Blood Buffers!


I'v been reading the book Sliced To offset the rapid buildup of lactic acid in the working muscles you can take sodium bicarbonate and carnosine, sodium bicarbonate better off known as Bakeing Soda and is known to retard muscle burn caused by buildup of lactic acid during a hard set.
Yes sir, Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) is banned by the Olympic committe among other organizations for its buffering effect on lactic acid. Only problem is getting it into your systme, the HCL in your stomach eats most of it chat one night, I had LG do some blood doping with baking soda and it made him a little bit sick :D

I actually used to do it and if you consume enough (without getting sick) you can really pump out a few extra reps without the pain of lactice acid, just dont drink a coke or peroxide anytime afterwards. ;)
hmmm, makes you wonder about trying another delivery method... but it seems like you would have to consume quite a bit for it to be effective.  What dosage did you use YJ?


whosyourdaddy02 said:
hmmm, makes you wonder about trying another delivery method... but it seems like you would have to consume quite a bit for it to be effective.  What dosage did you use YJ?



I started out with 1/4 cup....doesnt taste very good though....
i will have to try this when i get started again. it seems like a naturalist way to remove lactic acid.

i will try it when i had vineger too it...would it get neuralised by any chance?
Originally posted by YellowJacket
I had LG do some blood doping with baking soda and it made him a little bit sick :D

"little bit"???.....oh no...not just a little fuckin gave me an "insta-enima" AND made me puke up blood.

I'll try it again tonight :D:D:D (but starting at 1/8 cup)


LG :cool:
possible. there are a few blood buffers I know. one is common bakeing (sodium bicarbonate) and sodium phosphate. From my understanding sodium phosphate is better but does not have as much phosperous then bakeing soda


Twinlab has Phos Fuel (comes in capsules) witch contains both bicarbonate and phosphate and also carnosine another effective blood buffer.

off the current topic don't call blood buffering, blood dopeing.

Lactic Acid

The expression lactic acid, or lactate, is used most commonly to describe the intense pain felt during exhaustive exercise, especially short events like the 400 metres and 800 metres. To explain what it is we first have to look briefly into how the working muscles use energy (ATP). Actively contracting muscles obtain Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) from glucose stored in the blood stream and the breakdown of glycogen stored in the muscles. Initially pyruvic acid and small amounts of ATP are generated from the breakdown of glucose. The pyruvic acid mixed with oxygen is converted to carbon dioxide, water and ATP. When muscles contract vigorously for long periods the circulatory system begins to lose ground in delivery of oxygen. In these conditions most of the pyruvic acid produced in the breakdown of glucose is converted to lactic acid (LA). As the lactate is produced in the muscles it leaks out into the blood and is carried around the body. If this condition continues the functioning of the body will become impaired and the muscles will fatigue very quickly. When oxygen becomes available the lactic acid is converted to pyruvic acid and then into carbon dioxide, water and ATP.

Lactic acid - friend or foe?
Lactic acid (lactate) is not:

responsible for the burn in the leg muscles when exercising very fast
responsible for the soreness you experience in the 48 hours following a hard session
is not a waste product
Lactate is produced by the body all day long and is a key chemical which is used to dispose of dietary carbohydrate and, you will like this, also helps you from getting fat. During a hard session 50% of the lactate produced is used by the muscles to form glycogen which provides you with more energy. Sounds like a friend to me.

Lactate Shuttle
The lactate shuttle involves the following series of events:

As we exercise pyruvate is formed
When insufficient oxygen is available to breakdown the pyruvate then lactate is produced
Lactate enters the surrounding muscle cells, tissue and blood
The muscle cells and tissues receiving the lactate either breakdown the lactate to fuel (ATP) for immediate use or use it in the creation of glycogen
The glycogen then remains in the cells until energy is required
Hydrogen ions
The breakdown of glucose or glycogen produces lactate and hydrogen ions - for each lactate molecule, one hydrogen ion is formed. The presence of hydrogen ions, not lactate, makes the muscle acidic which will eventually halt muscle function. As hydrogen ion concentrations increase the blood and muscle become acidic. This acidic environment will slow down enzyme activity and ultimately the breakdown of glucose itself. Acidic muscles will aggravate associated nerve endings causing pain and increase irritation of the central nervous system. The athlete may become disorientated and feel nauseous.

