CEL Alpha-ONE, PrimeXT, Muscle Plex Log

Cheers welcome to my log of Alpha-1, PrimeXT, and Muscle Plex

So, goal will be a lean bulk. Going to add in SNS Stress & Anxiety Support in a few weeks so if there is any mood altering effects from the other supps I’m able to notice them first (Stress & Anxiety will have a separate log).

I have used Epicatechin many times over, but never RipFactor which is in Muscle Plex. First time using Alpha-1 (I believe α-Cedrene is new to the market so this is prob obvious) and also first time using Prime XT / Trib A. To combat this my plan is :

Alpha-1 week 1-8
Muscle Plex week 1-8
Prime XT week 2-9

Since PXT takes awhile it seems for most people to kick in I figure holding off a week will give me a full week to take in some of the A1 & also an additional 1-3 weeks as it builds up before it seems most notice it
Stats / Background

  • Currently coming off 5 weeks of pretty extensive work that only allowed me to make it to gym maybe 1-2 days a week. (Millwright working 70 hours overnight, so it was active work). Been back in gym last 5 days and don’t feel too awful or like I lost much strength.
  • Left delt currently is a bit tweaked. First lift back could not perform 40s on incline DB press (warm-up weights) without some pain. Last few days seems to have loosened up and feeling better
  • I have posted and ran quite a few logs over the years, so excited to be back and usually these help get me out of ruts, hold myself accountable, and continue doing so
5’11, 180-182lbs (will post physique for BF % estimate & for before / after sake)

Training this week & next will likely be ‘intuitive training’ as I feel out how shoulder is / could impact things

Will likely resort back to P/P/L or similar training block. Also will depend if I stay off work now or get sent back out on another job with heavy hours
Looks like a killer natty stack!
Prime-XT and MusclePlex are both in my top five natty anabolics, but never ran/stacked them together.

Following along. I think and hope that you'll enjoy that stack.

So little update, I ended up only dosing 1 cap of A1 today. I took it, drank my pre and headed to gym. I thought little of the A1 and figured it’d be like Epicatechin — wherein, I don’t really ‘feel’ it and more so subtly notice the endurance and pumps. Was going to take 1cap of Muscle Plex halfway thru workout, but I felt a ‘feel good’ sensation about 10 min after my A1 dose and decided today to just stick with that to see what I felt

So, noteworthy that I didn’t really believe it to be placebo seeing as I took it without any belief it’d contribute anything / much on day 1. Pumps were good, nothing insane but def good and the mind muscle connection was definitely enhanced off my very first pill

Nothing else of significance to report as day 1 typically doesn’t, — subtle but mental touch and pumps/MMC off initial dose was cool. Might wait a week to add in the MP now, we’ll see tomorrow. Continued to feel pumped /slightly fuller thru out the day even to the time of this writing which is about 10 hours later. Needless to say pretty excited about the A1 alone off first impressions

Lastly, as I said, was more of a ‘intuitive’ lift, so no real strength #s to report. Hopefully can get some more baseline lifts to compare as far as strength gains. Weight was 182, forgot to grab a pic so will tomorrow.
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Also just to clarify entirely what I’m using

1 cap Alpha-1 (for now)
1/2 - 2/3 scoop Gorilla Mode Preworkout
5-7g Creatine
Magnesium (spray)
3mg Zinc citrate
2000iu D3

PrimeXT & Muscle Plex whenever I add in

So nothing outside of staple ‘health’ supplements are being ran. No TRT or any kind of anabolics, etc
In on this for sure! Definitely look like you will get some nice results from this set up!

Not the best lighting but this is from Day 2. Will try to get a photo in gym or better setting today.

Still on 1 cap A1, been using 1 cap Muscle Plex pre-workout since day 3.

Pumps and all day fullness have been noticeably enhanced, but nothing major. Shoulder vascularity has been coming out post workout as well which usually only happens when I’m about 7-10lbs lighter.

Some G.I. issues have arose (mainly gas), will probably stay at 1 cap for another week. I have also been peeing what seems to be quite a bit more frequently. Is this normal / have others noticed this?
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Not the best lighting but this is from Day 2. Will try to get a photo in gym or better setting today.

