Dinosaur Muffin's Cruise/TRT



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Real update today.

Weight: 189.5 (target prior to blast below is 180lbs
Still eating maintenance at for BMR. 2100 calories. Some days I go over slightly, like last night I had homemade popcorn with my wife on the couch while watching TV. Probably came in at 2400 calories. Despite that, I am still losing weight because I am averaging an extra 800 calories a day in burn from lifting and/or cardio. I don't feel I have lost almost anything from my blast I just came off 3 weeks ago (except for the extreme sex drive from Tren, it's now more manageable, but still high).

My future plan as of now is this: Starting June 12th (about 11 weeks after my blast)
The goal is to bring calories up to 2500 cut back on cardio some and lean bulk.

Option A
300mg Test E (25 weeks)
300mg Primo E (25 weeks)
12.5 Dbol ED (last 14 weeks) HCG 800 ius (split into 2x weekly)

Option B (afraid I'll tank Estrogen)
300mg Test E (25 weeks)
300mg Primo E (25 weeks)
250 Masteron E ( last 20 weeks)
HCG 800 ius (split into 2x weekly)

Option C
300mg Test E (25 weeks)
300mg Primo E (25 weeks)
250mg Tren E (weeks 15 - 25)
HCG 800 ius (split into 2x weekly)

Additionally, I'll be running 25mcg of t3 so full replacement and I will run 6 weeks total clen at the beginning 2 on 2 off at 40-50mcg)
Can you explain to me how you can rationalize considering both option A & B seriously if you actually believe what you wrote in option A?

If your estrogen is going to low, the longterm solution isn’t to take Dbol. It’s stop using an AI, and if you weren’t using one then back off the compounds lowering estrogen like Primo/Mast OR increase estrogen (raise testosterone dose, consume oral DHEA, use an estrogen cream, add Nandrolone to increase aromatization if it’s other specific traits are also desired).

Yes Dbol will do the job, but it’s also going to be hard on lipids, blood pressure, and for myself appetite & digestion/gut health. So I would only choose Dbol if I expressly desired Dbol, and the only reason I would use Dbol would be for the fastest peak size & strength possible (so never for 14 weeks, because I can do that with more test over that time much healthier). Dbol is never optimal for any situation over 6 weeks, and I could argue much less.

I do definitely think option B is going to be too dry, especially considering you not needing an AI previously on 500 test.


Can you explain to me how you can rationalize considering both option A & B seriously if you actually believe what you wrote in option A?

If your estrogen is going to low, the longterm solution isn’t to take Dbol. It’s stop using an AI, and if you weren’t using one then back off the compounds lowering estrogen like Primo/Mast OR increase estrogen (raise testosterone dose, consume oral DHEA, use an estrogen cream, add Nandrolone to increase aromatization if it’s other specific traits are also desired).

Yes Dbol will do the job, but it’s also going to be hard on lipids, blood pressure, and for myself appetite & digestion/gut health. So I would only choose Dbol if I expressly desired Dbol, and the only reason I would use Dbol would be for the fastest peak size & strength possible (so never for 14 weeks, because I can do that with more test over that time much healthier). Dbol is never optimal for any situation over 6 weeks, and I could argue much less.

I do definitely think option B is going to be too dry, especially considering you not needing an AI previously on 500 test.

Totally fair enough and that's why I post, is to have holes poked in it. I can raise test. Thats's not a problem. I have 10 vials of Test E 300 that I am using for TRT I can bump. The question I have is to bump to 400mg Test E for 25 weeks... Is that even ok?! I can obviously see how I react and see if that is even needed. The goal is low and slow so 300/300 if that works. Just worried about the estrogen part.

Appreciate it, man! Seriously.


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Totally fair enough and that's why I post, is to have holes poked in it. I can raise test. Thats's not a problem. I have 10 vials of Test E 300 that I am using for TRT I can bump. The question I have is to bump to 400mg Test E for 25 weeks... Is that even ok?! I can obviously see how I react and see if that is even needed. The goal is low and slow so 300/300 if that works. Just worried about the estrogen part.

