Contest cutting stack suggestions welcome and appreciated.


Here's what the plan is:

4 weeeks of T2 (original), Xenadrine (RFA), 6oxo (revovery from t1pro), FL7
alternate with 4 weeks of :
T1 pro, FL7 (do I need to cycle ?)

The only other element is the usnic acitd would it work better with the thermogenic or would I be better of cylcling it with the T1pro. Any other observations would be more than welcome.
Dont forget DNP! (KIDDING, don't touch the stuff). Looks fine, would incorporate all those things slowly and watch your dosages, looks like you're in for a good cuttin!
Yah 20 weeks worth, I was going to cycle these back and forth 4 weeks on 4 weeks off. I just don't know how to organize the stacks.
Originally posted by DreamWeaver
Yah 20 weeks worth, I was going to cycle these back and forth 4 weeks on 4 weeks off. I just don't know how to organize the stacks.

as you see in my title it says "King of Cutting" :D ... So...

you have your T2, Xennies ;) , UA, 6-OXO, T-1 Pro and FL7:

Well here's what I propose:

Cycle your T-1 Pro (2 squirts/day or 1 squirt 2x/day however which you prefer to call it) like this:

weeks: 1-4: off, 5-8: on, 9-12: off, 13-16: on, 17-20: off

Cycle the 6-OXO (300mg/night) like this:  

weeks: 1-8: off, 9-12: on, 13-16: off, 17-20: on 

Cycle the FL7(recommended dose) like this:

weeks: 1-4: on, 5-8: off, 9-12: on, 13-16: off, 17-20: on

cycle your ECA (xenadrine: 1 pill 4x/day or 2 pills 3x/day) like this:

weeks: 1-5: no ECA, 6-10: ECA, 11-15: no ECA, and 16-20: ECA

Cycle the T-2 (100mcg 3x/day) like this:

weeks: 1-16: no T2, 17-20: T2

Cycle the UA (start at 500mg/day and work up to 1g [1000mg]/day) like this:

weeks: 15-16: on, 17-18: off, 19-20: on


There you have it.


LG. :cool:
Thanks LG that's the kind of detail I was looking for. I had some similar ideas. I will have to do some 6oxo in weeks 1 to 4 because I'll be coming off a cycle of t1 pr0 about that time. I will do some light ECA during this period also.
So this is how it breaks down in terms of 5 4 week periods.

T1 pro

weeks: 1-4: off, 5-8: on, 9-12: off, 13-16: on, 17-20: off

Cycle the 6-OXO (300mg/night) like this:

weeks: 1- 3 on 4-8: off, 9-11: on, 12-16: off, 17-20: on

Cycle the FL7(recommended dose) like this:

weeks: 1-4: on, 5-8: off, 9-12: on, 13-16: off, 17-20: on

cycle your ECA (xenadrine: 1 pill 4x/day or 2 pills 3x/day) like this:

weeks: 1-3: mild ECA, 6-10: ECA, 11-15: no ECA, and 16-20: ECA

Cycle the T-2 (100mcg 3x/day) like this:

weeks: 1-16: no T2, 17-20: T2

Cycle the UA (start at 500mg/day and work up to 1g [1000mg]/day) like this:

weeks: 15-16: on, 17-18: off, 19-20: on

Stage 1 (weeks 1-4)
6oxo 1-3
FL7 1-4
ECA 1-3 mild

Stage 2 (weeks 5-8)
T1 pro 5 - 8
ECA 6 - 8

Stage 3 (weeks 9-12)
ECA 9-10
6oxo 9-11
FL7 9-12

Stage 4 (weeks 13-16)
T1 pro 5-8
ECA 16
UA 15-16

Stage 5 (weeks 17-20)
6oxo 17-19
T2 17-20
ECA 17-20
UA 19-20
FL7 17-20

Looks good to me, the only thing I might throw in is some yohimbe brew near the end.
Hell yeah LG way to break it down! Karma buddy! By the way, what are your stats DreamWeaver?
I've heard that 7keto can sensitize the body to T2 over time. But on Par's board some are experiencing this almost right away. They can work synergistically just be careful. Something to keep an eye out for.
Originally posted by Supa Freek 420
I've heard that 7keto can sensitize the body to T2 over time. But on Par's board some are experiencing this almost right away. They can work synergistically just be careful. Something to keep an eye out for.

