Alphamine/Erase for 6'4'' Individual



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I'm posting this for a friend who is 6'4'' and 190 lbs.

He's been running Alphamine for about a week to ten days and Erase for about a month.

He has not noticed any significant changes in body weight/composition. His calories are 200-300 below maintenance every day and he recently completed a 3 week trial of hst-100 chest specialization training.

He takes 2 scoops of Alphamine in the morning, and one 6 hours later and he's on the recommended 3 caps a day.

This is a question for PES reps or anyone else that might have experience, but what could he be doing to maximize the benefits of these products?


What is he looking to do? Lose fat? Alphamine is primarily a fat burner and erase is an aromatase inhibitor meaning that it will give his skin a tighter dry look. At 6'4 190 he is already as thin as a rail and should try some supplements that would add bulk to his lean frame before he tries to recomp.


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This is what he looks like:

He was on starting strength and at his peak weighed 240. He's now cutting.

Him and I both tried Hard Rhino's DAA (turned out they sold us l-aspartic), so if he's looking to recomp, what would be the most effective solution for him?


Somethings wrong, he bulked to 240 and now he's 190 and cutting and looks like that? He needs to reevaluate his training and diet, as for cutting it takes time to see results. I typically can't tell the difference between 16-14% so his composition may be changing but not noticeable. Remember supplements help but are not magic.


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Somethings wrong, he bulked to 240 and now he's 190 and cutting and looks like that? He needs to reevaluate his training and diet, as for cutting it takes time to see results. I typically can't tell the difference between 16-14% so his composition may be changing but not noticeable. Remember supplements help but are not magic.
I second that. Something isn't right if those stats are correct. He needs to seriously look at diet/routine, but emphasis on the diet. Supps are only about 10% of everything, so they should NOT be the focus.


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Somethings wrong, he bulked to 240 and now he's 190 and cutting and looks like that? He needs to reevaluate his training and diet, as for cutting it takes time to see results. I typically can't tell the difference between 16-14% so his composition may be changing but not noticeable. Remember supplements help but are not magic.
I second that. Looks wrong if those stats are correct.
When I met him he was 220 -skinny fat. He bulked up to 240 and now he's cut down to 190. I don't know his bf%, but would it be recommended that he go on a clean bulk/recomp if he were to reap the benefits of erase and alphamine?


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When I met him he was 220 -skinny fat. He bulked up to 240 and now he's cut down to 190. I don't know his bf%, but would it be recommended that he go on a clean bulk/recomp if he were to reap the benefits of erase and alphamine?
Entirely depends on his goals.


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He needs to look at his diet then. Supps will help to a point, but diet needs to be his PRIMARY focus. That and his routine. Supps come a distant third in that ranking.


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If you can post a more exact diet then feedback could be given on that. Ultimately that's where 99% of people who aren't seeing results are lacking in some way or another.


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When I met him he was 220 -skinny fat. He bulked up to 240 and now he's cut down to 190. I don't know his bf%, but would it be recommended that he go on a clean bulk/recomp if he were to reap the benefits of erase and alphamine?
Sounds like he bulked up when he should have cut first and then he cut too fast and lost all his muscle (which was prob mostly fat anyway from his "bulk")

Generally, at his stats he should be losing or gaining no more than 1lbs a week during a bulk or cut. Any more than that and he will either be gaining fat or losing muscle. In his case I guarantee both during each phase hence him being disappointed. 220-240 is a serious increase and if done naturally should take months and months. And even more so... going from 240-190 should take an even longer time. Sounds like its all diet and training related. Throw the supps away, they aren't helping. Diet and training will blow alphamine's doors off. Then... you can supplement that extra 2% help if you want.


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Yeah I echo that. Does sound (and look) like his bulk just put on mostly fat, bit of muscle, which he then lost all of anyway.


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Entirely depends on his goals.
Sounds like he bulked up when he should have cut first and then he cut too fast and lost all his muscle (which was prob mostly fat anyway from his "bulk")

Generally, at his stats he should be losing or gaining no more than 1lbs a week during a bulk or cut. Any more than that and he will either be gaining fat or losing muscle. In his case I guarantee both during each phase hence him being disappointed. 220-240 is a serious increase and if done naturally should take months and months. And even more so... going from 240-190 should take an even longer time. Sounds like its all diet and training related. Throw the supps away, they aren't helping. Diet and training will blow alphamine's doors off. Then... you can supplement that extra 2% help if you want.
Yeah I echo that. Does sound (and look) like his bulk just put on mostly fat, bit of muscle, which he then lost all of anyway.
According to his observations, most of the weight was gained in his legs. He managed 3 plates on the squat and 4 on the dead. His trouble spot is his upper body -muscle and strength wise. He's continuously plateauing.