Appreciate it, man! Seriously.
I’d start at the 300/200 for a month or so, then see how I feel as levels stabilize. If I felt dry, test goes up next. If I feel estrogen is high, primo goes up. If I feel perfect, I split the dose increase between them.

You’ve got to define “ok”. There are guys that never come off 500mg of test. They often have to donate blood every 8 weeks or so and usually let their BP run too high too much of the time. They’re alive and strong, but you probably wouldn’t choose the term healthy.

There are social media influencers who barely use any test but stay on things like Anavar year round with terrible lipids and hardening arteries. They keep themselves lean, BP under control, but they’re setting themselves up for a cardiac event in their 40s.

I would say the longer the anabolic cycle, the more lipids should be considered and watched. That is where not using orals or Tren until the finale comes in. Blood thickness that isn’t getting too high (or donating if so) is always crucial, and BP always needs to be monitored & controlled to avoid kidney damage. Blood sugar should be managed if GH is being employed, and obviously monitored closely with insulin use. Watching glucose is also useful when bulking, to help guid decisions on when to push food and for how long.


I’d start at the 300/200 for a month or so, then see how I feel as levels stabilize. If I felt dry, test goes up next. If I feel estrogen is high, primo goes up. If I feel perfect, I split the dose increase between them.

You’ve got to define “ok”. There are guys that never come off 500mg of test. They often have to donate blood every 8 weeks or so and usually let their BP run too high too much of the time. They’re alive and strong, but you probably wouldn’t choose the term healthy.

There are social media influencers who barely use any test but stay on things like Anavar year round with terrible lipids and hardening arteries. They keep themselves lean, BP under control, but they’re setting themselves up for a cardiac event in their 40s.

I would say the longer the anabolic cycle, the more lipids should be considered and watched. That is where not using orals or Tren until the finale comes in. Blood thickness that isn’t getting too high (or donating if so) is always crucial, and BP always needs to be monitored & controlled to avoid kidney damage. Blood sugar should be managed if GH is being employed, and obviously monitored closely with insulin use. Watching glucose is also useful when bulking, to help guid decisions on when to push food and for how long.

Awesome advice. I did notice my BP is just a tad higher over the last month. I talk to my doc and she said its not horrible but wants it a little lower. As **** is leaving my system and just have my cruise test going it has dropped. It got as high as 145/80. Now is it 120/78. That bottom number is still higher than it was.

I'll stay away from tren, atleast for now and if I do go back at all I'll make sure my levels are good first and I will low dose it.

Fair enough on the 500mg and the influencers. I know Anavar trashed my lipids the last time I took it. Honestly I think it might have been Dbol because I ballooned 35 lbs in 10 weeks on Sustanon 250 (2x a week) Anavar at 50mg a week. I wasn't running an AI just Nolva at the time. I was a bulkly watery mess.

So my question is I have a legit source for Anavar and Primo, Testing included to know even the MG/ML strength.

Should I run 20 weeks at 400/400 or 25 weeks at 300/300, keep in mind I am cruising. Additionally, I could add in 25mg real Anavar for 60 days but not sure if that is wise or not. Would love to get your opinion on the 20-week / 25-week and the addition of a low-dose Anavar. I don't want to **** my lipids but they were not bad coming off cycle 110 in total. 35/85 (that's coming off Tren and Tbol.)



Feeling good. My weight is down to 187.3 which is about 9 lbs in a month. I might be cutting too hard but I seem to be holding my muscle mass. I am making sure I get 200g of protein a day. I am doing cardio daily now for like an hour and lifting 4-5 days a week. Eating at 2000 calories. Burning about 1000 extra calories a day.

TRT decision as far as the feeling was great. I do have a small amount of second-guessing on it in the back of my head. Not sure why, maybe just thinking about how long I will have to do it for Maybe the next 40 years? Is there an age where you just stop when you are really old? I'm not going to have more kids, so no problem there. I am responsible and in good health and will smarter things but just hard to make the jump. I could still PCT but I just don't want to and that is thinking about not just right now. That's thinking long-term.

I also need to hone in on my estrogen. I need to get bloodwork to see where it's at. I have been taking 6.25mg Aromasin x2 a week and I am running more like 250mg Test E. I think it's too much aromasin. Might run just 6.25. My libido is lower than natural but still get good solid wood. So blood work is the answer but feel it's a minor change that could help.

Lastly, on my next blast, I think I have settled on this.

450mg Test E weeks 1-16 (will increase if I feel estrogen is down)
600mg Primo E weeks 1 -16
Tbol 25mg weeks 8 - 16 (had some leftover)
Also will be running 25mcg T3
Clen 40-60mcg (few weeks on few weeks off at the beginning - maybe a total of 6 weeks.)

It's that or 500mg Primo E for 20 weeks.

I just feel I can't get a solid answer on what I need to run.


One last thing. I am at 17% roughly right now. I plan before the end of June when I start to cut down another 5%. So goal going into the blast above is to be @ 12% BF.


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I think if you aren’t absolutely sure you want to stay enhanced, you need to PCT seriously right now. You would ideally never come off, til death do you part. Having very low test is worse for health than having in range test. Not talking about taking juiced up doses like 200mg/wk, but using something like 100mg/wk. Even 50mg/wk can put some guys in range, like 400ng/dl total t, when microdosed daily.

For myself, I’m done with kids and have no interest in struggling with basic functions when I can keep them optimized with a couple slinpins a week. It’s faster than brushing my teeth, and more rewarding.

Your goal is to cut. You don’t need much in the way of drugs to retain muscle on a cut. Generally the rule is that the deeper the cut, the lower food goes, the more anabolics you will need to maintain size. But you don’t need much particularly when over 10% bodyfat. It’s those lower levels getting ready for competitive bodybuilding that guys will want to push a lot of gas typically.

Drug doses should be progressive, not static. Don’t start where you will finish, because you don’t need as much at the start to get the results you are after. When food is lowest, drugs should be highest. You might do great on 300/200 at the start, but want 500/700 by the end. Just have enough gear on hand to approximately cover the time you intend to diet over. For most people that’s probably going to be 16-20 weeks.


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I think if you aren’t absolutely sure you want to stay enhanced, you need to PCT seriously right now. You would ideally never come off, til death do you part. Having very low test is worse for health than having in range test. Not talking about taking juiced up doses like 200mg/wk, but using something like 100mg/wk. Even 50mg/wk can put some guys in range, like 400ng/dl total t, when microdosed daily.

For myself, I’m done with kids and have no interest in struggling with basic functions when I can keep them optimized with a couple slinpins a week. It’s faster than brushing my teeth, and more rewarding.

Your goal is to cut. You don’t need much in the way of drugs to retain muscle on a cut. Generally the rule is that the deeper the cut, the lower food goes, the more anabolics you will need to maintain size. But you don’t need much particularly when over 10% bodyfat. It’s those lower levels getting ready for competitive bodybuilding that guys will want to push a lot of gas typically.

Drug doses should be progressive, not static. Don’t start where you will finish, because you don’t need as much at the start to get the results you are after. When food is lowest, drugs should be highest. You might do great on 300/200 at the start, but want 500/700 by the end. Just have enough gear on hand to approximately cover the time you intend to diet over. For most people that’s probably going to be 16-20 weeks.
For example I'm 210 abd just cracked sub 10 and I'm pushing 2 grams right now. Goal is sub 8 first week of June and as my food goes down 👇 the drugs go 👆. Food us the most anabolic thing on the planet so the more food you take away in order to maintain all the muscle I have I need something in place of food I.e. more tren, more mast, will eventually add clen and drop calories again..bring on the winny


I think if you aren’t absolutely sure you want to stay enhanced, you need to PCT seriously right now. You would ideally never come off, til death do you part. Having very low test is worse for health than having in range test. Not talking about taking juiced up doses like 200mg/wk, but using something like 100mg/wk. Even 50mg/wk can put some guys in range, like 400ng/dl total t, when microdosed daily.

