B.W.T.B and Marine bulking


Hey guys!

First off I have a question as to which way is best to bulk without getting to chubby on the way? I know some people just do 'all-out-bulks' and others do slow and steady. I think the slow and steady is better but my question is is "How the heck do ya do it?" I've tried before but failed pitifully. Actually i've tried both and failed pitifully.

Also, I'm currently heading towards a Boot camp date and am scared to death to lose all the mass (haha..."I" call it mass) that i've accumulated. I know it's gonna disappear (well, alot of it anyway) but my question is how do I gain it back after Boot camp, SOI, and my MOS training? What's the best way for a Marine to eat to gain mass, stay lean, etc. whether deployed or in the states.

Thanks fellas! Also, any Marine's who've already dealt with this are uber welcome to chat it up here! :hammer:
builtolast said:
Hey guys!

First off I have a question as to which way is best to bulk without getting to chubby on the way? I know some people just do 'all-out-bulks' and others do slow and steady. I think the slow and steady is better but my question is is "How the heck do ya do it?" I've tried before but failed pitifully. Actually i've tried both and failed pitifully.

Also, I'm currently heading towards a Boot camp date and am scared to death to lose all the mass (haha..."I" call it mass) that i've accumulated. I know it's gonna disappear (well, alot of it anyway) but my question is how do I gain it back after Boot camp, SOI, and my MOS training? What's the best way for a Marine to eat to gain mass, stay lean, etc. whether deployed or in the states.

Thanks fellas! Also, any Marine's who've already delt with this are uber welcome to chat it up here!

it's not that hard to make good gains once you're out of bootcamp. for now, i'd just worry about getting in shape for boot. i lost like 30lbs in boot and all of my strength. however, i gained it all back and then some after a couple months of good eating, proper training, and ample sleep. SOI will definately screw you up again, but after that it's not that bad at all. once you get to your unit, it'll all come together. the chow hall food is generally not the best for muscle building. so, i'd invest in some cheap quality foods such as canned tuna, bagels, oatmeal, etc. you can make your shakes the night before and take them to work with you. what's your MOS going to be?
Awesome, Beelzebub thanks for posting. I thought this thread was gonna get washed out quick. MOS is still in the decision making progress (well, more my 'rents decision making progress) but is currently locked in at 03xx security force contract. Whether or not this gets changed is up to 1.) parents begging me otherwise 2.) Intel contract coming in earlier.
Moving on though....YOU LOST 30 FRIGGIN' LBS!?! HOLY JEHOSIPHAT! Lol! What do they feed us? A Big plate of lettuce, side of ice cubes, and a glass of air to wash it down!?! HAHA!
What was your MOS? Were there any food choices at all in the mess halls that would constitute as "healthy food", or was everything drowned in grease, gravy, and sugar? Even being a infantry MOS is it possible to keep mass up to an semi-optimal level? What did you do during deployments and where were you deployed?

Any answers would help, along with tips ya got. Thanks beelz!

Never been to USMC boot, but did go Army basic. And I lost about 25-30lbs as well. Don't forget alot of DS/DI's are endurance freaks, so many of them see your bulk as being out of shape. I wouldn't worry about bulking, your just going to loss it any ways. I would be PTing and trying to get a high PFT score.
Never been to USMC boot, but did go Army basic. And I lost about 25-30lbs as well. Don't forget alot of DS/DI's are endurance freaks, so many of them see your bulk as being out of shape. I wouldn't worry about bulking, your just going to loss it any ways. I would be PTing and trying to get a high PFT score.

shoot, so you're saying I shouldn't try to put on size the whole time im in or just to now concentrate on PFT scores? Please clarify as this is a depressing statement so far. :wtf:
builtolast said:
Awesome, Beelzebub thanks for posting. I thought this thread was gonna get washed out quick. MOS is still in the decision making progress (well, more my 'rents decision making progress) but is currently locked in at 03xx security force contract. Whether or not this gets changed is up to 1.) parents begging me otherwise 2.) Intel contract coming in earlier.
Moving on though....YOU LOST 30 FRIGGIN' LBS!?! HOLY JEHOSIPHAT! Lol! What do they feed us? A Big plate of lettuce, side of ice cubes, and a glass of air to wash it down!?! HAHA!
What was your MOS? Were there any food choices at all in the mess halls that would constitute as "healthy food", or was everything drowned in grease, gravy, and sugar? Even being a infantry MOS is it possible to keep mass up to an semi-optimal level? What did you do during deployments and where were you deployed?

Any answers would help, along with tips ya got. Thanks beelz!


lcsulla is right bro. it's a depressing fact, but it's a waste of time trying to bulk up now. it'll make boot camp that much harder and you'll lose it all anyway. for now, just get in outstanding shape. boot camp, you get a basic 3 meals a day, nothing more. and everywhere you go, you're either running, hiking, or crawling. you're not gonna care too much as to how healty the food is, you just want more of it. i remember i would shovel down 8 slices of bread at each sitting smother with butter along with the regular meals of crappy food. i was so friggin hungry all the time that i didn't care what the food was. after bootcamp, SOI, and MOS school, you'll be able to settle down and start up a regular training/diet program.

