EAS Simplygain and SimplyProtein

Matt T

New member
anyone have anything to say about them, i was going over prices at Netrition, and these seem to be some of the cheapest (which is not always a good thing). just wondering if any of you guys had any experience. thanks.
I used EAS simply whey or whatever they call thier protein. Nice and tasty, good for a change if you are getting tired of your optimum or other.
BigBenn said:
I used EAS simply whey or whatever they call thier protein. Nice and tasty, good for a change if you are getting tired of your optimum or other.

thanks for the swifty reply, but do you think the quality is up to par?
simplygain i dont like as much....you can get gainers that has better carb profile than that. simply protein is solid. eas's vanilla are always pretty ass (cept myoplex reg/deluxe) so stick with choc. for your first purchase. and one more, there are cheaper sites than netrition (they aight, but are not the cheapest)

try: musclemagnepa.com, dpsnutrition.com, massnutrition.com, and only cuz they have an EAS sale vitaglo.com (compare to see whats best)
I havn't seen any lab results from EAS but the popular opinion seems to be that EAS is pretty high quality. Such a large company couldn't afford bad lab results.
Matt T said:

thanks for the swifty reply, but do you think the quality is up to par?
I used simply whey for a long time, great stuff. Comparable $$ to optimum, like Benn said good for a break. Quality is almost always top notch with EAS. (It has to be to justify their prices on other supps!).
Originally posted by Matt T
anyone have anything to say about them, i was going over prices at Netrition, and these seem to be some of the cheapest (which is not always a good thing). just wondering if any of you guys had any experience. thanks.


They are not cheapest, but if you find a good price go for it, I like their protein, but I am of those poople that will find the utility of the stuff and price. Hence, I am always looking for bargain. So, low  price at times does not mean poor quality, it means there are companies out there that want your business. 
even if you can get EAS at agood price, there is a lot fo cheaper stuff better IMO.
The ISS research one, its about 5 bucks cheaper, and has glutamine peptides to it along wiht digestive enzymes.
Look around, although EAS is very reputable, there is a lot of stuff that is actually better, but then again, If Bill Phillips says its the best, it must be :D
Kay said:
even if you can get EAS at agood price, there is a lot fo cheaper stuff better IMO.
The ISS research one, its about 5 bucks cheaper, and has glutamine peptides to it along wiht digestive enzymes.
Look around, although EAS is very reputable, there is a lot of stuff that is actually better, but then again, If Bill Phillips says its the best, it must be :D

i have tried the ISS Whey Matrix and it was pretty good, then i ran across a good price on Isopure (8lb tubs) and am using it currently and i love the protein, but the taste isn't as good as the whey matrix (ISS). i wasn't really sure of the quality of ISS, is also one reason i switched.
Matt T said:

i have tried the ISS Whey Matrix and it was pretty good, then i ran across a good price on Isopure (8lb tubs) and am using it currently and i love the protein, but the taste isn't as good as the whey matrix (ISS). i wasn't really sure of the quality of ISS, is also one reason i switched.

how much you find the 8lber of isopure? anything better than 59.99 + ship? if so, post my friend. :)
sage said:

how much you find the 8lber of isopure? anything better than 59.99 + ship? if so, post my friend. :)

no that was the price i found, each tub contains 44 servings, i use an average of 14 servings per week so each one lasts three weeks for me. so $20 bucks per week is justifiable by my standards.
I used simplywhey 5lbs all the time in the past.  i don't care for it other than the price!  Straw is the WORST flavor!  You have to use 2 scoops to get a serving and a serving is only 21 grams.
Clintdogg said:
thats because the scoup is about half the size of the ones in optimum

good point. obviously looking at the purity of each brand is the est test. i like both...but lets see....opt100% serving: 22g protein per 28.4 grams. eas simply protein serving: 21g protein per 28.34 grams. pretty close...and i say comparing two reputuable companies, their protein value are pretty close. (and the prices are pretty much equal) so basically to me, it comes down to personal preference in taste to which one to use.
bpdaddy said:
I used simplywhey 5lbs all the time in the past.  i don't care for it other than the price!  Straw is the WORST flavor!  You have to use 2 scoops to get a serving and a serving is only 21 grams.


strawberry by EAS simply Whey is the best tasting protein i have ever tried, it mixes smooth and tastes awesome!!!
Originally posted by Kay


strawberry by EAS simply Whey is the best tasting protein i have ever tried, it mixes smooth and tastes awesome!!!


To each there own, I couldn't stand it though...sorry.
i have used both. simply protien is a good cheap post workout whey. i also liked simply gain, for post workout it has approximatyley 30g pro, 30 g carbs, and 5 g creatine per serving i believe. it was super cheap so i bought it, but i took double the servings to be more effective post exercise. many people have problems with some of the artificial ingredients in simply gain, like i said i didnt mind. but i prefer making my own post workout shake, with 50 g pro (usually optimum), 50 g dextrose or gatorade powder,and my own prolabs creapure. its alot cheaper this way. peace.