M drol Pct


New member
Hi guys i did i started a cycle of m drol and i am in the middle of my 2 week of the cycle 20,20,20,30 and i was wondering would Novedex Xt and Inhibit-E be enough for a pct I am trying to keep my strength gains and block out gyno i don't care about losing weight just want to keep my strength

I was thinking of running 2 pills a day on Nov for 30 days

Inhibt E 3 pills for the fist week and then 2 for the next three weeks be enough for a pct

I was also curious would Advanced pct made by Anabolic Xtreme be good instead of those two above me

This is my first PH cycle i ever did so far i weigh 205 started at 197

Any help is appreciated i am investing 50 to 100 dollars in my pct supplements

Any other suggestions would help

Thank you


New member
A PCT question belongs in the PCT section. You should have done some research before taking m-drol. A serm should be used in pct for m-drol.


New member
i apologize im new here i didn't realize there was a pct section i look into getting nolva but i was just wondering would it lower the chances

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