EndoFlo XT - Pumps, Performance, Blood Flow, Erection Quality, & More


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Incredible Pumps & Improved Performance

Enhanced Vasodilation & Blood Flow

EndoFlo™ consists of 4 key specific botanical extracts rich in natural compounds such as flavonoids, phosphodesesterase-5 inhibitors, and eNOS enzyme activators to help support enhanced vasodilation, blood flow, pumps, and performance.

EndoFlo™ XT contains a potent 300 mg. per capsule of this exciting new ingredient.

EndoFlo™ XT Highlights/Supports:​

  • Incredible Pumps
  • Improved Performance
  • Increased Blood Flow
  • Enhanced Vasodilation
  • Improved Erection Quality
  • 300 mg. EndoFlo™ Per Capsule

Ask Yourself a Few Questions:

  • Would you like a supplement to support your cardiovascular health?
  • Would you like a supplement to support your vascular and endothelial health?
  • Would you like to improve blood flow and pumps?
  • Would you like to improve erection quality?
^^^ If you answered yes to any of the above questions, let us introduce you to EndoFlo™ XT.

EndoFlo™ XT - Exercise Performance, Fitness, & Cardiovascular Support

Exercise Performance & Fitness Related Potential Benefits:

EndoFlo™ enhances blood flow and nutrient delivery by supporting nitric oxide production, improving circulation to muscles during workouts. This leads to better performance, more muscle pumps, increased endurance, and faster recovery between sets.

Cardiovascular & Endothelial Health:

EndoFlo™ is made up of 4 specific botanical extracts that support blood flow, cardiovascular health, vascular health, and endothelial health through a variety of pathways. More information on the specifics and methods of action will be discussed in the section below.

What is EndoFlo™?
EndoFlo™ is an exciting new branded ingredient that consists of 4 specific botanical extracts selected for their powerful ability to support vasodilation & blood flow and optimize workout performance.

These ingredients each individually have a unique variety of health and performance benefits and come together to make EndoFlo a powerful and exciting new ergogenic ingredient.

Magnifera Indica (Mango Fruit Extract)
Magnifera Indica is popular for a variety of health benefits, including a key constituent, mangiferin, which may function as a PDE5 inhibitor, which is exciting for those looking for increased blood flow.

The fruit of the mango tree is rich in several volatile compounds, with mangiferin being the most notable and has received a good amount of attention and popularity due to its wide range of potential benefits, including its ability to support cardiovascular health.

One key aspect of mangiferin is that it is thought to be a potent phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor, which can support cardiovascular health, pumps, blood flow, and erection quality.

An extra added benefit of mangiferin is that it has been shown to improve blood flow to the skin, which may support skin health and appearance.

Black Ginger (Kaempferia Parviflora)
Black Ginger Extract (Kaempferia Parviflora) is a rare and powerful ginger source that traditionally grows in Thailand and is thought to promote mental and emotional well-being and is commonly used to support increases in libido, vigor, vitality, energy, performance, stamina, and more.

Black Ginger contains a number of bioactive constituents, the most well-known of which is 5,7-Dimethyoxyflavone (DMF). This powerful constituent has a wide variety of potential benefits and has been shown in studies to promote improved muscular endurance, grip strength, and exercise performance.

In one 12 week study, the Kaempferia group showed significant improvements in physical performance as compared to the placebo group. These improvements included enhanced grip strength, back and leg strength, 50 -meter sprint times, and improved V02 Max.

The benefits of Kaempferia are thought to be from a variety of different pathways, one of which is via the PI3K-Akt pathway, which plays an important role in muscle growth and protein synthesis. Also, it is thought to enhance mitochondrial biogenesis, which is a pathway for improving cellular energy production and endurance.

Black Ginger has also been shown to promote blood flow and support overall cardiovascular health.

Black Ginger, like Mango Fruit extract, contains constituents that have been shown to support PDE-5 inhibition, which may further contribute to cardiovascular health and enhancing blood flow.

Ginkgo Biloba (Leaf Extract)
Ginkgo Biloba is a well-known ingredient that is most commonly known for its neuroprotective, hepatoprotective, and cardioprotective properties.

The leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba plant contain several important bioactive compounds, the most notable of which is terpene lactones.

Ginkgo Biloba is one of the most well-known nootropic and cognitive health ingredients on the market and has been shown to help protect neurons from oxidative stress and support cognitive function and improved cerebral blood flow.

Gingko Biloba has been the subject of numerous human studies, and has been shown to enhance blood flow in healthy individuals without significantly affecting blood pressure and to support cardiovascular health.

It has also been shown to increase the expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), thereby promoting vasodilation and supporting vascular health.

Pine Bark Extract (Pinus Massoniana)
Pine Bark Extract is rich in free-radical scavenging polyphenolic flavonoid constituents such as proanthocyanidins and oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC’s).

Proanthocyanidins and OPC’s are most commonly known for their potent antioxidant properties, which can help protect against oxidative damage, support the lowering of blood pressure, and support endothelial and cardiovascular health.

Why EndoFlo™ XT?
EndoFlo™ is an exciting new ingredient and is one of the most popular new ingredients that you’re seeing pop up in a lot of new pre-workout formulas, typically at a dosage of 150 mg. per serving. And yes, it’s an awesome ingredient to be in a pre-workout, but if you really want to experience the full benefits, then you would want to use it daily for best results.

EndoFlo™ XT contains 300 mg. of EndoFlo™ per capsule, double the dose commonly being used in pre-workouts.

Plus, EndoFlo™ XT contains 60 servings per bottle, so each bottle is a full 1 to 2 month supply.

