clomid after T1pro?


The True Warrior is one who conquers oneself
im reading about 6oxo etc. for post cycle

i have some clomid on hand and was wondering when to start using it

i would be doing a cycle of

weeks 1-6 winny tabs @ 50mg/day
weeks 3-6 T1pro at reccomended dosing

I know clomid therapy should start 12hrs to 3 days after last dose of winny,

but since im adding the T1pro, when should it start?


go for about 1 day after your last dose of winny
personally i would hit it at 100mgs after the last day of t-1 and winny and pyramid down over 3 weeks
wojo said:
personally i would hit it at 100mgs after the last day of t-1 and winny and pyramid down over 3 weeks

my plan was to go 21 days on clomid

300mg day 1, 100mg/day next 10 days, 50 mg/day final 10



That is exactly how i would do it.

Clomid has a half life of approximately 5 days so i believe at those doses you will be able to optimize your natural T recovery.

now my question is what about an anti-e while on the cycle. I am not sure if I am predisposed to gyno, but I do know that I tend to store a lot of fat on my chest. I know this is not the same thing as gyno, but it very well could mean i am predisposed to it.

Whats an OTC anti-e that could work while on this. I really dont feel like trying to get arimidex or anything, but I guess If I have to then I have to right?

any suggestions?


You might want to consider Molecular's is a link to the site Link Removed .  Hope this might looks to be better during a cycle than 6OXO, but I think that 6OXO will be better suited to post cycle than Formastat...may be exactly what you need.
Originally posted by U of R Man
You might want to consider Molecular's is a link to the site Link Removed .  Hope this might looks to be better during a cycle than 6OXO, but I think that 6OXO will be better suited to post cycle than Formastat...may be exactly what you need.


U of R, you stated on another site that you seem to remember Bill and Pat agreeing that 6OXO is probably better post cycle.  Do you have a link to that conversation?