Do pheramones work no matter what?


I only ask this because I'm a shorty - 5' 5"

It'd be cool to get a lady to notice me once in a while, but if she can see the top of my head, can pheromones really do anything for me? :hammer:
i'm a shorty too, i'm you're size so i know what you're talking about.. but height shouldn't be a factor. you should go to love and get a sample pack. for about six bucks and find out.... pheromones certainly do work, but you need to find what works for you.
For the most part they do work, but I know my wife is immune to pheramones. They have absolutely no effect on her. None whatsoever.
being 5'5 is not that bad.
Just realize that females can be attracted to many things, and height isn't one of them.
They may work- you may have more females tring to talk to you,.. but if you cant create that attraction (or at least maintain it to some degree,.. after the initial conversation) then whats the point?
- Take the confidence you have an advantage, and treat the females the same way you would if you had other options.
Im not much taller then you, only bout 5 '7, .... my favorit thing (well, a close favorite) is talking to a taller woman,.. who says she doesnt date guys that are shorter then she is.
****y + Funny, throw in some confident body language, and you'll find that height is THE FEMALES insurity, and not yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(doesnt hurt to tell her that either:
Her: "I dont date shorter guys"
You: Well, we can work out your insecurities later, right now, I'd like to know why your so shy.... I was sitting at the other table waiting for you to come over and take a seat.

-****y, funny, confident,... just tweek the above to the situation. Most of the time, this breaks the ice, gets the mlaughing, and you didnt just kiss her ass like every other guy who came up and tried to talk to her did!

That type of behavior, mixed with the pheromones, should be killer. No sence making a deal without being able to close it.
Most women are shallow and have ego's,..little man, little **** kinda attitude. You can spray all ya want, if they are the kind of chicks that judge a guy for face value or for what he's got in his wallet then they aren't worth your time ! Im 39 5'4" and HIV+, dating is kinda difficult. Thing is all these women piss and moan about being lonely and it all still boils down to,..watcha look like and how much money you make, reguardless of how tall you are or whats running through your veins. Just be yourself bra, if they dont like you for you then f#ck'em ! no use feeling bad about who you are for nothing....
Hey guys!! Now that I think about it, it's not my fault I'm short and they don't wanna date me. It's really them ladies that got issues. I don't do anything that'd make them turn their eyes away. I'm probably nicer than any of their ex-boyfriends yet I get discouraged too easily. Next time I'll stand my ground until they see things from my perspective. Yeah, things'll go my way from now on. Time to hit the clubs and see what I can do.
I mean how important is to you how tall she is, what kind if education does she have, will she make you look better in front of your friends, how much money does she make, what she drives,..? Remember bra, you're the one with the better deal. You have a good attitude and you'll be fine im sure.
anapolack said:
maybe thats your ever try NOT being short,old and hiv+?

Rough man! out of those things, 2 out of 3 just kinda happen! not much you can do about that.

Someone mentioned that the hot females always date *******s,.. theres probably something to that.
Although, you dont have to be an ******* to elicit the same responses.
I dont think height is too much of a factor at all, im shorter than you guys by a few 5'3 and i have had no problem ever finding/meeting girls to date or hook up with. it truely is all about how you can talk. Sure looks can help with first impressions and help you find sloozies easier but what it really comes down is you gotta be able to talk and talk well.
robster11 said:
I dont think height is too much of a factor at all, im shorter than you guys by a few 5'3 and i have had no problem ever finding/meeting girls to date or hook up with. it truely is all about how you can talk. Sure looks can help with first impressions and help you find sloozies easier but what it really comes down is you gotta be able to talk and talk well.

You know how wemen are always saying "We dont communicate"!!?
Communication- even just when flirting - can trigger attraction more then physicial appearences.
If you dont think so,.. have yo uever seen those kinda ugly guys dating a super hot chick?.. I soo it every once in a while while Im out,.. I dont honestly beleive she's dating him becassue of his looks. Its most likely the way HE makes HER FEEL- through communication mostly. Sometimes, it doesnt even matter wehat you say, it's how you say it.
LEarn the skill of communication (not just "conversation skills"), but the type of communication that creates attraction, and your set.
I cant remember the last time ANYONE had a choice in who they were attracted to!!!!!! -It just happens. So, she cant just say "ya know, I think he's too short, I gotta remember not to be attracted to him".. SHe can'T- it's just one of those things we dont really have a choice in.