I know this isn't the nutrition section, but would a recomp diet of 300 cals above maintenance on workout days and 300-400 cals below on off days work for an individual his size?

As for training he's going back to PHAT which is a 5 day upper/lower split.


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Doesn't sound bad, but macros need to be paid attention to also. Personally, I'm on about +/-500 on workout/rest days, but I monitor macros carefully. It will be slow going though... these things take time, so he should be patient with it.


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I'm 6'6" and was skinny all my life. I screwed up my first bulk and cut too.

Biggest thing to ever help me was INTESITY, INTESITY, INTESITY. Don't spend all day in between sets, low rest time is his body type's friend. he need to think of his weight training like a high output cardio circuit sometimes. Check out some "Cluster" training. Its low reps/high sets/high weight/low rest style training. it really helped me cut while maintaining strength... hence maintaining muscle.

Also, uphill HIIT sprints were soooo helpful to me. Absolutely sheds fat off and boosts GH and natural test levels to keep that hard earned muscle.

Forget about recomp IMHO... if you cant bulk or cut right, there no shot in hell at a successful recomp. Focus on one thing, minimize fat on a bulk and maximize muscle on a cut. He shouldn't be shifting body weight much at all. Slllloooooooow and steady. Its a marathon


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I'm 6'6" and was skinny all my life. I screwed up my first bulk and cut too.

Biggest thing to ever help me was INTESITY, INTESITY, INTESITY. Don't spend all day in between sets, low rest time is his body type's friend. he need to think of his weight training like a high output cardio circuit sometimes. Check out some "Cluster" training. Its low reps/high sets/high weight/low rest style training. it really helped me cut while maintaining strength... hence maintaining muscle.

Also, uphill HIIT sprints were soooo helpful to me. Absolutely sheds fat off and boosts GH and natural test levels to keep that hard earned muscle.

Forget about recomp IMHO... if you cant bulk or cut right, there no shot in hell at a successful recomp. Focus on one thing, minimize fat on a bulk and maximize muscle on a cut. He shouldn't be shifting body weight much at all. Slllloooooooow and steady. Its a marathon

But I still have a habit of adding cals on too quickly in a bulk! Lol


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While I think the combo is great for what your friend is looking to achieve I agree with the majority of posts in this thread. Fix that diet and training and get it all squared away first.

I'd hit up the training section here too...some of those guys in there can throw some solid training ideas at you (and I usually agree with what most of them say ;) ).


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to add some size to his frame, he should look into to either anabeta and ara.


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to add some size to his frame, he should look into to either anabeta and ara.
Although anabeta is a quality product, I feel supps are still not the answer here. He will only be disappointed. We are talking about a guy who has never seen decent results. If anything, supps make people think they are being helped. If he can't even come close by himself, anabeta won't do sh*t. Hell, synthetics won't even do anything unless he eats right and trains better.


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Supps are certainly not the answer here. He will only be disappointed. We are talking about a guy who has never seen decent results. If anything, supps make people think they are being helped. If he can't even come close by himself, anabeta won't do sh*t. Hell, synthetics won't even do anything unless he eats right and trains better.
You are correct, he has been disappointed and this run has left him pretty despondent.

I'm trying to get him a diet plan with the correct macros and a workout program that would suit his frame.
6andaHalf could you recommend any programs for him?


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Focus on the big three... deadlifts, squats and bench. Throw in some weighted chins, dips, military press (alternate these between sessions) and you're good to go. It doesn't need to be that complicated. Diet is the key, and lift big on the compounds. :)


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Well everyone is different but generally, you want about:

1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight

.25-.5 grams of fat per body weight

and the rest carbs.

Then you find out what his maint cals are to stay the same weight day in and day out. In his case 190 x 16 (general rule, not always 100%)= 3,040. Add 250-500 cals a day to bulk, subtract 250-500 per day to cut. So to bulk he probably needs around 3290-3540 cals per day. This should yield around a 1 pound gain/loss a week. Adjust to achieve that if not.

As for workout routine, get on something proven. 5x5 works well, GVT, 5-3-1, there is a lot to offer out there. I personally found success with my body type with using hypertrophy style "Clusters". Google that, it may help him.

Other than that... Run uphill sprints a few times per week after workouts or even a different time in the day. It doesn't matter when, you just need physical output to generate the signals your body requires to burn fat/ build muscle. There's no secret to getting ripped, you need to work hard and work intensely with proper diet.


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There have been great suggestions here and diet is the key to what he wants. Alphamine and Erase seems like an odd stack for him. I'm not going to assume to know your friend, but a lot of guys that were heavier and lost the weight seem scared to add calories to pack on lean muscle. Do you think that might be the case here?

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