For myself, I’m done with kids and have no interest in struggling with basic functions when I can keep them optimized with a couple slinpins a week. It’s faster than brushing my teeth, and more rewarding.

Your goal is to cut. You don’t need much in the way of drugs to retain muscle on a cut. Generally the rule is that the deeper the cut, the lower food goes, the more anabolics you will need to maintain size. But you don’t need much particularly when over 10% bodyfat. It’s those lower levels getting ready for competitive bodybuilding that guys will want to push a lot of gas typically.

Drug doses should be progressive, not static. Don’t start where you will finish, because you don’t need as much at the start to get the results you are after. When food is lowest, drugs should be highest. You might do great on 300/200 at the start, but want 500/700 by the end. Just have enough gear on hand to approximately cover the time you intend to diet over. For most people that’s probably going to be 16-20 weeks.

So I'm like 95%+ sure on trt. It's just hard to think about the longterm and be certain. I'm done with having kids, tired of the battle, will approach things cautiously. It's just the unknown. That's all. I'm going to give my self 2 more weeks. That puts me at 16 weeks on " gear". I have ran hcg the whole time and have 8 weeks of pct drugs if needed. But don't think I will.

I adjusted blast to titrat up as advised. I'm going to start at 300/400 and work my way up to 500/700 with tools last six weeks (4@25 /2@50). Will add in clen last half. 16 weeks total. Will also subtract calories as I go. I am still cutting up to this blast, so I will increase calories for now but retain activity so I have a place to go down from. Will eat 2500 and burn 3000 for now.


Still considering some other blasts.

My current cut is going fantastic. I think I'll be down to 12 pretty easy in 2 months and don't care about dropping to much less. Maybe 10 but whatever.

So then I might want to lean bulk. Maybe npp/test/mast. It would be 1/3 of the price of primo. I just not sure if I need to get any leaner at that point.

So might mess around with cycle design on with npp/mast



Here are the two cycle layouts I am considering at this point.

So basically Primo/Test E/Tbol/Clen/T4 (swapping from T3 for a few months).


Test E/NPP/Mast/T4

I am cutting well and have 2.5 more months that I could cut so I feel like I could be at 12% by that time. So not sure if I need to cut at that point would probably prefer to lean bulk and try to stay at 15% by the end. Then cut back down for another month.

I know the NPP/Mast will **** my lipids but honestly, I have probably more blasts in the tank then I think. 3 - 12 years ago and 1 at the beginning of the year.

So would love to hear if that combo is a good one. NPP/Mast is 40% of the price as the primo cycle and could set me up better longterm on spend.




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My brovice is do not choose your drugs on cost - choose the best tool for you for the job. If you save money, that’s excellent. Primo isn’t necessary or magic, but it is a very good drug in its own way for its own reasons.

Test, mast, & NPP are also great drugs IMO. If you keep estrogen as high as possible without getting gyno, your lipids will always be better than if estradiol was kept on the low side.



What test/NPP/Mast ratio do you suggest?

Reviewed my sources and found better pricing (with Janoshik testing) which might allow me to adjust some things. Should I increase Mast E or would I be better off keeping it like it was above? What are your thoughts?

Roughly this:

Weeks 1 - 5 (Test E 300 / Mast E 400 / NPP 200)
Weeks 6-10 (Test E 400 / Mast E 600 / NPP 300)
Weeks 11-14 (Test E 500 / Mast E 600 / NPP 300)
Also, I decided to through in Anavar last 8 weeks at 25mg pre-work-ou t / lift days only.

Was previously this:
Weeks 1 - 5 (Test E 300 / Mast E 200 / NPP 200)
Weeks 6-10 (Test E 400 / Mast E 400 / NPP 300)
Weeks 11-14 (Test E 500 / Mast E 400 / NPP 300)

This will be leading up to a vacation. Not planning a blast for that but just so happens.


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What test/NPP/Mast ratio do you suggest?

Reviewed my sources and found better pricing (with Janoshik testing) which might allow me to adjust some things. Should I increase Mast E or would I be better off keeping it like it was above? What are your thoughts?

Roughly this:

Weeks 1 - 5 (Test E 300 / Mast E 400 / NPP 200)
Weeks 6-10 (Test E 400 / Mast E 600 / NPP 300)
Weeks 11-14 (Test E 500 / Mast E 600 / NPP 300)
Also, I decided to through in Anavar last 8 weeks at 25mg pre-work-ou t / lift days only.

Was previously this:
Weeks 1 - 5 (Test E 300 / Mast E 200 / NPP 200)
Weeks 6-10 (Test E 400 / Mast E 400 / NPP 300)
Weeks 11-14 (Test E 500 / Mast E 400 / NPP 300)

This will be leading up to a vacation. Not planning a blast for that but just so happens.
Ratios are a bullshit theory made up by someone who doesn’t understand the law of individual differences. They never hold up, not even for the same individual.

Once I cruised on 120/120 test & eq. I had low E2, creaky jointsand shot lipids within 7 weeks. But if I was blasting and generating enough estrogen from a bigger dose of test, 1:1 might be perfect. Eventually, if doses went high enough, I would probably need more eq than test. Otherwise, things would be opposite of the cruise and I would have high E2 if the mg of test was high enough, because the way I metabolize testosterone administered at 120mg per week won’t be the same as taking 1,200mg/wk.

So forget ratios. You will have to see how YOU respond, and bump explicit doses accordingly as you go. You should have a plan for the compounds and total dosage range you intend to run, but a cycle needs to flex with your goals vs how your body is responding. Sometimes you need to cut them short or decrease things, and sometimes you should go longer or take more than planned if you have access to it.


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Also, the new cycle is just more drugs. Maybe you should consider pulling test and/or NPP down slightly also instead of only adding more mast if you find you can’t handle the aromatization.


Update. Slowly losing weight. I'm at 186ish still. I had two events over the last two weeks I went to where I ate a shot ton of food and drank a little but the rest of the week was on point for diet and exercise. So scale hasn't moved too much but I feel like I have a bunch of water weight on me too from that.

Still, 6 more weeks to cut. Until my blast. Adding in clen in about 7 to 10 days. Waiting for it to arrive. Will run for 5 weeks, low dose and building up every 2 weeks. Will run with no break and then get off for a blast.

The only concern I have is I have never done Deca or NPP and hear it fucks with people as far as depression also Deca dick. I will start P5P about 3 weeks out at 100mg x 2 a day. I have caber but from what I read is not necessary at all and I know that stuff is harder core.

What about libido? With Mast/NPP/Test - will my libido increase like it did on Tren?


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Probably not like Tren, but Mast really raises mine and Nand lowers it. So it’s going to depend on how you respond and how much of what you take. Some guys are total horndogs on Nand; you’re going to have to experiment.


So I decided today to slow my roll. Instead of getting back on a blast. I am going to ride my 270mg Test for the summer. See where that gets me for gains/ weight loss. I have worked out logistics for HGH and will be running 2IUs for 6months. I will add in 25mcg of T3 and up my dose of T4 to 100mcg. Additionally, I will run a low to mid-12-week course of clen 20mcg - 80mcg. I will also get run low dose Tbol 25mg for 8.5 weeks as I have it on hand. (TBOl is placed where it is so I have plenty of time between the next blast and using an oral.)

The goal will be to trim every bit of fat I can off me and maybe depending on how fast I get there. Slowly add back in. (will inject HGH right after waking up and then fasted cardio.

(Picture does not show the full 6-month HGH run)




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Don’t start HGH same week as Tbol; you won’t know if it’s causing high BP or what it’s like from it’s own effects. I would recommend starting it 2 weeks earlier.


Don’t start HGH same week as Tbol; you won’t know if it’s causing high BP or what it’s like from it’s own effects. I would recommend starting it 2 weeks earlier.
Will do!


Don’t start HGH same week as Tbol; you won’t know if it’s causing high BP or what it’s like from it’s own effects. I would recommend starting it 2 weeks earlier.
Any thoughts on adding Semaglutide for 13 weeks?


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Any thoughts on adding Semaglutide for 13 weeks?
Definitely not; you aren’t diabetic and your weight is totally under control. If you need some appetite suppression, there are plenty of things with less aggressive side effect profiles that can be implemented first & also manipulated much more acutely.

Lots of herbal supplements like Cissus, injectable Choline/Carnitine blends that have a host of physical & neurological benefit, and of course proven drugs like pseudoephedrine that have stood the test of time for safety profile and appetite reduction when needed.

The only thing semaglutide has going for it is weekly administration, and it works. I do not think global appetite suppression is ideal unless it’s a last resort to avoid insulin dependency, especially when it has such a significant side profile. It’s unnecessary for someone who doesn’t struggle with execution. Just opinion there.


So on my mission to find the best sources I stumbled onto a real mass producer of gear. They supply to a lot of middlemen and they are willing to sell to me.

I am going to get 10 Test E 250s for under $100, 10 NPP for under $90, 10 Mast E for under $120, and HGH 110Ius for $70. Shipped domestically. All Janoshik tested.

So that means I am going to have about 2.5 years of blasts and TRT, and 3 cycles of NPP/Mast.

So, not sure even if I'll use all this but it's the same price as buying from middlemen and small producers. Primo E 200 is shipped internationally and is like $300 for 10 vials. I might save after this and grabs some of that as well and more hgh if I like it.

Pretty pumped.


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Buy a Roidtest for everything you get, homie.

I hope you get what you ordered, but if it sounds too good to be true…remain skeptical until it tests positive.


Buy a Roidtest for everything you get, homie.

I hope you get what you ordered, but if it sounds too good to be true…remain skeptical until it tests positive.
Agreed, Which I plan on doing. The supply's post has like 1500 pages worth of people posting on there. Very good reviews. Still will test.


Agreed, Which I plan on doing. The supply's post has like 1500 pages worth of people posting on there. Very good reviews. Still will test.
I have been looking. Any suggested suppliers for testing kits?


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I have been looking. Any suggested suppliers for testing kits?
Yes, the brand I said: Roidtest. The refill kits are not quantitative, but it will tell you if the compound you purchased is present, and sometimes it can tell you if it’s a different steroid if it’s not.

Just buy a refill for each compound you ordered, or at least the most expensive ones.


Just updates.

Nothing much to report. Weight loss kind of stalled at 186-188. My diet is tight for 5/7 days and then it falls to **** on the weekend. I feel like my relationship is what really hurts me here. Just the lows make it hard to adhere. For sure stress eat or feel comforted by carbs. Will be starting low-dose clen next week. For about a month prior to a longer stretch of cut, trying to get to 10%.

I also am struggling again in my relationship. Which just affects me so much. Working through it. Just she is a tough one. The flip side of that work is going well and hopefully getting promoted. Maybe that will make her happy since she is a psycho with money. (we are already well off for those who have been following me, she just is crazy)


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Just updates.

Nothing much to report. Weight loss kind of stalled at 186-188. My diet is tight for 5/7 days and then it falls to **** on the weekend. I feel like my relationship is what really hurts me here. Just the lows make it hard to adhere. For sure stress eat or feel comforted by carbs. Will be starting low-dose clen next week. For about a month prior to a longer stretch of cut, trying to get to 10%.

I also am struggling again in my relationship. Which just affects me so much. Working through it. Just she is a tough one. The flip side of that work is going well and hopefully getting promoted. Maybe that will make her happy since she is a psycho with money. (we are already well off for those who have been following me, she just is crazy)
If diet is failing for the weekend, maybe try to keep it tight every day but one. That’s what my brother does, one day per week to be looser (not blow it out, just off the normal plan).

