Epi, DMZ, MSten and MaxLmg with test and Var as finisher

Yes, it's coming back nicely and I try to keep it under control, but I know I can do even better with diet, so we will see what will next weeks bring us.
Before this cycle, I wanted to do Test/Tren/Anadrol cycle to see what it can bring to ones training and physique... But I decided to leave it for when I'm fully recovered. In all honesty, so far, I believe that this stack can transforme your look and add some quality size and strenght
Little update today... I've seen that so many people got apetite suppression with this compounds and that was my concern also... But today, apetite is almost like on EQ. To be honest, I'm happy bc of that. Today will be push day upper chest, shoulders and triceps and finaly some cardio, stay tuned brothers
Day 14. I'm hungry all day, no matter how much or what I eat, scale is up 8 lbs so far, I feel it will go much more soon. I'm starting to lean out and am more vascular. Today was push day, trained with high intesity and the pump was so good, I couldn't even se much of a striations in my pecs or shoulders. Stregth is going up and up. Today started with 0.25 mg of Arimidex (I don't feel like I need it, but started anyway just to be safe), so my joints were messed up today from that, but not a big deal. The only side effect from this stack are some back pumps. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them
Day 15, hit a few PR's on todays pull workout. Realy starting to have that Deca, a bit wet look. I hold some water right now, it's not too bad. Strength is insane! Just insane. I was amazed afer I did a few heavy sets with ease! Pump is also awesome.
Buckle up ****ers, I'm about to log my comeback cycle, it should be fun!

Cycle will consist of mix of DSs (Epistane, DMZ, Msten and MaxLmg) as kickstart for about 5 weeks, with 300 mg of Sustanon per week, and 50 mg of Anavar as finisher for about 5 weeks. Probably going to run this for 13-14 weeks.
The dosage for this mix will be
Epistane 16 mg
DMZ 30 mg,
Msten 20 mg,
MaxLmg 100 mg

With this, I'll incorporate Bpc 157 and maybe TB500 for my knee (I have torn and operated ACL), so this could speed up recovery.

Feel free to ask any questions and stay tuned if interested!
Sounds like things are going well, I assume you are running a bunch of TUDCA and NAC with all those 17a methyl PH? I mean those are some of my favorites, but... Wow all at once. Sorry if you already covered that.
Sounds like things are going well, I assume you are running a bunch of TUDCA and NAC with all those 17a methyl PH? I mean those are some of my favorites, but... Wow all at once. Sorry if you already covered that.

Yes, better than I expected. I find NAC, Liv.52 and a lot of water enough to take care of it
Day 16, nice leg and arm day. I feel pumped and strong just as on Anadrol. Pump gets insane just from one set. Lifts are going up, even for 15 lbs and more... A bit of irritability today, but that may also be bc of lawschool... I'm glad that I decided to run low test dose, and to let other compounds do their thing
Day 18. Scale is up almost 11 lbs. Finaly started to drop bf, it feels so good! I'm more vascular and tight day by day. Strength is going up and up... What's strange is when I do warm up sets, it feels realy heavy, but when I do my final 2 or 3 sets, it feels like nothing! Strange... Apetite is up, libodo is up, no bp issues, no anger problems, just raw power.
Three weeks since the begining of this cycle. I'm 12 lbs up, while dropping bf. Today was pull day, and I have to say, one of the most enjoyable workout I've ever had. The fullness is there as well as stregth. I feel like I'm growing daily. Aggression is increased and mood is good.
Day 24, stregth just keeps going up, apetite as well... Pumps are just awesome and mood and libido are up. I feel I'm holding some water, but that can be taken care with diet. I'm realy enjoying this stack. No negative sides so far... From tuesday, I'm starting with TB 500. And here is back shot from today. Lightning is ****, but it's better something than nothing.Invalid Link Removed
Day 25, nothing new to say, only that in last 2 days, I've experienced that I get sore literarly in the afternoon 4-5 hours later (if I train around noon). And one more thing, I can see more and more that on this stack I got that 3D look, which is prety cool... No sides yet. And my GF who is the greatest critic of my physique says that this is my best look so far... And I'm only almost half way into this cycle... If you have any questions, I'm here to answer
Day 27, allmost 4 weeks on this stack and I'm 13 lbs up. Holding some water, but I regained previous mass, like before surgery. Feelig realy good, and I think now is time to cut down fat. Tomorrow I'll finaly get green light for running and even maybe jumping, so cuttin should be even easier with that. Invalid Link Removed
4 weeks mark. No sidess, strength is still rising and joints are feeling just fine. Started to notice nice dick-skin effect all round the body and things are going great. Most important, today I was at chekup for my knee and talked to my dr who operated me, he said that now (3 months post op of my LCA), my knee is strong and stable, it looks like its been more than just 3 months (guess all this chemistry is doing it's thing), and finaly I can start running! Invalid Link Removed
Are you taking an AI? If so, which one/dose?
I'm just curious about the LMG. That's one I haven't tried.
(apologies if you already answered this).
Seems like I'm not so prone to estrogen, but I take 0.25 mg of Arimidex ED. Yeah, lmg was my concern also, very few info about it. But all I can say is that it is realy nice compound that can contribute to every stack
At the begining of the week 5, I'm looking more dry and crisp day by day. I think its from Msten and Epistane bc my AI dose is remained the same as usual. Today was explosion of strength. All my lifts today were up and pump is unreal. Muscles are definitely harder and more dense. These compounds are only now starting to shine.
This review is pretty good so far. It's been forever since I cycled like this........i miss it.
Sooo, deep into week 5, no sides, getting leaner and dropping BF nicely, ima 14 lbs up from begining of this cycle. Muscles are more dense and harder. My operated leg is developing back nicely and at fast pace. Strength is going up daily. What do you guys think, should I increase do dosage for next 10 days? That would mean 24 mg of epi, 30 mgs of msten, 45 mgs of DMZ and 150 mgs of MaxLmg
So, just a random update at the end of week 5. All I can say for this cycle and stack is that this is my best ride so far. Gains started after one week, strength went up week by week, but after the 3 week mark, everything exploded! All my lifts went up, and every few days it gets more drastic and what is the best part it comes without joint pain. I'm glad that I can run this stack for longer than 4 weeks bc only then it starts to give you the most and the best effects. I'm leaning uot nicely, can't wait to see what will Anavar do till the end.
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Looking good bro, that Epi dose seems a little bit low. You def have bigger balls than me, that is a lot of compounds. You're feeling good? Legs looking on point man, I can never get veiny like that in my calves. Kudos sir.
Looking good bro, that Epi dose seems a little bit low. You def have bigger balls than me, that is a lot of compounds. You're feeling good? Legs looking on point man, I can never get veiny like that in my calves. Kudos sir.

