

New member
I was reading the details in proteincustomizer (or was it proteinfactory) and one of the listed ingredients is ash. I will assume that it isn't really burnt anything but nutrient free powder. So what is it? Just dust and such? Whats next? MuscleTech's Nitrotorched? I hear its so fresh some people find smoldering embers.
I really have no clue but to make an intelligent guess I'd say its contaminent that exists in large enough quanity to be required on the label.  It could also be an addition used to change the texture.  But those are guessses.  Is it far down on the ingredient list?  If its below other fraction percent composition compounds its probally not a big deal, but if its listed above the protein components or other major parts I wouldn't go near it :).
Ash is anything that does not qualify as another named nutrient. Every food has some amount of ash in it. If you examine the USDA food database at Link Removed you will find that all foods have an ash content. An apple for example has 0.26 grams of ash per 100 grams.

Hope this helps,

Originally posted by Jorta
Ash is anything that does not qualify as another named nutrient. Every food has some amount of ash in it. If you examine the USDA food database at Link Removed you will find that all foods have an ash content. An apple for example has 0.26 grams of ash per 100 grams.

Hope this helps,



Nice, good link. Funny how we classify this as "other" basically. Hmm, wonder what this particular "ash" actually is, what it's composed of. You'd have to ask proteinfactory though.
Kind of scarey if you really think about it. We could be taking in anything and we do not even know it. Kind of strange what the government does allow people to put into their products and we roll over and take it. I hope the FDA is watching this ash crap and they came up with another name for it.