Aerobic Capacity
Given that high levels of lactate/hydrogen ions will be detrimental to performance, one of the key reasons for endurance training is to enable the body to perform at a greater pace with a minimal amount of lactate. This can be done by long steady runs, which will develop the aerobic capacity by means of capillarisation (formation of more small blood vessels, thus enhancing oxygen transport to the muscles) and by creating greater efficiency in the heart and lungs. If the aerobic capacity is greater, it means there will be more oxygen available to the working muscles and this should delay the onset of lactic acid at a given work intensity.

Anaerobic Threshold
Lactic acid starts to accumulate in the muscles once you start operating above your anaerobic threshold. This is normally somewhere between 85% and 90% of your maximum heart rate (MHR).

What a low Lactate Threshold means
If your lactate threshold (LT) is reached at a low exercise intensity, it often means that the "oxidative energy systems" in your muscles are not working very well. If they were performing at a high level they would use oxygen to break lactate down to carbon dioxide and water, preventing lactate from pouring into the blood. If your LT is low it may mean that :

you are not getting enough oxygen inside your muscle cells
you do not have adequate concentrations of the enzymes necessary to oxidize pyruvate at high rates
you do not have enough mitochondria in your muscle cells
your muscles, heart, and other tissues are not very good at extracting lactate from the blood
Improving your Lactate Threshold
The aim is to saturate the muscles in lactic acid which will educate the body's buffering mechanism (alkaline) to deal with it more effectively. The accumulation of lactate in working skeletal muscles is associated with fatigue of this system after 50 to 60 seconds of maximal effort. Sessions should comprise of one to five reps (depends on the athlete's ability) with near to full recovery.

Training continuously at about 85-90% of your maximum heart rate for 20-25 minutes will improve your LT.

A session should be conducted once a week and commence eight weeks before a major competition. This will help the muscle cells retain their alkaline buffering ability. Improving your LT will also improve your tlimvVO2max.

Lactate Tolerance Training Sessions
The following table identifies some possible training sessions that can be used to improve your lactate tolerance:

Distance Pace Recovery Reps
150m 400m 90 secs 3 * 3
300m 800m 2 mins 6
150m 800m 45 secs 12
150m 800m 20 secs 2 * 4
300m 1k 90 secs 9

Phosphate Loading
Research indicates that sodium phosphate ingestion can improve your lactate threshold. Richard Kreider (University of Memphis) conducted a six day trial with a sodium phosphate supplement where 4 grams/day were consumed. At the end of this period VO2max was improved by 9%, LT raised by 12% and blood-haemoglobin levels by 5%.

There are potential side effects to taking higher than normal levels of phosphate so consult with your doctor first.

Associated Pages
The following Sports Coach pages should be read in conjunction with this page:

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness - (DOMS)
Associated Web Sites
The following web sites contain more information on this topic:

None at present
Associated Journals and Books
The following journals and books contain more information on this topic:

Advanced PE for Edexcel - F Galligan et al - page 385
Essentials of Exercise Physiology (2nd Edition) - W.D. McArdle, F.I. Katch & V.L. Katch - Page 108 & 256 & 452
Principals of Anatomy and Physiology (6th Edition) - G. J. Tortora & N. P. Anagnostakos - pages 241 & 793
Disposal of Lactate during and after Strenuous Exercise in Humans, Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol 61(1), pp338-343, 1986
Peak Performance - Issue 41, 72, 73, 100 & 101,
Peak Performance - Issue 112
Peak Performance - Issue 113 (Rugby)
Peak Performance - Issue 121 pages 3 & 10
Peak Performance - Issue 130 page 1
Peak Performance - Issue 151, page 11
Peak Performance - Issue 162, page 6
Peak Performance - Issue 173, page 7
The Coach - Issue 3 page 29
BMC News - Volume 3 Issue 12 - page 10
Another Interesting Read (this one's from cytosport)