I have heard the same as well, considering 7-oxo's effects on thyroid regulation. I would advise against cycling the FL7 and T2 together, and offset would be preferable I would think.

BTW I'm running FL7 right now myself, liking it so far. :)
Originally posted by Supa Freek 420
I've heard that 7keto can sensitize the body to T2 over time. But on Par's board some are experiencing this almost right away. They can work synergistically just be careful. Something to keep an eye out for.

This is news to me....DAMMIT! :mad: now I gotta go research this **** even more ;)


LG. :cool:
So what you guys are saying is I should drop the FL7 in stage 5 and just go with the T2 at this point.

Biggin I'm 5'11" 250 at about 20% bodyfat.

Measurements are a guess I go by eye.

Arms 20" cold flexed
Chest 50"
I'm fukin big I can't fit through doors unless I go sideways.

I figure I will 210 by the time I'm in competition shape maybe a little less. Hey this is up from 194 last season.
Thanks DreamW, I was just asking because if you're going to be cycling UA, T-1 Pro, ECA and T-2 I don't think you'll need the FL7 at all. Hell if it were me I'd just hit the T-1P and ECA, can still lose massive weight that way. I like the simplified approach, but then ECA has always worked very well for me. But it ain't me, so have fun and good luck bro :)
:D I may be doin a little overkill last year I got down and all I used it the Canadian version of Hydroxycut. Oh well I have the stuff now might as well use it. I gained more weight this year too so I felt I needed a little extra help.
Canadian Hydroxycut eh... can it get any worse?! :eek:


How do you plan to manipulate your training/cardio? If it's not too much trouble I'm sure people would love to see updated progress as well as your opinions on all these products, I know I would. (mebbe a little hard to judge them independently since you're cycling them all around together but it ain't no thing, feedback is good :) ) Once you get everything in order could change it to DreamW's Cutting Cycle Supreme :D
Good idea I will keep you guys informed with my progress.

As far as training goes about 16 weeks out I will revert to high volume intensive isolation to target individual muscle groups. (Pretty grueling when your dieting) I won't go 100% isolation and I will be pushing as much weight as possible based on my rep schemes. (Failure ..Failure and Failure till my nuts start to turn blue or I puke whatever comes first). I will lkely mix in some circuit type training to keep the heart pumping. I will be doing lots of super, tri, giant and drop sets.

As far as cardio is concerned it's 60% max heart rate for 3 1 hour sessions to start out. The amount of cardio is due to the fact that I am an Endo.

I have a Keto diet planned for the first 8 to 12 weeks at which time I will revert to my regular contest diet (vegtables, vegtables, more vegtables, chicken and Fish). I will go into more detail with each stage. I will be starting Feb 15 or 16.
kickass bro, this is going to be one to watch... you gonna be droppin fat like a madman
DreamWeaver said:
So what you guys are saying is I should drop the FL7 in stage 5 and just go with the T2 at this point.

I was told they can work well synergystically, but par was saying that the FL7 can hypersensitize the body to thyroid hormones. Just something to look out for.
Are you sure T2 should be used right after coming off androgens? And, are you sure UA should be used with only 2 weeks recovery after a cycle????
I don't know myself I haven't heard or read anytning that would say it wasn't ok.
I'm fairly sure you won't be recovered fully in two weeks, therefore keeping gains with the SU will be difficult. Probably not a good idea to use it so quickly after the cycle.

As far as T-2, I was thinking T-3. I don't know a darn thing about T-2, but I know T-3 is definately not a wise choice without clen(and even post cycle at all.)

Just something to think about...
ok I will be cutting all the way through so I really won't have gains to keep lol I heard that T1 pro was good for cutting too so I thought it might help me retain more muscle. I don't think I'll be making gains in a calorie deficit.