6oxo dosing


Ok you hear so many confliting dosing schemes some say decrease the dosage over time, some say 6 a day for 10 days others 3 a day for 20. I would assume I bottle is enough to recover from a T1 pro cycle what is everybodies opinion on dosing for T1 pro. I've come to trust the guys here more than on the other boards.
DreamWeaver said:
Ok you hear so many confliting dosing schemes some say decrease the dosage over time, some say 6 a day for 10 days others 3 a day for 20. I would assume I bottle is enough to recover from a T1 pro cycle what is everybodies opinion on dosing for T1 pro. I've come to trust the guys here more than on the other boards.

Use 2 bottles. Use 600mg/day for 2 weeks then taper to 300mg/day and finish the bottle. I've had best results with that. This stuff has worked very well when I used it.
awww ! but it's so damn expensive :eek: :( :mad:

Ok do you take all six a one time I think it's recomends 3 at the last meal or something.
Re: Re: 6oxo dosing

Bobo said:

Use 2 bottles. Use 600mg/day for 2 weeks then taper to 300mg/day and finish the bottle. I've had best results with that. This stuff has worked very well when I used it.

I'm finishing my 6-oxo now and only thing I did differently was tapered to 200 mg per day to finish.
DreamWeaver said:
awww ! but it's so damn expensive :eek: :( :mad:

No ****! When I finish my 1-test/4ad 4wk cycle I will use 1 bottle....3 caps for 20 days along with zma and flax.....trib if I experience any libido problems. Us poor folk gotta make due with what we got. LOL!

Next time I'll possibly look into some nolva.
Well so far I am not experiencing too much in the way of libido problems, I do have some really good Tribulus.....
DreamWeaver said:
Well so far I am not experiencing too much in the way of libido problems, I do have some really good Tribulus.....

i didnt take any trib...but am takin zma with the 6oxo...no libido probs here....btw i'm 6 weeks post ph cycle.
DreamWeaver said:
Well so far I am not experiencing too much in the way of libido problems, I do have some really good Tribulus.....

What kind of trib do you use?

I forgot to add I will also be using small and frequent doses of eca post cycle as anti-catabolic.
Yes I plan to use small amounts of ECA as well.

About my conventional supps such as Tribulus I have an non-commercial source for just about all the conventional supps. I do not use very many commercial products whatsoever. The Tribulus I get is the best on the planet and no commercial brand uses this grade 100%. Put it this way it blows Trbex way out of the water. It'll make you want to nail almost any women that happens by. :D The source is a guy who supplies the hosptals and pharmacies with various drugs who has some pretty good contacts in the industry and that way we never have to deal with the sports supplement industry. It's expensive **** but it really is a lot better. I can hook people up if they email me. The guy doesn't have website so you'll have to deal with him via email or phone. Oh and remember I live in Canada so it may not be a good alternative for those of you who are from the U.S.

It all started years ago when we got pissed about inconsitant protein qualities.
TMack40 said:
Hey msclbldrguy,
What were your gains and how much have you kept?

i gained 22 lbs...(went from 190 to 212) some fat/water/bloatin tho. so hard to say for sure how much is lbm. but in the 8 weeks i was on 1test i gained 1/4" on my arms...i kept cals high and actuallyu gained 8 lbs since...i'm just now startin to cut so i'll kno in a few weeks just how much lbm i gained. if 1test is still available i definitely wanna do another cycle...but I wont eat as many cals as i did for this cycle to minimize bf gain.

btw...strength...es[ squat and deads...went up quite a bit and i havent had any noticeable drop in strength.....in fact strength startin to climb again

key for me is what i've done post cycle...keepin cals hi, 6oxo and zma...thats made a big difference for me.
DreamWeaver said:
awww ! but it's so damn expensive :eek: :( :mad:

Ok do you take all six a one time I think it's recomends 3 at the last meal or something.

Thats the price you pay for OTC anti-e's. I took all 6 at dinner.
Ok thanks guys I will do as you say (nothing worse than a guy who asks for advice then doesn't take it lol) . So two damn bottles it is then.

Oh and why do you guys use ZMA I find if you just use zinc it's just as good without the wierd dreams and the grogginess in the morning.