I’m happy to hear about the potential promotion, but I would encourage you not to see increased income as any relevance to your relationship. Your work can definitely impact things for better or worse, but not so much the income (beyond making a woman feel reasonably secure, it doesn’t fix things).


If diet is failing for the weekend, maybe try to keep it tight every day but one. That’s what my brother does, one day per week to be looser (not blow it out, just off the normal plan).

I’m happy to hear about the potential promotion, but I would encourage you not to see increased income as any relevance to your relationship. Your work can definitely impact things for better or worse, but not so much the income (beyond making a woman feel reasonably secure, it doesn’t fix things).
Yeah, thanks. Good idea on diet. It's hard when the wife wants to go out to eat or have some wine or I just see them eating good stuff that is bad for me.

Yeah, I know money doesn't fix things. The promotion would be about an 80K bump. I am already mid the 250s...plus all kinds of other things like RSUs and other incentives and we live in the suburbs of Denver (the cost of living here is like Portland or Seattle, so high but it's still a very good income. We have 0 debt except the house is 50% paid off. We are seeing a therapist and have identified she has a security issue from her childhood. Her dad worked part-time min wage (nice guy but wasn't a good provider) and her mom was a teacher. So they struggled.


Question on running trt or cruise during cut.

So right now I am running a cruise. Call it 250mg Test E. give or take. I am cutting. Should I drop it to say 180mg which is more TRT? I read most people say running lower is better for a cut. If so why? If not why?


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Question on running trt or cruise during cut.

So right now I am running a cruise. Call it 250mg Test E. give or take. I am cutting. Should I drop it to say 180mg which is more TRT? I read most people say running lower is better for a cut. If so why? If not why?
More is better, from a cut perspective. More androgens means higher calorie needs and better muscle retention. This is why doses are highest at the end of a bodybuilding contest prep - some guys will grow into the show, but most need all the gas just to keep their size when the calories get low.

The benefits of cruising at lower doses are to help thin the blood and restore lipids in a more timely fashion. And generally a bit lower system stress with things like blood pressure, oxidation levels, or need for ancillaries that can tax the body.

If lipids weren’t totally trash, I would run the 250/wk. Even if blood was thick, you could donate as long as ferritin levels don’t get too low.


More is better, from a cut perspective. More androgens means higher calorie needs and better muscle retention. This is why doses are highest at the end of a bodybuilding contest prep - some guys will grow into the show, but most need all the gas just to keep their size when the calories get low.

The benefits of cruising at lower doses are to help thin the blood and restore lipids in a more timely fashion. And generally a bit lower system stress with things like blood pressure, oxidation levels, or need for ancillaries that can tax the body.

If lipids weren’t totally trash, I would run the 250/wk. Even if blood was thick, you could donate as long as ferritin levels don’t get too low.
This totally makes sense. Will continue to proceed then.


Personal log. I got promoted today. My boss ended up leaving and putting in notice. Which is wild. She is awesome. So I got a promotion and a half. Pretty excited and thought I would share.

I would say that being on AAS has affected my work motivation and production in a positive manner and will give slight credit there, but only slight as I did that **** myself.

*boss left for an even better gig. She is 10 years advanced in her career, so it will be where she retires from I am sure.


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Personal log. I got promoted today. My boss ended up leaving and putting in notice. Which is wild. She is awesome. So I got a promotion and a half. Pretty excited and thought I would share.

I would say that being on AAS has affected my work motivation and production in a positive manner and will give slight credit there, but only slight as I did that **** myself.

*boss left for an even better gig. She is 10 years advanced in her career, so it will be where she retires from I am sure.
That’s a great opportunity! Congratulations on the promotion.


Back! After being gone for a few weeks.

Everything is kicking a long. I am going to be running a pretty hard cut start next week. This will roll for about 12 weeks. Hoping to get down to 10%. I'll be running higher test along with a whole bunch on none AAS goodies.

The only other thing to report is I injected into my shoulder too low. Hit a nerve and now from my elbow pit into my fingers its tingling and kind of hurt. Not a big deal. I have done this before in various spots.

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