Hey guys!
First off I have a question as to which way is best to bulk without getting to chubby on the way? I know some people just do 'all-out-bulks' and others do slow and steady. I think the slow and steady is better but my question is is "How the heck do ya do it?" I've tried before but failed pitifully. Actually i've tried both and failed pitifully.
Also, I'm currently heading towards a Boot camp date and am scared to death to lose all the mass (haha..."I" call it mass) that i've accumulated. I know it's gonna disappear (well, alot of it anyway) but my question is how do I gain it back after Boot camp, SOI, and my MOS training? What's the best way for a Marine to eat to gain mass, stay lean, etc. whether deployed or in the states.
Thanks fellas! Also, any Marine's who've already dealt with this are uber welcome to chat it up here! :hammer:
First off I have a question as to which way is best to bulk without getting to chubby on the way? I know some people just do 'all-out-bulks' and others do slow and steady. I think the slow and steady is better but my question is is "How the heck do ya do it?" I've tried before but failed pitifully. Actually i've tried both and failed pitifully.
Also, I'm currently heading towards a Boot camp date and am scared to death to lose all the mass (haha..."I" call it mass) that i've accumulated. I know it's gonna disappear (well, alot of it anyway) but my question is how do I gain it back after Boot camp, SOI, and my MOS training? What's the best way for a Marine to eat to gain mass, stay lean, etc. whether deployed or in the states.
Thanks fellas! Also, any Marine's who've already dealt with this are uber welcome to chat it up here! :hammer: