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  1. Jeebus, strong cleans... And he's not even cleaning them from the knees...! Certainly has some big speed power in the hips & upper chain
  2. Some info on "trained" lifters and set/rep and time dif...

    I find the study interesting on the most part, (mentioned: especially since they were more experienced lifters and not novices) since the differences in strength and hypertrophy approaches, seem less marginal than I thought they might be and do some of us overspend to get that PR!?... Effects of...
  3. Can you use DMSO to deliver DIM?

    Since DIM is less available bio wise as an oral from liver into the bloodstream, is it possible to use DMSO and mix/use it topically?, or is the DIM set up as an oral and thus will not transfer well topically?
  4. Sometimes this strength stuff might get overthunk...

    Pretty good thread (with M.T.) read if anyone is interested... RTS vs lilliebridge training method
  5. Larry Scott passes...

    The Golden Boy Passes - Larry Scott 1938 - 2014 | Muscular Development Always liked this guy. One of the best in the day
  6. Big Eric pulls #900...

    Eric Lilliebridge 900 Lb Deadlift - #825 looked like speed work
  7. Squatting Machine made of flesh...

    Jeebuz Keeeyrist... Andrey Malanichev 440kg x 3 reps "Raw with wraps" - YouTube I am thinking of taking up classical guitar...!
  8. Martin's #500x17

    greasy Tom Fockery... OMAR ISUF 500lb DEADLIFT MAX REPS CHALLENGE (Response by Tom Martin) - 17 reps - YouTube
  9. Motor Mike...

    Like this guys style... Deadlift 800x3 - YouTube
  10. Chasin' Gaynor...

    Wednesday 9/11 15" Pin Pulls #525+#100 Chains about #625 @ top x3x3 (tried to get a good snap up over the knees) 1" Deficit Pin Pulls #525 x3x3 (good start off pins, but a looooong pull by the time the 3rd set/3rd rep rolls 'round) 1" Def RDL's #405 x8x2 (read 8 reps 2 sets)...
  11. Some good deadlift tips...

    Especially setting the shoulders and neck/head T NATION | Much Ado About Deadlifting
  12. Fairly simple Byrd squat article...

    I kinda follow this logic... Squatting Big - Juggernaut Training Systems - Juggernaut Training Systems
  13. Helpful Dan Green dead technique...

    Hope this sheds some light on "technique" for some of you having form, set up and pulling issues... Technique With Dan Green - YouTube
  14. Looked like he had more...

    Strong lighter BW and not to wide, dang!!!... Obukhovich 904@231 lbs Deadlift (410@105 kgs) - YouTube
  15. Question on DHT conversion with gels...

    I have heard, but not been able to find, any really solid info on whether trt gels and receptor sites contribute more to DHT conversion in the hairy areas of the body? Does anyone, or has anyone heard or have any info on this relation to usage areas etc.?
  16. Interesting stuff from Chad Smith... Probably geared more for the RAW lifter (no pun intended har har)
  17. Question on topicals...

    So the gels and stuff, ie: Formeron, Sustain Alpha etc. etc. etc. if your hand absorbs a bit of the product, but has crappy absorption, would it be better to rub it into the sites with a plastic baggie or glove on the hand to keep 99% of it at the site and not into the hand pores?