ALA, Thoughts & Experiences


Well-known member
The body needs alpha-lipoic acid to produce energy. The body actually makes enough alpha-lipoic acid for these basic metabolic functions. This compound acts as an antioxidant, however, only when there is an excess of it and it is in the "free" state in the cells. But there is no free alpha-lipoic acid circulating in your body, unless you consume supplements or get it injected. Except for yeast and liver(hmm? liver you say? :D ), foods contain only tiny amounts of it. What makes alpha-lipoic acid so special as an antioxidant is that it helps deactivate a wide array of fat- and water-soluble free radicals in many bodily systems. In particular, it may help protect the genetic material, DNA. It is also important because it works closely with vitamins C and E and some other antioxidants, "recycling" them and thus making them much more effective.

Alpha-lipoic acid is being studied—and already marketed—as a preventive and/or treatment for many age-related diseases, from heart disease and stroke to diabetes and cataracts. In Germany, in particular, it is often prescribed to treat long-term complications of diabetes, such as nerve damage, thought to result in part from free-radical damage. Some studies—mostly in animals, a few in humans, often using intravenous doses—do show that supplemental alpha-lipoic acid can help keep nerves healthy and play other beneficial roles in the body.

Quick basic info on ala... I tried to find some results/ideas about it but couldn't locate any at all really, so if I missed some just lemme know and we can delete this. If not, feel free to contribute when and how much you take, whether or not you like it, etc. I'm curious :D

Here's an interesting read, from Matthew D-

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I use about 3 grams of racemic ALA for a perpetual pump. 600 mgs at 5 meals a day, taken 5 minutes before the meal. Makes me look a lot fuller, and gives great pumps in the gym.
MySoulFindsRest said:
I use about 3 grams of racemic ALA for a perpetual pump. 600 mgs at 5 meals a day, taken 5 minutes before the meal. Makes me look a lot fuller, and gives great pumps in the gym.

I thought R ALA expensive, where do you purchase yours?
Originally posted by CROWLER

I thought R ALA expensive, where do you purchase yours?


racemic isn't the R type, usually a mix of S and R I believe. I've bought r-ALA from before, but to me the price is not worth it. just started selling R also, but the price is the same. I posted this in the compare prices sticky, if anyone finds cheaper, please post it there.
Ok thanks.
Thanks bro I am interested in the price. I need to get some soon and I am glad to have the link. It is an R too thanks a million.
Originally posted by YellowJacket
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Pretty decent price on ALA if you're interested.....

That's anabolicfitness's version, still too $$$ IMO. Wojo just posted a link in the best prices sticky though for even cheaper. I hope we can get this stuff cheap guys, then I'm all for it again.
1fast and anabolic fitness price for R-ALA is around $20. However, 1fast sells it for $18 when buying a quantity of 5 or more. Helps a little bit with the cost.

I thought R ALA expensive, where do you purchase yours?

LOL. I suppose I should start calling it "regular" ALA aye? But even that has an R at the beginning. Hmmm. But yes, I meant the 50/50 mix ALA.

The only difference I found between r-ALA and mix version, is the r-ALA didn't give me heartburn. But that goes away in a day or two anyway. The pumps I think we're better with the mix version. It's cheaper too.

For those of you who don't hate, there was a huge thread about ALA, started by JonBlaze I believe. Called "started r-ALA today!" or something of the sort.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, and can't believe I forgot to mention the increase in vascularity. I'm at a fairly high bf% right now, and using it at 3 grams or more daily my veins POP. EQ without the anabolic effect? :D
I would caution guys to up your dosage slowly with ALA. Different people react differently.

I have used slin quite a bit so I know what it feels like to go hypo. I have actually experienced this with ALA.

As far as I have been able to figure out it MIGHT have to do with the speed of your metabolism. It seems guys with slower metabolism (fat or easily gain fat) do not get the hypo as easy as someone with a faster metabolism.

So just be careful when you first start upping your dosages and have a simple carb around.

Just my .02
MySoulFindsRest said:

LOL. I suppose I should start calling it "regular" ALA aye? But even that has an R at the beginning. Hmmm. But yes, I meant the 50/50 mix ALA.

The only difference I found between r-ALA and mix version, is the r-ALA didn't give me heartburn. But that goes away in a day or two anyway. The pumps I think we're better with the mix version. It's cheaper too.