WHAT IS POLYLACTATE AND WHAT DOES IT DO?, by George Brooks, Ph.D., Professor of Exercise Physiology, University of California at Berkeley

POLYLACTATE is a mixture of organic (mainly) and inorganic salts of lactic acid. Thus, POLYLACTATE is not an acid, but it is a rapidly used fuel the use of which helps to supply energy, maintain blood sugar (glucose), and neutralize naturally produced acids in the body, including lactic acid. The use of POLYLACTATE to supply energy rapidly in exercise, to bolster blood sugar, and to neutralize (buffer) body acids during exercise is explained in the following way.

Often in nature, success in any system depends on balance. For instance, for crop growth there needs to be a balance of nutrient soil, sunlight and water with excesses, or insufficient amounts of one component producing a poor result. So it is that balance in human physiology determines success of many metabolic processes. One critically important process has to do with the balance of formation and removal (utilization) of lactic acid in muscle during vigorous activity.

Recent research indicates that when muscles use blood sugar or stored carbohydrate (glycogen), much of these carbohydrates are converted to lactic acid. Lactic acid is a very strong organic acid. In physiological systems, almost all the lactic acid formed dissociates to the extremely useful lactate component (that represents 98.9%), and a hydrogen ion, or proton that represents 1.1%. Usually in the body the production and removal of lactic acid are in balance so that despite rapid production, little accumulates. In the past scientists thought that during exercise lactate was a dead-end metabolite which was produced because of insufficient oxygen and caused fatigue. In contrast, we now know that lactic acid is produced all the time in many cells and tissues, and in muscle, even at rest when there is plenty of oxygen. Only when the production outstrips removal does the acid part of the molecule linger to cause burning, fatigue and sensations that make athletes want to quit activity.

Why the body chooses to make lactic acid rapidly, and why the body uses this metabolic intermediate as the most important blood borne carbohydrate during exercise is an extremely complex, and revolutionary concept. However, for our present purposes we need only realize that the body needs and uses lactate, but the body suffers if hydrogen ions accumulate and causes lactic acidosis. In the form of POLYLACTATE, we then restore the balance of salt and acid by providing lactate molecules, but without the 1.1% acid component.

Muscle can use carbohydrates faster than lipids, more energy is available for a given oxygen supply, and muscles contract more forcefully if carbohydrates are used as fuels. Moreover, by releasing lactate during exercise, some muscle can fuel other muscles, including the heart which consume and utilize lactate and protons from the blood. Additionally, in the process of producing sugar for the body during exercise, the major material taken from the blood by the liver is lactate. In fact, the liver consumes two lactates and two acid protons to make one sugar molecule.

With this new knowledge in hand, it then becomes obvious what to supply the athlete during prolonged hard exercise and recovery; give the body what it uses most rapidly, and give it something which will help remove acid protons formed during exercise. Give the body a designer molecule, the lactate without the acid proton, give the body POLYLACTATE.

CYTOMAX, the Fluid-Electrolyte Energy replacement drink contains mainly the organic salt, POLYLACTATE, but also a small amount of inorganic potassium and sodium salts of lactate. In this case lactate is used to carry and replenish the salts lost in sweat during exercise as well as to stimulate thirst insuring hydration. However, relative to energy use, inorganic salt loss during exercise is slow. Therefore, should someone try to replace energy during exercise by using an inorganic salt, such as sodium, potassium, or calcium lactate, rapidly the lactate would be removed leaving a large salt load with dehydration being the result. Instead, with the completely organic POLYLACTATE in which amino acids are used to carry the lactate molecules, the body is provided substances all of which are useful during exercise and recovery.

In summary, for replacing fluid, electrolytes, and energy, and for stimulating body glucose production and for buffering the effects of acids produced during exercise,. consider using CYTOMAX which is blended with all these processes in mind.