6oxo vs aromazap vs formasin


Active member
whats your opinion on each, whats best when coming off what?? battle of the anti-estrogens... give your opinions. we started on at bb.com but some of us dont go there :D (exclude clomid/nolvadex comments ;))
Aromazap is the exact same thing as formasin, so the choice between the two comes down to price and availability.

6 oxo is likely superior for post cycle, while the other two are cheaper options for use during cycle. As far as using them for boosting test/dropping estrogen on their own, it really depends on whether or not formestane is suppressive. If it's not then it's a cheaper option for that as well.

Pat has already tested 6 oxo and syntrax is supposedly in the process of testing aromazap. I trust pat's word more than derek's though...
It will be interesting to see who is doing this "study" for syntrax. If it is in house..well you know....
Originally posted by ralph4u2c
whats your opinion on each, whats best when coming off what?? battle of the anti-estrogens... give your opinions. we started on at bb.com but some of us dont go there :D (exclude clomid/nolvadex comments ;))

Formasin you can use while on the cycle in contrast you will want to use 6OXO after the cycle. I trust 6OXO better for the after cycle. I will be using Formasin and 6OXO.
When exactly would you use Aromazap or Formasin during your cycle? I will be on 8 weeks of PH's so do I use it throughout or near the end or what?
The only reason I could see to use Formasin on cycle is to get rid of estrogen related problems. Also 4-hydroxytest is supposed to have some anabolic properties, but its hard to say what these might be.

I'm sticking with Nolvadex, its still the cheapest and its got clinical studies behind it. Its also just as easy to get as otc stuff.
i have formasin right now and plan to use it post cycle..i have about 4 more weeks then its time to hit...if 6 oxo is so great why did pat release formasin? hmm makes u wonder why he was so threatened...anywho i plan to also try 6 oxo down the line(got a bottle for next time)
The issue seems to lie in the fact the Formasin is slightly suppressive where 6OXO is not which makes one logically a better choice for during and the other post cycle.
Originally posted by wojo
i have formasin right now and plan to use it post cycle..i have about 4 more weeks then its time to hit...if 6 oxo is so great why did pat release formasin? hmm makes u wonder why he was so threatened...anywho i plan to also try 6 oxo down the line(got a bottle for next time)


Formasin is best to use during the cycle (was design for that matter) and 6OXO after cycle. 6OXO is great stuff.
<DIV id=details1 align=justify>
<P id=details1>In males, higher than normal estrogen levels (or estrogen levels that are out of balance with androgen levels) can lead to several physiological disturbances such as gynecomastia, hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis (HPTA) suppression, and sodium/water retention.

Formasin controls excess estrogen in the body by blocking the production of estrogen from androgenic precursors. Formasin contains 4-hydroxyandrostenedione, which is known as a “suicide inhibitor” of the aromatase enzyme.
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<IMG height=171 alt="" src="http://www.prototypenutrition.com/products/images/4hydroxy.gif" width=206> </DIV>
Daily administration of Formasin results in very effective estrogen control, and can ameliorate the estrogenic side effects associated with the use of aromatizable steroids and prohormones.

<B>How to use Formasin: </B>
Formasin should be taken once a day with food. Depending on whether one needs mild estrogen control, or potent estrogen control a daily dosage of anywhere from 100mg – 250mg can be ingested

<B>When to use Formasin: </B>
Formasin is best used as a conjunct product to control excessive estrogen production from aromatizable prohormones (4-andros and norandros) and steroids (testosterone and nortestosterone related compounds).

Formasin is not ideal for post cycle estrogen control and testosterone elevation however. For this purpose, the best supplement product available is 6OXO by ErgoPharm

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