Epi is indeed low, but I think they trow it in for a reason. I'm feeling realy good and strong, no lethargy or loss of apetite. I thought that this stack was maybe underdosed or bunk bc after weeks on it, I was feeling (and still do) good. I realy do love to work with legs but man, do I miss squats and deadlifts... And as far for Anavar, I wanted to try it for so long, and now I finaly can and have low enough BF to enjoy it.
And as for lipids, my girlfriend betted during my last cycle (sustanon, tbol and trenavar) with me that my lipids and blood are trashed... Did bloods (needed it for knee surgery) while still on cycle (around week 8-9), and it was just fine. I couldn't get total anesthesia if my blood was trashed, but it was good enough for that, and again, that was mid cycle! But I plan to check it after this cycle again.
Day 2 of 6th week, and PR's are flying! Didn't even realise that I get that much stronger until I wrote down in my log book! Today was pull day so back and biceps. Biceps were so full today (you can see from pics down). And back is developing nicely. I'm realy glad that I prolonged this stack to more than 4 weeks.
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You are making sick gains - do NOT up the dose. When things are still moving great, let them ride. More isn’t better - better is better, and continuing sick gainz while feeling great is better.
You are making sick gains - do NOT up the dose. When things are still moving great, let them ride. More isn’t better - better is better, and continuing sick gainz while feeling great is better.

I completly agree, that was just a random, stupid thought. Goal for this cycle was to come back where I left before surgery and to fix weak points (forearms, lower back ans few other thing). Now, the goal is to cut fat (started to run today, knee feels stable and strong like nothing happend) and to start, in a 10 days, with Anavar to polish of gains.
Also, one thing to note, I'm weekly doing massages of my back/shoulders/arms/pecs and I think that combined with accelerated recovery from chemistry, diet and so on is the main combo for progress. And one more thing, I can get slow (depot in oral form) or fast or 'regular' acting Anavar. If you guys have some ideas about that, I'd be happy to hear them
Also, one thing to note, I'm weekly doing massages of my back/shoulders/arms/pecs and I think that combined with accelerated recovery from chemistry, diet and so on is the main combo for progress. And one more thing, I can get slow (depot in oral form) or fast or 'regular' acting Anavar. If you guys have some ideas about that, I'd be happy to hear them

Hmmmm... I've never heard of that.
Also, one thing to note, I'm weekly doing massages of my back/shoulders/arms/pecs and I think that combined with accelerated recovery from chemistry, diet and so on is the main combo for progress. And one more thing, I can get slow (depot in oral form) or fast or 'regular' acting Anavar. If you guys have some ideas about that, I'd be happy to hear them

I looked that up. Interesting. But I'm not sure how much of a difference it would make. Anavar seems to have a half life of 10 hours (although some claim 8).

It couldn't hurt, unless it somehow robbed some of the compound.
Sooo, in week 6, strength keeps rising, which is still insane to me. I litterarly take one weight and after 2 reps I have to add at least 10 lbs bc it is not heavy enough now. Just outrageous, I think this stack can level with Anadrol. Yesterday I felt that my right pec was painfull and tense, I thought that it might tear but I had a massage today and now it is just fine. I started to cut down nicely, new striations are poping up and I increased cardio.
Have just a few days left of this ph stack, and even tho I'm deep in week 6 of it, getting leaner and dryer, my strength is still going up. This is just insane. I feel like a beast, intensity, strength, recovery time, everything is up. And on top of all that, I feel amazing, no high BP, nose bleeds or headaches, nothing! Tomorrow I'll post a few progress pics
As I said yesterday, here are few progress pics, and in the next few days I'll post some more, but more 'professional' ones... lol
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Yeah, guess thats why they named this compound Deca (MaxLMG), and whole this stack "Bigger". I'm realy satisfied hows this going so far. Can't wait to see what will Anavar do for my body composition