maximize muscle gain and minimize muscle loss.

MyoSynergy – Become a Breed Beyond

Directions: Take 3 capsules with morning meal, then another 3 capsules 8 hours later with small amount of food. Myosynergy does not directly affect masculine sex hormones, so it is perfectly fine for women. As of this writing to the extent of our knowledge, none of the ingredients are banned for tested competitions, however be sure to check with any testing/ruling bodies prior to use. Do NOT exceed recommended dosage.

Avoid nicotine. Be sure to take the RDA of Zinc and Magnesium every day. Minimum protein intake of 0.8-1gram per pound of lean body mass is recommended. A cycling protocol of 2 months on, 2 weeks off is essential.
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Quercetin-Nicotinamide Complex

Quercetin is an extremely common component of most plants. It functions as a potent anti-oxidant, and a significant “helper” molecule, especially with zinc.

Quercetin shows potent effects in both muscle and brain, helping the neuromuscular junction recover from over-exertion, which enables you to train harder and more frequently without overtraining. Quercetin also shows enhancement of contractile force and the ability to prolong sustained activation, possibly contributing to strength increases.


Quercetin is also a potent myostatin inhibitor, as well as blunting the ultimate target of Myostatin, our SMAD2/3 molecule. Quercetin also increases expression of muscle stem cell differentiation pathways and blunts the atrophic pathways.

Quercetin has also been demonstrated to have a dramatic increasing effect on IGF-1 levels, as well as increasing phosphorylation of the IGF-1 receptor and inhibiting GSK-3b


Quercetin has poor oral solubility and absorption, but the complex with Nicotinamide shows a dramatic increase in oral activity.

Lithocholic Acid

A secondary bile acid LCA is a potent activator of both the TGR5 receptor and downstream activator of mTORc1 to trigger an anabolic reaction. TGR5 is a very potent pathway that causes muscle protein synthesis, satellite cell activation, differentiation of new muscle cells, increases strength, and hypertrophy.


Lithocholic acid has been shown to be the most potent natural TGR5 ligand, and enhances IGF-1/Akt/MTORc1 activation.


Though the compound exhibits some acute toxicity at high dosage, the effective dose range for our purpose is in the nanomolar dosage. As well, the effect is species specific (affecting mostly mice, which lack the mechanistic pathways to detoxify), which humans evolving mechanisms to quickly detoxify – including PXR interactions (see PXR section).

Fructus Schizandra 50:1

FS, extracted from the fruits of the Schizandra Chinensis, show potent inhibition of muscle atrophic pathways (Atrogin-1, MuRF1, Myostatin) while enhancing muscle protein synthesis pathways including PI3k/Akt/mTORc1 (downstream of IGF-1)



Shilajit is one of those mythical substances touted for centuries as a wonder, which was largely dismissed initially by modern science. A substance “secreted” at the base of the Himalayan Mountains, Shilajit is complex indeed. Almost serendipically, Shilajit aids in muscle adaptation to demanding exercise as well as providing amazing anti-fatigue properties. Seems handy if you live in the mountains. Shilajit has also been indicated as a compound that assists in the absorption of other compounds. Most exciting, however, is that Shilajit has been shown to be a potent inducer of Decorin expression, deactivating Myostatin and preventing the signal from being propagated.

Indole-3-Propionic Acid

I3PA is a tryptophan metabolite produced by gut bacteria. It has a wide array of effects, demonstrating potent neuroinflammatory reduction properties. It is currently being studied as a potential treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury and Alzheimer’s.

I3PA is extremely active in muscle tissue., leading not only to reduction in inflammatory markers, but reducing fibrotic changes and increasing myogenic differentiation. I3PA also shows a dramatic inhibitory effect on myostatin,

We will directly quote the cited study here:

“Compared with the control group, the mRNA expression of myogenic regulatory factors, myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2D (MEF2D (1.13-fold), paired box 3 (Pax3) (1.70-fold), and Pax7 (1.82-fold) increased significantly. Meanwhile, myostatin (MSTN) (0.72-fold) was dramatically reduced (Figure 1K).”


l-Borneol is a bicyclic monoterpenoid and aromatic found in the essential oils of mamy plants. It is has safely been used as a flavoring for decades. L-Borneol is an extremely potent absorption enhancer, working via both p-GP inhibition as well as an unknown mechanism. Borneol increases absorption of the entire category of flavonoids, including apigenin, quercetin, epicatechin, osthole (not in this formula), puerarin, genistein and multiple other non-flavonoid compounds. The absorption enhancement effects are stunning, and enable ingredients to be used effectively that would normally be too difficult or expensive.

While expensive, the inclusion of l-borneol is well worth it.


