New Dude to AM looking to get lean & Muscular

Rev R

Rev R

New member
Hi All,

I'm new here and would appreciate your input - here's a little background. Was unable to exercise or set foot in a gym until 5 years ago. At that time I got a trainer and lost 100 lbs in 6 months and kept it off for 4 years while building a good amount of muscle. Then I got sick and gained weight so now I'm at 255 (according to BMI I'm 30% fat) and the old methods aren't working for me.

I'm 43 and workout at the gym 5-6 days a week for 1.5 hours (40 min cardio/ weight split) and I need solid advice from those who have been there and will not go back!

Thanks in advance!


Board Sponsor
It would be some help if you could post your diet, goals, and current stats.

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