Building Back Up

Weight: 226

Flat DB Bench 4 x 6 x 100’s
Incline Hammer Press 3 x 8 x 90
DB Lateral Raise 3 x 12 x 12.5’s
Machine OHP 10x180, 8x190, 6x200
1Arm Pronated Cable Pressdown 3 sets

First time trying 100’s on flat DB. A little wobbly, but did pretty well…all carbed up to the max helps lol.
Question for all…

When you DL, do you use your quads to push also, or try to get in a position that it’s much more hamstring pull than quad push?
I definitely push the floor away as part of my initial motion from the floor. I don’t want to imply I’m using then too much or trying to squat the weight up, but it’s definitely distinctly different than if I just hinged like doing a stiff leg deadlift from the floor.
Question for all…

When you DL, do you use your quads to push also, or try to get in a position that it’s much more hamstring pull than quad push?
I can't help to wonder if a persons individual leverages play a role a little bit, but generally speaking I agree with the notion that quads are secondary, my last 2 years of DL practice/PR chasing left me with sore hammies and glutes on the regular, and massive leg atrophy. My legs shrunk in size as my DL went up while I intentionally neglected squats not thinking I "needed" do to them as much since my priority was pulls. TLDR: my quads exploded again this year in mere months when I made squats a focus again. That leads me to believe they're underworked in the deadlift.
Question for all…

When you DL, do you use your quads to push also, or try to get in a position that it’s much more hamstring pull than quad push?
Yes; this is what distinguishes a conventional deadlift from an RDL or SLDL. While the latter seeks to focus training certain muscles, the former is about maximal loading moving from point A to B. So you use everything in concert.
Well, shoulder problems are back. Chiropractor says it’s most likely biceps tendons, impingement causing tendinitis. Got all the exercises to do and getting ART, but might need to lighten the loads for a couple weeks.
Well, shoulder problems are back. Chiropractor says it’s most likely biceps tendons, impingement causing tendinitis. Got all the exercises to do and getting ART, but might need to lighten the loads for a couple weeks.
Good to see you posting again regardless, hopefully that all passes without much issue for you. hows the fam doing?
Good to see you posting again regardless, hopefully that all passes without much issue for you. hows the fam doing?
I thought I replied to this. Sorry man. Fam is doing pretty well. Obviously we all miss my wife.

Shoulders are still hurting, but maybe getting better with ART and physical therapy. 2 days in to getting my kcal under control after the holidays.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!
Good luck with the injuries, I hope you are able to get them all worked out with some ART and the like.
Thanks gents.

Pain is improving, so the exercises and ART is working.

Weight: 222.7

Weight coming down, just about fully carb depleted and as a result, sleep is suffering. Still eating 200-250g per day though, but apparently not enough. Kcal about 2500.
Awesome to hear that your ART is helping.
Awesome to hear that your ART is helping.
Yes, and for the most part sleeping well too, even if a caloric deficit. PEM has been minimal. But, I am irritable as…fill in the blank 😂

I’m averaging 2575 kcal, 215g protein, 73g fat and 264g CHO. Been steady at just above 8mg test cyp shallow IM daily since my last labs at 7mg subq weren’t very good. Just need to go back to what was working and deal with the water retention until I’m lean enough for it not to matter.
Yes, and for the most part sleeping well too, even if a caloric deficit. PEM has been minimal. But, I am irritable as…fill in the blank 😂

I’m averaging 2575 kcal, 215g protein, 73g fat and 264g CHO. Been steady at just above 8mg test cyp shallow IM daily since my last labs at 7mg subq weren’t very good. Just need to go back to what was working and deal with the water retention until I’m lean enough for it not to matter.
A little bit of extra water in exchange for everything else to be better is a bit of a no brainer.
Weight: 222.2

Upper Push today. Flat DB Press is abysmal, yet everything else seems to be holding pretty well. Spoke too soon; feeling the deficit.
Well, it’s not a little bit by any means 😂
LMAO! Have you increased water intake? If not increase water intake and it will help flush the system a bit more. When you drink an excess of water your body will actually produce hormones to make you pee a lot more. I bet it would drop a decent bit of retention.
Weight: 222.2

Upper Push today. Flat DB Press is abysmal, yet everything else seems to be holding pretty well. Spoke too soon; feeling the deficit.
Well when dieting this is a great sign. It means the body is having to burn fat for energy during the training, and that fat burn can't keep up with energy needs so performance goes down. In other words, you're burning fat Baby!!!!
LMAO! Have you increased water intake? If not increase water intake and it will help flush the system a bit more. When you drink an excess of water your body will actually produce hormones to make you pee a lot more. I bet it would drop a decent bit of retention.