As we bring this to a wrap, you can see the immense amount of effort put into MyoSynergy Elite. We have tackled, and conquered, the main limiting factors keeping you from maximizing your muscular development:

Myostatin – which potently chokes out muscle gains (inhibit)
Atrogin-1/MuRF-1 – pathways which trigger muscle atrophy, robbing you of your hard earned gains (inhibit)
PXR – Activation of the Pregnane X Receptor helps to reduce inflammation as well as exert muscle differentiation properties as the epigenetic level
Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3b – a required enzyme for the induction of atrophy, inhibition of GSK3b in muscle tissue allows anabolic signals to dominate (inhibit)
IGF-1 – one of the most potent growth signals that exist in the body, directly stimulating muscle gain as well as triggering downstream gains. We have both increased IGF-1 as well as increasing the number and sensitivity of the IGF-1 receptors (increase)
mTORc1 – the primary muscle protein synthesis signaling (increase)
SMAD – the final activating steps that take either catabolic (SMAD2/3) or anabolic (SMAD1/5/8) signals and brings them to the nucleus to build or tear down muscle. The major final step in Myostatin function, we have managed to deactivate and prevent this final step, as well as augmenting the BMP (SMAD1/5/8) signals that control overall muscle mass. (inhibit 2/3, increase 1/5/8)
Stem Cell, MyoTube, differentiation and hypertrophy – by forcing the body to draw on the stem cell reservoir to increase cell diameter and motor unit size/strength, the body will approach fully realized potential (increase)

MyoSynergy is a comprehensive blend of ingredients that all work together to enhance anabolic pathways via multiple directions as well as inhibiting catabolic, destructive angles.

In martial arts, especially boxing, there is a style called a “swarmer”. This type of fighter overwhelms the defenses of his opponent by volume and ferocity of punches. If you analyze the formula, you’ll see that this is the strategy I used – to overwhelm and disable any chance that (primarily) Myostatin has to act as a detriment to our gains. The product, though complex to understand, stands ready to deliver on promises to help you build the body of your dreams. Every ingredient, and every pathway works in Synergy to maximize muscle gain and minimize muscle loss.

MyoSynergy – Become a Breed Beyond

Directions: Take 3 capsules with morning meal, then another 3 capsules 8 hours later with small amount of food. Myosynergy does not directly affect masculine sex hormones, so it is perfectly fine for women. As of this writing to the extent of our knowledge, none of the ingredients are banned for tested competitions, however be sure to check with any testing/ruling bodies prior to use. Do NOT exceed recommended dosage.

Avoid nicotine. Be sure to take the RDA of Zinc and Magnesium every day. Minimum protein intake of 0.8-1gram per pound of lean body mass is recommended. A cycling protocol of 2 months on, 2 weeks off is essential.

How well will this work with bmp, seeing how bmp is out of stock.
Any release date for this and possibly bmp?
How well will this work with bmp, seeing how bmp is out of stock.
Any release date for this and possibly bmp?
Looks like 3rd week in January. Presale will go up later today.

This is tailor made to stack with BMP. The results will blow your mind.
I have added an explanatory/summarizing bit in the beginning to hopefully explain the product more clearly.
Man...I gotta quit nicotine so I can get on this and BMP.

Looks really good, Matt. Always excited to see new/updated Evomuse products.
Just put in an order! Thanks for the writeup, honestly a great way to learn a bit about biology and ingredient interactions.
Just put in an order! Thanks for the writeup, honestly a great way to learn a bit about biology and ingredient interactions.
This is some of my best work ever.
Matt, why avoid nicotine? It is likely covered in your write-up, so I apologize. I just saw that in the dosing instructions and was curious.

Non smoker, but I use nicotine mints and such on road trips and at work just as something extra. Not hard to quit/avoid, but just wondering what the contraindication was.
Matt, why avoid nicotine? It is likely covered in your write-up, so I apologize. I just saw that in the dosing instructions and was curious.

Non smoker, but I use nicotine mints and such on road trips and at work just as something extra. Not hard to quit/avoid, but just wondering what the contraindication was.
Nicotine increases activity of SMAD2/3, so not only undermines anabolic BMP signals, but if ant Myostatin does get through the gauntlet, increased SMAD2/3 activity will increase atrophy.
What about lactoferrin. I remember last myosynergy you suggested lactoferrin would it still he advised with formula?
What about lactoferrin. I remember last myosynergy you suggested lactoferrin would it still he advised with formula?
I still recommend it, but it's far too expensive to ever use in a formula
I still recommend it, but it's far too expensive to ever use in a formula
Do you think colostrum is a good source or have enough lactoferrin ?
Unless it's been discussed what's the recommended amount
Last edited:
Do you think colostrum is a good source or have enough lactoferrin ?
Unless it's been discussed what's the recommended amount
I would try for 500mg twice per day. For Colostrum around 3g 2x/day
Looks like we are almost done here. Shoukd be shipping back this week from production. We have had some transit weather delays.
This is some of my best work ever.
Looking forward to trying this- it is so good to be back training (even if not the way of lifetimes past), and working on building back everything LOWER body!!
Just put in an order! Thanks for the writeup, honestly a great way to learn a bit about biology and ingredient interactions.
Matt always gives a lot of information-beyond detailed in his research into everything-and has a way of speaking that enables understanding for pretty much everyone.