Still on 1 cap A1, been using 1 cap Muscle Plex pre-workout since day 3.

Pumps and all day fullness have been noticeably enhanced, but nothing major. Shoulder vascularity has been coming out post workout as well which usually only happens when I’m about 7-10lbs lighter.

Some G.I. issues have arose (mainly gas), will probably stay at 1 cap for another week. I have also been peeing what seems to be quite a bit more frequently. Is this normal / have others noticed this?

I haven't heard of anyone urinating more related to the ingredients in any of those.

Good physique.
i've been using alpha one since nov 7 with ursabolic. i really like alpha one. i was thinking of the muscle plex. i'm curious of the epicatechin. i've used 2 bottles of ripfactor by alpha lion didnt do anything for me though but i see it was under dose. maybe that's why?
i've been using alpha one since nov 7 with ursabolic. i really like alpha one. i was thinking of the muscle plex. i'm curious of the epicatechin. i've used 2 bottles of ripfactor by alpha lion didnt do anything for me though but i see it was under dose. maybe that's why?

Muscle Plex is a great product and has a lot of good feedback on it.

The effective daily dose of RipFactor is 650 mg., which is the dose that Muscle Plex has in it.

Muscle Plex would be a good addition to your stack; but also, based on your goals I've seen in other threads, Recomp20 would really be great for your goals and be a great stack with Alpha One and Ursa-Bolic too.
Muscle Plex is a great product and has a lot of good feedback on it.

The effective daily dose of RipFactor is 650 mg., which is the dose that Muscle Plex has in it.

Muscle Plex would be a good addition to your stack; but also, based on your goals I've seen in other threads, Recomp20 would really be great for your goals and be a great stack with Alpha One and Ursa-Bolic too.
my goal is to maintain my current weight 135lbs and lose more body fat. i was 152 lbs beginning this yr. i'm currently takibg ursabolic and alpha one and creatine, so fat i really like ursa and alpha but i really need something to lower my body fat more.
my goal is to maintain my current weight 135lbs and lose more body fat. i was 152 lbs beginning this yr. i'm currently takibg ursabolic and alpha one and creatine, so fat i really like ursa and alpha but i really need something to lower my body fat more.

Alpha One and Ursa-Bolic are great for helping to build muscle and burn fat.

Muscle Plex would be a good addition, especially for helping build muscle.

Recomp20 would be a great addition, as its made for exactly what you're looking to do.

If you're looking for products specifically to increase fat loss, then I would go with Lean Edge and Thermo Scorch, and Thermagize XT if you're okay with taking stimulant fat burners.

We have some really good specials for Black Friday Sales. The thread will be posted in just a few minutes. There will be some stacks of products that you may be interested in where you can save a lot on them for the sale.
Hey all so this run got totally ruined. Got wrecked with a stomach bug a few days after my last post and cold. Discontinued use. Then with holidays I hung off. Wanted to restart with just Alpha 1 soon here but currently have ANOTHER stomach bug.

So when the time comes I want to give Alpha 1 its own solo log for a month or so then I’ll add in Prime, as I’ve been very excited to try both of these.

I will say in my short run with Alpha 1, it may be my favorite supplement ever. No huge strength gains (not that I’d expect to see any in my short run) , but the in gym pumps were reminiscent of my runs with 1/4/epi andros, and all the all day fullness was far beyond any natty supplement. Very excited to get back on this when the time comes.

New log will be up. Going away next week, thinking I should be healthy and home last week of the month to have a new log up. Cheers and hope every had good holidays and is not sick like me 🤒
Got wrecked with a stomach bug a few days after my last post and cold.
It's definitely going around. I have to travel for work here soon and am not looking forward to getting on a plane with a high probability of getting sick :(
Hey all so this run got totally ruined. Got wrecked with a stomach bug a few days after my last post and cold. Discontinued use. Then with holidays I hung off. Wanted to restart with just Alpha 1 soon here but currently have ANOTHER stomach bug.

So when the time comes I want to give Alpha 1 its own solo log for a month or so then I’ll add in Prime, as I’ve been very excited to try both of these.