For those of you who don't hate, there was a huge thread about ALA, started by JonBlaze I believe. Called "started r-ALA today!" or something of the sort.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, and can't believe I forgot to mention the increase in vascularity. I'm at a fairly high bf% right now, and using it at 3 grams or more daily my veins POP. EQ without the anabolic effect? :D

I wish I could sing it's praises like you. I'm afraid all it made me do was piss acrid urine. Didn't feel anything, have taken it as high as 3g/day.
I loved ALA up until I read that it reduced glycogen synthesis, which would be horrid post-workout. That being said, I did notice a little fat-loss and most of all, improved skin.
Hell, I couldn't get over 800 mgs./day. The stuff tore up my stomach too bad. Yeah, I had to hold my nose while taking a piss as well.
Sent to me by Biggin, Originally posted by JonBlaze I believe, (thanks fellas):

Alpha-lipoic acid in liver metabolism and disease.
Bustamante J, Lodge JK, Marcocci L, Tritschler HJ, Packer L, Rihn BH
Free Radic Biol Med 1998 Apr 24:1023-39

R-alpha-Lipoic acid is found naturally occurring as a prosthetic group in alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complexes of the mitochondria, and as such plays a fundamental role in metabolism. Although this has been known for decades, only recently has free supplemented alpha-lipoic acid been found to affect cellular metabolic processes in vitro, as it has the ability to alter the redox status of cells and interact with thiols and other antioxidants. Therefore, it appears that this compound has important therapeutic potential in conditions where oxidative stress is involved. Early case studies with alpha-lipoic acid were performed with little knowledge of the action of alpha-lipoic acid at a cellular level, but with the rationale that because the naturally occurring protein bound form of alpha-lipoic acid has a pivotal role in metabolism, that supplementation may have some beneficial effect. Such studies sought to evaluate the effect of supplemented alpha-lipoic acid, using low doses, on lipid or carbohydrate metabolism, but little or no effect was observed. A common response in these trials was an increase in glucose uptake, but increased plasma levels of pyruvate and lactate were also observed, suggesting that an inhibitory effect on the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex was occurring. During the same period, alpha-lipoic acid was also used as a therapeutic agent in a number of conditions relating to liver disease, including alcohol-induced damage, mushroom poisoning, metal intoxification, and CCl4 poisoning. Alpha-Lipoic acid supplementation was successful in the treatment for these conditions in many cases. Experimental studies and clinical trials in the last 5 years using high doses of alpha-lipoic acid (600 mg in humans) have provided new and consistent evidence for the therapeutic role of antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid in the treatment of insulin resistance and diabetic polyneuropathy. This new insight should encourage clinicians to use alpha-lipoic acid in diseases affecting liver in which oxidative stress is involved.
600mg for liver aid and 2000mg for glucose
disposal. Those are my recommendations.
On a bulk phase, 2000mg ALA/day does WONDERS
for decreasing any fat gain.

And again, ALA raises glutathione levels by 50-70%
all by itself.

Mr. BMJ...LOL The ALA+GLA mix actually gives the user
better glucose disposal than ALA alone.(Something
like 7-8% better)

AND, ALA increases OXYGEN transport to the heart,
something that is VERY beneficial for AAS
Originally posted by jweave23

That's anabolicfitness's version, still too $$$ IMO. Wojo just posted a link in the best prices sticky though for even cheaper. I hope we can get this stuff cheap guys, then I'm all for it again.


Your wish is my command.  I have 20 bottles of pure r-ala for sale (10G, 100mg per cap).  I am selling them for 15 bucks a bottle.  I'm almost positive that this is the cheapest price you can find for r-ala.  Shipping will be $5 flat regardless of the number of bottles purchased.  After these 20 are gone, I won't have any more so if your interested, let me know. 


Originally posted by whosyourdaddy02


Your wish is my command.  I have 20 bottles of pure r-ala for sale (10G, 100mg per cap).  I am selling them for 15 bucks a bottle.  I'm almost positive that this is the cheapest price you can find for r-ala.  Shipping will be $5 flat regardless of the number of bottles purchased.  After these 20 are gone, I won't have any more so if your interested, let me know. 



Sweet, let's get on it guys, you will not find it cheaper than this!