The True Warrior is one who conquers oneself
im reading about 6oxo etc. for post cycle
i have some clomid on hand and was wondering when to start using it
i would be doing a cycle of
weeks 1-6 winny tabs @ 50mg/day
weeks 3-6 T1pro at reccomended dosing
I know clomid therapy should start 12hrs to 3 days after last dose of winny,
but since im adding the T1pro, when should it start?
i have some clomid on hand and was wondering when to start using it
i would be doing a cycle of
weeks 1-6 winny tabs @ 50mg/day
weeks 3-6 T1pro at reccomended dosing
I know clomid therapy should start 12hrs to 3 days after last dose of winny,
but since im adding the T1pro, when should it start?