That being said- Im dating a few females at the moment, and the one I enjoy the most is the least attractive. But she makes me FEEL special and such. In all honestly, I wouldnt score her more then a 6. But- Ive already mentioned that it never comes down to looks.
anapolack said:
maybe thats your ever try NOT being short,old and hiv+?
You probally dont realize how intelligent that sounded....
Anything you do that isn't who you really are will come out sooner than later so I find that spending money on crap is a waste of time unless your only point is to get ****ed and leave. If you're actually looking for relationships you're just wasting time.
yeah the thing is i see a hot chick walking down the opposite direction and i can't look at her, man. not directly at her eyes, maybe her boobs. i must be psycho or something.
I would say less psycho and probably more insecure. Of course you could be crazy as a nut though so don't think I just diagnosed you as sane if you're sitting in your house right now in women's underwear with your **** tucked between your legs...

Ok, If I am at a bar, I will probably not notice a mans pheramones - sorry.
I will however notice his confidence, style, posture and not his height.
If he seems confident and made an effort to dress well then thats a pretty good start.
If he seems hung up about his height, then I am not interested.
There we go! We have an honest statement from a real woman which from my experiences have proven much more reliable than the inflatable ones that are sitting next to me. I mean they're easy and give in to all my desires but at the end of the day when all you want is good conversation...They're just airheads.
yup there you go. I do notice the mones tend to work a lil bit. But as a pastor said with my slight changing of his words,
"The mones will work, if you work it!"

so be sure to "Work it real good" lol :)
Ok, If I am at a bar, I will probably not notice a mans pheramones - sorry.
I will however notice his confidence, style, posture and not his height.
If he seems confident and made an effort to dress well then thats a pretty good start.
If he seems hung up about his height, then I am not interested.
Con artists also tend to appear confident, stylish and self assured. Rules of the con game.

To each his own or her own. But the bar is hardly the ideal place to evaluate a person. It is not a place where people go to show their true color.
BioHazzard said:
Con artists also tend to appear confident, stylish and self assured. Rules of the con game.

To each his own or her own. But the bar is hardly the ideal place to evaluate a person. It is not a place where people go to show their true color.

Thats true too.
Bars are for window shopping, I don't think I have ever met someone I dated at a bar.
Starbucks, Barns N' Nobels, Panarea Bread,library,.. ALWAYS a better start when looking for a "keeper" (for the most part).
There was this guy who met this girl at work. They always ended up working nearly every shift together and became friends. They would talk about random things. Their days, the weather, and what turned them off when it came to the opposite sex. For him it was girls that are too untrusting. Wanting to call every five second just too see what they've been doing. For her it was shorter guys like this 5'6" one.

But then something happened. Maybe it was the confidence. Maybe it was how nice he is. Maybe it's because he was like no guy she ever new before. Who knows. But today though that girl happens to be my fiance.

People may have the preferences. What they like and don't like. But if you bring enough of the good up to the surface they will overlook what they perceive as being bad and a one and a half inch difference wont mean anything anymore.
People may have the preferences. What they like and don't like. But if you bring enough of the good up to the surface they will overlook what they perceive as being bad and a one and a half inch difference wont mean anything anymore.

Perfectly said.
Sure - in my ideal world, I thought my dream man was tall, dark, handsome etc, etc.
But then I met the man of my dreams and height/weight/looks had nothing to do with it.
He understands me, we have similar interests and a similar view on the world. We laugh at the same jokes, cry at the same world issues, and can hold a conversation on current affairs for hours.
That is what I fell in love with, and no matter what he looks like, that is what I am attracted to in him.

I have dated eye candy - tall, muscular, etc, but I could not hold a converstaion with them for more than two seconds. There was nothing there but looks, and looks don't last forever.
I know its hard to look past the initial physical attraction, but for long lasting relationships, its what's inside that counts.
Shame it took me so long to realise that!!! :)
you should try Sex Panther.

"it's made with real bits of Panther, so you know it's good"

"They done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works every time"
Superior numb-chuck skills don't hurt, either...unless you're on the receiving end, of course.
you should try Sex Panther.

"it's made with real bits of Panther, so you know it's good"

"They done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works every time"


But it's a very pungent scent...stings the nostrils..

Other folks mentioned it smells like a turd wrapped in burnt hair or even like bigfoot's d*ck!

:toofunny: Good ol Brian Fantana :dance: