Creatine usage during cycle


Well-known member
I'm still on the fence with this one. I hear conflicting opinions. Would like to know the general opinion of the vets.
not a vet but using creatine during cycle will not have result even close to what you will get from using ph. I decided to keep my creatine during my cycle and most importantly, will take it post cycle along with other post cycle supps to keep up the gains. b/c im using T-1 (more 4-ad) the use of creatine will only be a plus for shear size gains. but again, the gains you will make from the extra creatine will be overshadowed by what you obtain from the use of 1-test/4-ad.
I know the two(creatine, ph) cannot be compared, I was just wondering if it was worth using. I figured since there is water retention from the 4AD, using creatine would be like pissing in the wind. Thanks, bro
Using creatine during a cycle to me is a tough choice, if you're expeirenced and know how your body will react, then go for it. But I like to see exactly what the cycle will do for me, adding in creatine you really cant say "oof this 1-test cycle I gained 14lbs" Because some of it can be due to the creatine use, what I normally do is run creatine starting the last week of my cycle to preserve the strength gains, this is merely my opinion though, YJ
YellowJacket said:
Using creatine during a cycle to me is a tough choice, if you're expeirenced and know how your body will react, then go for it. But I like to see exactly what the cycle will do for me, adding in creatine you really cant say "oof this 1-test cycle I gained 14lbs" Because some of it can be due to the creatine use, what I normally do is run creatine starting the last week of my cycle to preserve the strength gains, this is merely my opinion though, YJ

Appearsto be sound logic to me. Due to vacation, I've been off creatine for about 2 weeks. So, I'll wait til the end of my cycle to load some creatine.
very good point yj. may be i will leave out the creatine, and do t1 without it see i can better gauge success of ph.

good to have bro's with
YJ makes a good point if you really want to gauge the gains you get from the PH. Another point is that if your doing only a 1-test cycle, the increased water retention from regular creatine mono can always help with overrall gains. Creatin a more anabolic environment is always good. Its pointless if have 4ad. You would just bloat up something serious....
Yep, YJ and Bobo make good points. I am no longer concerned in gauging how well a certain PH will perform like I used to be. All I care about now is the most bulk for the buck! I am going to run V12 and my Custom Mix at the same time to ensure optimum gains.
ww7 you do that they wont be able to fit you in a jet for us to get together and have a blast. you will have to drive to fl and meet me and yj in orlando. god i can just see us 3 together. my boys will have to bail us out of
I am taking 400 mg of 4ad.... and i think it would be pointless to take creatine, cause i am pretyt bloated up as it is. my freinds all are telling me that i am holding water, and if one was to take creatine with 4ad, the results of creatine would simply be overwhelmed by the use of 4ad.
i think YJ's idea of using it on the last week of cycle is excellent, and i think i might do that because it sounds perfectly reasonable.
Kay said:
i think YJ's idea of using it on the last week of cycle is excellent, and i think i might do that because it sounds perfectly reasonable.

i kept my creatine use throughout my first go around on t-1 and will keep it til the end of my postcycle. by the end of my post, i will have used creatine as part of my supp list for 8 weeks so i will get off for my next t-1 cycle, and begin using it again the last week and continue it again through the post. (thats only 3 weeks off on the creatine but like i said, the comparison between creatine effectiveness and that of a ph, cant even compare)