Eating schedule


Well-known member
I was hoping to have thread like a set guideline of bulking tips. For individuals who would like to share, the following would be helpful.

1) When do you consume to most cals?

2) When you cheat,what do you go for?

3) What training protocal did you find most helpful during this period of growth?

Any other points are welcome too. Just trying to stir some ideas as winter approaches. Thanks...
1. Breakfast and PWO

2. Usually around lunch...Chinese buffet

3. Staggered volume(e.g. work a muscle 3x/wk then 1x/wk)
most cals are also consumed at breakfast and PWO

if i cheat i will cheat PWO as my body needs the nutrients anyway- i might have a homemade oatmeal cookie or a coke.

i train one bodypart a day one day a week
1) When do you consume to most cals? Once I start bulking in my mind, I even eat large, clean meals at bedtime.

2) When you cheat,what do you go for? If I can justify the cheat through either amount of lost energy or reward I go for something as fattening, fried, and sweet as possible.

3) What training protocal did you find most helpful during this period of growth? To add, doing a vast majority of compound work. I find going into the gym with 45 minutes of utter intensity to be where I am effective at rendering a bodypart useless. And making it grow.

There are some big guys on this board, I would really like your input!
I don't like eating unhealthy foods except very rarely. I like to hammer the milk down (when I was 312lbs I was pounding two gallons of 1% a day), in addition I'm a huge fan of the whole wheat pasta, chili, and sprouted grain breads (these make a mean french toast!).

I've found that usually less volume than you think you'd need is better. I'm very active outside lifting so I need to be careful as it is particularly easy for me to overtrain, however. All compound exercises for the most part (except if you are doing a little extra work for a weak point), train each bodypart twice a week.
I really don't cheat. Food is all about feeling. If I eat ice cream it tastes good but I feel like ****, so i don't eat it.

I also (by the recommendation of I think exnihilo) drink a LOT of milk. Skim milk goes down like water. It's the easiest way for me to add cals and very easy to keep track of.

How do you get a decent split where you do each bodypart twice per week, without being in the gym forever? sometimes it took an hour and a half doing a push/pull split.
cable626 said:
I really don't cheat. Food is all about feeling. If I eat ice cream it tastes good but I feel like ****, so i don't eat it.

I also (by the recommendation of I think exnihilo) drink a LOT of milk. Skim milk goes down like water. It's the easiest way for me to add cals and very easy to keep track of.

How do you get a decent split where you do each bodypart twice per week, without being in the gym forever? sometimes it took an hour and a half doing a push/pull split.

My push pull workouts consist of no more than 4 exercises.
I'm going to have to reconsider a push/pull then...I'll start it up again in about a month and lower the volume even more. I did one strength day and one hypertrophy day before, but maybe this time i'll only do strength. How does this look:
Squat 2x6
Seated calf raise 2x8
Bench 2x6
Military Press 2x8
Weighted Dips 2x8

Deadlift 2x6
Seated Rows 2x8
Shrugs 2x8
EZ bar curls 2x8
Weighted incline crunches for abs 2x8
I eat one meal per day when bulking. I starts when my eyes open and stops when they close :D
SJA said:
I eat one meal per day when bulking. I starts when my eyes open and stops when they close :D
me too. Except I get up in the night and plow through some more as well...
I really liked the concept you shared...
meathead1987 said:
Why breakfast? This is one of the worst times to eat a large meal(especially carb containing).
big breakfast works for me, carbs and all. Not too big, and good carbs, but not small.
meathead1987 said:
Why breakfast? This is one of the worst times to eat a large meal(especially carb containing).
i think that eating more low gi carbs for breakfest, PWO and before bed have worked better for me than eating them for lunch,dinner,or snacks

but when i cut i reverse it, ill do 40 minutes of cardio before my breakfest then only have 1/3 of the low gi carbs that i was having when i was bulking...just my thoughts though
meathead1987 said:
Why breakfast? This is one of the worst times to eat a large meal(especially carb containing).
Id be more inclined to keep fat low in the morning.

If i cheat its pwo.

Most cals on leg days.

Eating schedule can depend on work...
I've found two helpful new products( to me) that have been helping me reach my low-gi carb goals. 1) Pre washed, wrapped yams. taste great, just throw in microwave for 7 minutes 2) PWO brown rice crisps. Just like rice crispies but only ingrediant is brown rice. It is very cheap too, 70 cents for 10 day supply.