Well when dieting this is a great sign. It means the body is having to burn fat for energy during the training, and that fat burn can't keep up with energy needs so performance goes down. In other words, you're burning fat Baby!!!!
Gotcha on the water. I’ll give it a shot.

I didn’t consider the performance drop to be a good sign previously, just an ego hit, and the sleep issues, but it makes sense. Glycogen is definitely gone. I’ll drive on. Thanks.
I think people sometimes forget that you should expect to feel discomfort when cutting. There will be hunger & fatigue, but that means you are getting what you came for too - hold strong!
I think people sometimes forget that you should expect to feel discomfort when cutting. There will be hunger & fatigue, but that means you are getting what you came for too - hold strong!
The only time when it is not uncomfortable is right after a heavy bulking phase when the last thing you want is more food the deficit can feel good for a couple weeks as the digestive system recovers from the push.
I think people sometimes forget that you should expect to feel discomfort when cutting. There will be hunger & fatigue, but that means you are getting what you came for too - hold strong!
That’s just it though…no hunger, no fatigue…just the other weird stuff.
Worse sleep & performance is normal too. You said you’re feeling the deficit - what else are you experiencing that you think is weird for a cut?
I feel on edge and stimulated. Memory is poor. Irritable and anxious. The worse performance I understand (what I didn’t consider was my body was burning fat). These type of symptoms I see when people are in a deep cut and contest prep, but a 25% BF guy losing weight.
Weight: 221.6

Deadlifts 5 x 3 x 315
BB Rows Top Set 8x155
NG Pull-ups 6/5/4
High-To-Low Reverse Cable Flies
Cable Shrugs
Machine Preacher Curls

Couldn’t do anything more on DL due to a new pain in my hip/hip flexor or something staying to my pelvis. 8/10 pain when triggered. Hard to get up from sitting also.
I feel on edge and stimulated. Memory is poor. Irritable and anxious. The worse performance I understand (what I didn’t consider was my body was burning fat). These type of symptoms I see when people are in a deep cut and contest prep, but a 25% BF guy losing weight.
The stimulated thing is weird. Irritable is completely normal, aka that’s where the term hanger originates. Being anxious also not far off from irritability experienced when blood sugar isn’t stable.

Speaking from a similar bodyfat probably if I had to guess myself right now: you didn’t get to 25% bodyfat by getting used to actually being in a deficit. You more likely got there BECAUSE it’s particularly tough on you. But I would like to encourage you to keep the course, because you are definitely on your way!
any possible correlation to homestress with the wife being deployed etc?

I love this, starting to inspire me.
To the first question, shouldn’t be. My job is sooooo easy right now. Driving kids to practice is annoying, but really, life is easy.

To the second, w00t! Are you cutting soon again?
The stimulated thing is weird. Irritable is completely normal, aka that’s where the term hanger originates. Being anxious also not far off from irritability experienced when blood sugar isn’t stable.

Speaking from a similar bodyfat probably if I had to guess myself right now: you didn’t get to 25% bodyfat by getting used to actually being in a deficit. You more likely got there BECAUSE it’s particularly tough on you. But I would like to encourage you to keep the course, because you are definitely on your way!
Oh yeah, agreed. Thanks for the encouragement. I’m very motivated this time.
o the second, w00t! Are you cutting soon again?
I need to, I'm sitting at 196/197 this morning and had intended to cut to 189 (or any sub 190 number) before Jan 29th but that's not looking like it's going to happen. I haven't made it a priority as I work through a ton of other things (just busy at work, and wife has a big project going on at home... big ass 40ft x 12ft deck demo and build).

I've kinda given myself the grace to "stay the course" for January so I can get my routine and goals in line for Feb and thereafter
I feel on edge and stimulated. Memory is poor. Irritable and anxious. The worse performance I understand (what I didn’t consider was my body was burning fat). These type of symptoms I see when people are in a deep cut and contest prep, but a 25% BF guy losing weight.
This sounds like me lately, but catching up it seems like aside from the dieting other things are on the up.
any possible correlation to homestress with the wife being deployed etc?

