i've got a couple of guns, and used to play a lot w/some friends out in the woods. Nothing serious though.
thats how i started but I'm way to competitive to stay in the woods. The last two years I've played nationally on the NPPL and PSP circuits
Kmac, you play that much around here? Any affiliation with NU?

I use to play a lot when I was younger back home at Skirmish USA. Great fields. I LOVE playing, and miss it a lot. I haven't bought a new gun in about 5 years though. I'm so tall, I make an easy target.
no affiliation w/ NU - I'm playing in just New England this this year - too much travel playin the pro series.

last year i was in huntington beach, vegas, miami, chicago as well as all over new england. Tons of fun but too much time
no affiliation w/ NU - I'm playing in just New England this this year - too much travel playin the pro series.

last year i was in huntington beach, vegas, miami, chicago as well as all over new england. Tons of fun but too much time

I've been to skirmish once - crazy good recball fields!
oh god too many. I've owned ~11 guns. everything from spyders to cockers to mags to intimadators

right now I have a toxic matrix and a nuaghty dogs imtimadator