Test Booster question: Lecheek T-X3 and Athletix Titanium

tin gorilla

Due to some specials lately at NP, I now have 2 x bottles of each. What I'm wondering is whether there would be any prob stacking them due to the fenugreek in both?

Will be getting bloods done on the 28th of this month and will do follow up bloods 1 month or so later, so it will be interesting to see if there is any change. Both bloods will be fasted and I'll keep training, diet and sleep as consistent as possible leading into both tests.

Another question I have is why it is recommended to take a 1 month break between runs of natty test boosters if the effects are so minimal?

I'd appreciate any constructive feedback.


tin gorilla

I guess I should have specified that I was wondering if it was even worthwhile to take the Titanium as I'm guessing fenugreek is its main active ingredient. 65 views and no replies...awesome.

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