I love this, starting to inspire me.
Yes! Love to see it. I could use some of that motivation / drive to stay the course too, and I'm only minimally trying to drop a few lbs.
Weight: 218.6

The weight is dropping quick now. Averaging .3 pounds per day. Next weekend I’ll be out of town for a short flight and eating everything I want for about 24 hours, then back on. Hoping to hit 215-216 by then.

Rough diet breakdown
Daily kcal 2500-2600
230g PRO
75g fat
240 CHO
A consistent deficit will get you there, they don't all have to be big ones to get the job done.
Well, let’s add a new dull ache and pretty bad weakness to the left shoulder. Been very consistent with db OHP 8x75’s, but today 4x70’s was ridiculous. Pullups and machine chest press also down very much. Pushing it all too hard while cutting weight, or the addition of farmers walks on Tuesday maybe? My neck has felt tight and achy also since then. If it’s not one thing, it’s another…plus another. 🤬
Well, let’s add a new dull ache and pretty bad weakness to the left shoulder. Been very consistent with db OHP 8x75’s, but today 4x70’s was ridiculous. Pullups and machine chest press also down very much. Pushing it all too hard while cutting weight, or the addition of farmers walks on Tuesday maybe? My neck has felt tight and achy also since then. If it’s not one thing, it’s another…plus another. 🤬
Maybe try cutting the weight back a little and increasing reps / volume. It would help with creating a deficit, and less physical muscle damage to repair from the workouts. Also you could cut OH pressing out temporarily without much issue to allow the shoulder to recover. Some front raises along with other pressing will maintain your muscle there.
Well, let’s add a new dull ache and pretty bad weakness to the left shoulder. Been very consistent with db OHP 8x75’s, but today 4x70’s was ridiculous. Pullups and machine chest press also down very much. Pushing it all too hard while cutting weight, or the addition of farmers walks on Tuesday maybe? My neck has felt tight and achy also since then. If it’s not one thing, it’s another…plus another. 🤬
I feel you man. My bench basically entirely fell off in December; something got pissed and l lost my joint stability. This has caused pain, which tells the brain to cut power. Slowly getting it calmed down, it seems like. But far from out of the woods!
I feel you man. My bench basically entirely fell off in December; something got pissed and l lost my joint stability. This has caused pain, which tells the brain to cut power. Slowly getting it calmed down, it seems like. But far from out of the woods!
Yes, that’s what it felt like. So frustrating.
It’s been a couple days since the pain started and I don’t think it’s easing up. There’s times it just hurts constantly as so bad I have to take Tylenol (which isn’t working too well actually).

On the bright side, my daughter maxed on bench and squat today…she’s 14 at 119 lb, and did 90 on bench and 145 on squat. She should’ve had 95 on bench but didn’t quite go low enough. Either way, proud dad here.
I feel you man. My bench basically entirely fell off in December; something got pissed and l lost my joint stability. This has caused pain, which tells the brain to cut power. Slowly getting it calmed down, it seems like. But far from out of the woods!
Question…sounds like you’ve been working through it…is that the best course of action? Wondering if I should still do something tomorrow, or just take a few extra days off?
Well, let’s add a new dull ache and pretty bad weakness to the left shoulder. Been very consistent with db OHP 8x75’s, but today 4x70’s was ridiculous. Pullups and machine chest press also down very much. Pushing it all too hard while cutting weight, or the addition of farmers walks on Tuesday maybe? My neck has felt tight and achy also since then. If it’s not one thing, it’s another…plus another. 🤬

After 2 torn rotator cuffs I NEVER hesitate to throw in prehab work at the very first onset of shoulder pain/irritation. be it those kb armbars, band work, light snatch, or whatever your favorite flavor is.
After 2 torn rotator cuffs I NEVER hesitate to throw in prehab work at the very first onset of shoulder pain/irritation. be it those kb armbars, band work, light snatch, or whatever your favorite flavor is.
Yeah, I do all that…this was something entirely different. Saw the chiro today for an early visit due to this. She worked on some stuff, feels a little better. She thinks a nerve was trapped, which makes sense considering the severe loss of strength. Going to try to lift tomorrow.