bad supps while using ph


Well-known member
there's a few threads here and there mentioning supps that's not ideal using during a cycle. Lets hear some. Vitamin e. and other fat-soluble vitamins seems to be one (for shear absorption of the ph) Of course, depending on what your goals are (i.e bulking, mass gains, cutting, lean gains...) the wrong supps/vitamins usage during one's cycle are going to be different so if you guys can name some for various cycles, that be great.
As YJ advised me, avoid creatine while doing 4AD, so you know if the ph worked. That's what I'm doing anyway.
scotty2 said:
As YJ advised me, avoid creatine while doing 4AD, so you know if the ph worked. That's what I'm doing anyway.

oops. thats "0" for one. I kept the creatine through the first 3 weeks of my first ever run of T-1 and continued it for post. Just got off creatine using for the start of my second run through the stuff.
sage said:

oops. thats "0" for one. I kept the creatine through the first 3 weeks of my first ever run of T-1 and continued it for post. Just got off creatine using for the start of my second run through the stuff.

Then how do you know what the T-1 did and what the creatine did??
would vitamin A cause problems? i take 75,000iu a day right now for acne.. should i not take this while on cycle?
YellowJacket said:

Then how do you know what the T-1 did and what the creatine did??

initial goals before using T-1 was for size (water retention wasnt an issue) my reasoning behind taking the T-1 along with creatine was that i believed with the 4-ad and creatine, it could have only helped to keep the usage of creatine. As long as the creatine didnt "hurt' the effects of the 4-ad or 1-test, i really didnt care if creatine added any extra to my gains. (was hoping)
sage said:

initial goals before using T-1 was for size (water retention wasnt an issue) my reasoning behind taking the T-1 along with creatine was that i believed with the 4-ad and creatine, it could have only helped to keep the usage of creatine. As long as the creatine didnt "hurt' the effects of the 4-ad or 1-test, i really didnt care if creatine added any extra to my gains. (was hoping)

yeah creatine is not "bad".... it is just an "excess". You are getting good water retention with 4ad, that the water retention you get with creatine is much smaller.. so its not really worth it... but if you have a lot of creatine lying around, and you got it cheap, it cannot hurt.
Kay said:

yeah creatine is not "bad".... it is just an "excess". You are getting good water retention with 4ad, that the water retention you get with creatine is much smaller.. so its not really worth it... but if you have a lot of creatine lying around, and you got it cheap, it cannot hurt.

Yeah, that's basically my view on it also. Unless I want to totally isolate variables for a report, I'm looking for best gains right now.
I'm not sure about vit A but i've been on accutane for 3 months and i'm almost halfway through my second cycle of 1-test/4ad. My first cycle i gained 12 and kept 10 and my second is to be determined.
Haha i didn't take any creatine and my diet sucked the last 3 weeks of my 5 weekcycle but i put on roughly 15 lbs of lbm in 5 weeks. Water weight was probably around 3.5 lbs.
I take 800 units Vit-E every day, and Cod Liver oil for A & D. Never saw any proof these would affect ph performance, I don't see how they could, and even if there was a slight trade off in absorption, I would continue with the vitamins as I feel the anti- oxidant properties of Vit E to far outweigh the negatives.
Originally posted by John Benz
I take 800 units Vit-E every day, and Cod Liver oil for A & D. Never saw any proof these would affect ph performance, I don't see how they could, and even if there was a slight trade off in absorption, I would continue with the vitamins as I feel the anti- oxidant properties of Vit E to far outweigh the negatives.

Same here, 800 IU daily of E, and I take 2g of C daily in 1g doses (I know, it's alot, but it's water soluble :) ) I don't believe that not taking them will benefit one more than than taking them, regardless of on cycle or not.
Couple things. If you stop the creatine when you go on a cycle then how do you know how much you would have lost from going off the creatine and it was made up for by the cycle of prohormones?

ALSO I have seen studies that indicate that not only is protein absorbtion increased when there is an elevated level of testosterone in the body, there is also an increased absorbtion of creatine.

SOooooooo if prohormones really do raise your Test level it should also increase your absorbtion rate.

Finally, creatine is so cheap now a days I would just stay on.