chikara/perception stack

the anapolack

New member
would this be good for a beginner?......i want the bitches to come to not shy but girls think im unnaproachable......................once i get them to talk to me my game is ON....but making them horny with love smells wont hurt closing the deal
They can be used together, but they are both potent pheromone products, so you could be risking an OD. The FAQ and search feature over at love-scent will get you a LOT of info on where to start into this fun area.

I've had some success with Chikara. Haven't tried Perception.

Its just funny how this stuff seems to do "something". I think it might work better with those with existing gf's/wives.
Bobo, I have to agree there. I've used them since bruce became a sponsor here, and have had MUCH better results with my girlfriend (didn't use them when I first met her on purpose), than when I was using them to try and "get" someone. But they do help open up doors of communication (especially sexual) with people. They will not "bring the bitches to you" though... sorry.

anapolack, I noticed you said girls think you are unaproachable. We are almost the same age I just turned 35, if you are on test you may be od'ing if not you may have a lot of none flowing . Try SOE if you have a gel pack that should help. I'm been a member at love-scent for almost three years now, chikara and the edge would be a better (GREAT) combo also try soe and edge alter ego is a good stand alone product I hope this helps. My screename on love-scent is ontimenow (don't ask how I came up with that name) lol.
its because im 6'2 290,buff an fully tattooed...........and maybe im kind of alpha.....i dunno.....girls tell me that they are intimidated by me maybe because i get in lots of bar fights and ****..........and i usually dont approach them because i always have a loss for words but when i get them talking to me watch out they cant walk for a few days afterwards
its not a problem.....but im tired of fucking chicks that like to be treated like **** i want to attract ALL girls including smart ones
the anapolack said:
its not a problem.....but im tired of fucking chicks that like to be treated like **** i want to attract ALL girls including smart ones

I think SOE is the product for you if you have a gel pack try abot a 1/3 of a pack. Pheromones just help push the door open it's up to you to have the confidence and game to get them. I know this may sound crazy try not to get into as many bar fights (no flame bro) if women see that most of the time they have already have a negative image about you. I'm 35 6'1 290 bald (shaved) head minus the tatoo's so we are similar in age and weight. I like all types of women too bro, including the professional edcuated ones and sometimes the wild ones it's all about perception LOL.
weird when they talk to me i have game.....if i try talking to them i look stupid.......luckily i have lots of women approachin g me but they are usually the whores and the chicks who like to get treated like dirt and that gets old
If come off as intimidating... maybe you could try something like WAGG to make yourself more approachable.