get out of infantry if you can. intel is the way to go. lots of training, you get a top secret clearance (which is a huge plus when you get out, CIA, FBI,etc. seek the top secret guys out). deployments vary depending on whether you're doing a WestPac, UDP, or straight to Iraq. if you don't know how to play spades, you'll learn rather quickly.
another thing, don't freak out in boot camp when all the DI's jump directly in your face for no reason. they're not pissed at you, it's their job. nothing you do will be good enough, it's either gotta be faster or better. it's a mental game. their goal is to break you down and build you back up. just remember, it's their job to be fucking lunatics, it's nothing personal. physically, it's not so bad. try to stand out, take charge of whatever situation that comes along. be a leader, the DI's will single you out more, but if you do well, they'll end up promoting you at the end. and it looks great on your record, honor grad.
Beelzebub said:
lcsulla is right bro. it's a depressing fact, but it's a waste of time trying to bulk up now. it'll make boot camp that much harder and you'll lose it all anyway. for now, just get in outstanding shape. boot camp, you get a basic 3 meals a day, nothing more. and everywhere you go, you're either running, hiking, or crawling. you're not gonna care too much as to how healty the food is, you just want more of it. i remember i would shovel down 8 slices of bread at each sitting smother with butter along with the regular meals of crappy food. i was so friggin hungry all the time that i didn't care what the food was. after bootcamp, SOI, and MOS school, you'll be able to settle down and start up a regular training/diet program.

get out of infantry if you can. intel is the way to go. lots of training, you get a top secret clearance (which is a huge plus when you get out, CIA, FBI,etc. seek the top secret guys out). deployments vary depending on whether you're doing a WestPac, UDP, or straight to Iraq. if you don't know how to play spades, you'll learn rather quickly.

Hey beelze,
First off, what was your MOS? Were YOU intel? I am still considering it, but could you give me more reasons you think Intel would be the better way to go (obviously besides those already given)? Also, if you know anything about Intel, could you gimme any insider info (not secret stuff) as to what they do on avg.? I can't find specifics ANYWHERE and it's making it really hard to make a choice. I want to get some action, whether it be in combat or not. You know?: Interogations, shootin' bad guys, maybe some raids, etc. or maybe training Iraqi's or something like that. Just don't wanna fill a desk more than 50% of the time. If that's the case I'll kill myself!!!

Another thing...what are some easy foods/recipes I could make that would help while in to get extra (healthy) calories?

thanks again!
builtolast said:
Hey beelze,
First off, what was your MOS? Were YOU intel? I am still considering it, but could you give me more reasons you think Intel would be the better way to go (obviously besides those already given)? Also, if you know anything about Intel, could you gimme any insider info (not secret stuff) as to what they do on avg.? I can't find specifics ANYWHERE and it's making it really hard to make a choice. I want to get some action, whether it be in combat or not. You know?: Interogations, shootin' bad guys, maybe some raids, etc. or maybe training Iraqi's or something like that. Just don't wanna fill a desk more than 50% of the time. If that's the case I'll kill myself!!!

Another thing...what are some easy foods/recipes I could make that would help while in to get extra (healthy) calories?

thanks again!

blackwaterusa.com, that's where the action is without all the bullshit. yeah, if you're infantry, artillery, etc, you're pretty much guaranteed to see some action. i'm not sure what you're picturing, but it's most likely all wrong. war isn't what you see in movies, it's boring, slow, and loud. for every confrontation in Iraq you see on CNN, there's thousands of others that aren't doing anything except waiting around for something to shoot at them. it's not a clear conflict at all. americans are the only ones fighting a politically correct war, while our enemy is doing everything it can to raise the body count. intel still goes to war bro. but you most likely won't be on the front lines, you'll be plotting where the frontline goes next. you'll know the **** that others aren't supposed to know or even consider yet. it's not stupid **** like who killed JFK and if Roswell really happened. it's more real world stuff like knowing exactly what's happening in korea, iran, or croatia while everyone else is focusing on iraq.

and besides, intel gets to poke fun at everyone else. i'm sure you've seen the signs from the computer company 'intel inside'. yeah, intel guys rub that in real good and place that sign outside their door that says 'intel inside, dumbasses outside'. :lol:
easy recipes? tuna and beans = good stuff. can't take it to bootcamp with you though. bootcamp is all about how many mental games you can take and still function with. after bootcamp and SOI, you can take your own food around. just pack it in tupperware the night before, throw it in the fridge, take it with you the next day wherever you go.
Your gonna lose alot of mass. I lost 75lbs at boot (shipped of 220 graduated at 145) gained 20 after SOI. You might be able to put some size on when you get to the fleet. Losing size should be the least of your worries, focus on the task at hand and earn that EGA. The gains will come later.
Congrats on your decision to join the greatest fighting force in the world bro. Just worry about getting in shape for boot camp. Running, pull-ups and crunches. In the gym work on your endurance. High reps, fast tempo. Trust me here. I went in at 190 pounds and came out 190 pounds, so maintaining the weight isn't hard (for me anyways). Eat everything you can get your hands on because you only get 3 meals like Beelzebub said. Worry about everything else after all of your training.
natedogg said:
Congrats on your decision to join the greatest fighting force in the world bro. Just worry about getting in shape for boot camp. Running, pull-ups and crunches. In the gym work on your endurance. High reps, fast tempo. Trust me here. I went in at 190 pounds and came out 190 pounds, so maintaining the weight isn't hard (for me anyways). Eat everything you can get your hands on because you only get 3 meals like Beelzebub said. Worry about everything else after all of your training.

Good advice all, and thanks for the time. Cool dudes on this board!
If your already disciplined, boot camp is a blast! If I could do it all over again, I would. Like the others said, it's about 70% mental & the rest is physical. I pretty much maintained my weight during my 3 months. If you play your cards right, you'll watch the weapons while everyone else goes to chow. (late chow) if your lucky enough, early chow will have a double rat (double portions). when he gets back to the squad bay, take his tag & feast @ the chow hall!!! :burger: :burger: :burger: That's how I did it anyway..

Other than the diet stuff, good luck!! Don't know you from Adam, but if I see you on the streets someday, first beer's on me!!!:cheers:

Semper Fi