Cooking Fillet Steak, how do I not ruin it?


Active member
So I got some fillet steak because it was really fresh and on special. Do I cook it like a normal steak in a pan or do I need to treat it differently because it is so expensive cut ? like marinade, slow cook, grill .. actually I don't know lol.

Steak lovers please give me ideas. Ta..

essentially I am more a baking kindof girl and cooking steak is not my forte but improving. :food:
Grilling is probably best but if you just have access to a stovetop and oven try this...
Preheat oven to 400, Oil or butter in cast iron pan, medium high, salt/pepper steak both sides, sear both sides (about 2 mins or so a piece), transfer to oven for about 10-15 mins...approx internal temp should be around 140-145 when you take it out. Transfer to a cool plate, throw some butter on top and cover with foil. Eat it a few minutes later.
Yea that sound good thanks!

I was testing one actually and because I am a Heston blumenthal fan I decided to give his perfect steak recipe a try. Essentially it is hot pan and when you out the steak on, you got to turn it every 20 secs or so until it's done. Then rest which he said was the most important part. Well I followed that and it turned out nice! Yum.