Stacking & Synergy:
EndoFlo™ XT can be used with Anabolic XT, Prime XT, Pepti-Plex, Recomp20, Optimize-T, VasoForce XT, VasoForce Rush, Amentoflavone XT, Cardiovascular Support XT, or a wide variety of other SNS products to help you reach your health and fitness goals.

EndoFlo XT is the week 2 new release of the 12 Weeks of New Releases.

Save 25% off with code: sns12weeks25

EndoFlo XT - 1 Bottle
Normal Price: 39.99
Price w/promo code: 29.99 (save 10.00)
Link: https://seriousnutritionsolutions.com/product/endoflo-xt/

EndoFlo XT - 3 Bottle Discounted Multi-Pack
Normal Price: 109.99 (saves 9.98)
Price w/promo code: 82.49 (save an additional 27.50 for a total savings of 37.48)
Link: https://seriousnutritionsolutions.com/product/endoflo-xt-3-bottles/

EndoFlo XT - 6 Bottle Discounted Multi-Pack
Normal Price: 209.99 (saves 29.95)
Price w/promo code: 157.49 (save an additional 52.50 for a total savings of 82.45)
Link: https://seriousnutritionsolutions.com/product/endoflo-xt-6-bottles/

EndoFlo XT - 12 Bottle Discounted Multi-Pack
Normal Price: 399.99 (saves 79.89)
Price w/promo code: 299.99 (save an additional 100.00 for a total savings of 179.89)
Link: https://seriousnutritionsolutions.com/product/endoflo-xt-12-bottles/

EndoFlo XT (SUPP FACTS).webp
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That's a pretty interesting bunch of ingredients with a wide array of health benefits!
That's a pretty interesting bunch of ingredients with a wide array of health benefits!

It’s a really cool ingredient.

It’s gotten popular enough to already be used in some big name pre-workouts, but normally at 150 mg.

EndoFlo XT is the first single ingredient EndoFlo product (well, plus Bioperine) and I think the dose will help people experience even more benefits from it and also allow people to use it for the overall health benefits.
Would/could you take this 2x day or just preworkout? Added vascularity outside the gym if dosed? Thank you
Would/could you take this 2x day or just preworkout? Added vascularity outside the gym if dosed? Thank you

You can definitely take it 1 cap twice per day.

That’s the way I expect people using it for the workout and health benefits will take it.

I’m looking forward to the feedback on this.
Great release Steve!
I hope that we will see that in one of the upcoming preworkout formulas in powder coming in 2025!
Sounds like an amazing ingredient to take before late-night workouts.
Those days when you leave work late, have no time to sip in some pre, and can't take any caffeine. Bring the pumps in!
Price on this is pretty sweet too considering the dose. Honestly those are some ingredients that hit a lot of various benefits and that I know people tend to enjoy, so I bet there would be some solid feedback once people get around to using it.
How well this compare to Tadalafil?

Questions like this are hard to answer because no branded ingredient company is going to allow a company to compare their ingredient to a prescription drug.

Tadalafil is good for erections, but different people get different results with it for pumps anyway. Some people love it and say that it helps them with pumps, other people don't get any pumps at all from it and get bad headaches from it if taken before working out, and some people have issues with their blood pressure going too low if they take it before a workout.

EndoFlo is a branded ingredient that contains 4 specific standardized extracts that contain a variety of natural compounds including flavonoids, phosphodesesterase-5 inhibitors, and eNOS enzyme activators to help support enhanced vasodilation, blood flow, pumps, and performance.

It's become a popular ingredient and has been included in several popular pre-workouts, but usually at half the dose that one capsule of EndoFlo XT would provide.

EndoFlo XT is the first time it has been offered by itself and this allows for people to customize the dosing based on their own individual needs and use it daily for the health and wellness benefits. It was just released 4 days ago though, so there hasn't been enough time for any feedback on it yet.
I’m going to take it for mood. Looks like almost all those ingredients would benefit mood as well.

I’ll place an order after a few more weeks of releases to see what else piques my interest. Keep ‘em coming!
Excited for this. For those of us running Alpha One, this seems like something that would just further enhance the benefits of it. Another great product that covers longevity and bodybuilding.
I’m going to take it for mood. Looks like almost all those ingredients would benefit mood as well.

I’ll place an order after a few more weeks of releases to see what else piques my interest. Keep ‘em coming!

Usually in a good mood when I have a boner
Profile looks awesome! How does this compare to Amentoflavone? And could you stack the two?

I think that Amentoflavone XT and EndoFlo XT make a great stack.

EndoFlo XT works differently so I don’t think there’s a direct comparison in how they work, but will be curious how ppl like them for similar results and at what doses.
Interested in reviews.. please post up when you try this
I took 1 AM/1 PM Friday and worked out AM. Slightly better pump. I took 1 AM/2 PM Saturday and I’ve never had an issue in the bedroom but man that was different. Today I took 2 preworkout and much better pump/vascularity in my upper body day.
Waiting use this a few more times for a full review but have to say my last two workouts pumps were insane, today was bi and tris and so much pump that I would describe the look during my workout as that look when someone is on crazy dbol and hold so much water lol. My arms looked ready to explode !

Disclaimer no I’m not comparing this to dbol.
Waiting use this a few more times for a full review but have to say my last two workouts pumps were insane, today was bi and tris and so much pump that I would describe the look during my workout as that look when someone is on crazy dbol and hold so much water lol. My arms looked ready to explode !

Disclaimer no I’m not comparing this to dbol.
Is that with 2 caps pre-workout?
Would those who have tried this so far describe the pump as hard / vascular contraction pumps or more like glycerol type pumps?