I will say in my short run with Alpha 1, it may be my favorite supplement ever. No huge strength gains (not that I’d expect to see any in my short run) , but the in gym pumps were reminiscent of my runs with 1/4/epi andros, and all the all day fullness was far beyond any natty supplement. Very excited to get back on this when the time comes.

New log will be up. Going away next week, thinking I should be healthy and home last week of the month to have a new log up. Cheers and hope every had good holidays and is not sick like me 🤒

I'm sorry to hear that you wound up sick over the holidays.

I'm really glad that you liked the product in the time you were able to use it; I look forward to hearing how you like it on a longer run of it.

I hope you have a nice trip and feel better.
Hey all so this run got totally ruined. Got wrecked with a stomach bug a few days after my last post and cold. Discontinued use. Then with holidays I hung off. Wanted to restart with just Alpha 1 soon here but currently have ANOTHER stomach bug.

So when the time comes I want to give Alpha 1 its own solo log for a month or so then I’ll add in Prime, as I’ve been very excited to try both of these.

I will say in my short run with Alpha 1, it may be my favorite supplement ever. No huge strength gains (not that I’d expect to see any in my short run) , but the in gym pumps were reminiscent of my runs with 1/4/epi andros, and all the all day fullness was far beyond any natty supplement. Very excited to get back on this when the time comes.

New log will be up. Going away next week, thinking I should be healthy and home last week of the month to have a new log up. Cheers and hope every had good holidays and is not sick like
Do you notice any stomach issues on Alpha one?. I cannot remember which natty product was known for giving the sour . I'm about to get on a prime xt/ maybe recomp20 or alpha 1 .
Do you notice any stomach issues on Alpha one?. I cannot remember which natty product was known for giving the sour . I'm about to get on a prime xt/ maybe recomp20 or alpha 1 .

The issue that you are talking about was associated with another brands product, which was a much lower percentage of a-Cedrene than is used in Alpha One.

It is discussed in detail at the end of post #1 and in post #2 of this thread: https://anabolicminds.com/community...-recomposition-agent-incredible-pumps.338248/

There are a small % of people that may experience stomach discomfort from any supplement that increases their cAMP levels, which is why we suggest starting off with 1 softgel per day the first week, and taking it with food if a person finds that it bothers them on an empty stomach. The body acclimates to increased cAMP levels after 1 to 2 weeks for most people.
The issue that you are talking about was associated with another brands product, which was a much lower percentage of a-Cedrene than is used in Alpha One.

It is discussed in detail at the end of post #1 and in post #2 of this thread: https://anabolicminds.com/community...-recomposition-agent-incredible-pumps.338248/

There are a small % of people that may experience stomach discomfort from any supplement that increases their cAMP levels, which is why we suggest starting off with 1 softgel per day the first week, and taking it with food if a person finds that it bothers them on an empty stomach. The body acclimates to increased cAMP levels after 1 to 2 weeks for most people.
Awesome thanks for the quick response! I got some Alpha one & prime xt ordered ! Look forward to the 8 weeker may go to 12 depending on how much I like it 👌
Awesome thanks for the quick response! I got some Alpha one & prime xt ordered ! Look forward to the 8 weeker may go to 12 depending on how much I like it 👌
I've run Alpha One solo for 8 weeks and really liked it. I'm sure I could've extended it, but switched to Recomp20 instead. But with my run of Prime I started planning on 8 weeks but it started to get fun around week 4 and was still getting good results at week 7 so I ordered more and did 12 weeks. Good results all the way through so I'd consider stretching it.
Do you notice any stomach issues on Alpha one?. I cannot remember which natty product was known for giving the sour . I'm about to get on a prime xt/ maybe recomp20 or alpha 1 .

I did. I also had mild IBS at one point in my life (changed my diet and went away) so I may be more susceptible.

I also got sick with some kind of stomach flu so my stomach issues could’ve been the early onset of that with me attributing it to the supplement.

Will know for sure when I run again.
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I did. I also had mild IBS at one point (changed my diet and went away) so I may be more susceptible.

I also got sick with some kind of stomach flu so my stomach issues could’ve been the early onset of that with me attributing it to the supplement.

Will know for sure when I run again.
Seems like everyone is on the stomach flu cut right now!